
(The Consumerist)

A McDonald’s By Any Other Name? Chain Turns Into Macca’s In Australia This Month

You might call it something else — Mickey D’s, Snackdonald’s, whatever — but it’s doubtful that you’ll ever see McDonald’s labeled anything else in its official signage. Unless you’re in Australia for the month of January, where the chain is temporarily changing its name to “Macca’s,” the Aussie’s nickname for the fast food joint. [More]

(Morton Fox)

Man Doesn’t Realize He Is Entirely Too Old To Throw A Tantrum Over Cheese On His Burger

There are some things worth getting cranky about but having your food order messed up happens to everyone. And know what, 35-year-old man in Pennsylvania? You are too old to throw a temper tantrum because your McDonald’s burger came with cheese instead of without. We doubt being charged with assault will take the sting out of that slight, either. [More]

A few extra bits of chocolate cost one McDonald's $5,000.

McDonald’s Employee Says She Was Fired For Being Too Generous With McFlurry Topping

In my Dairy Queen days, friends would come up to the window and ask for free extra toppings. I’d refuse, knowing my boss monitored every transaction via camera and that it wasn’t worth losing a job over an extra pump of fudge. But a former McDonald’s employee has successfully sued the restaurant for firing her for providing a few extra sprinkles on a pal’s McFlurry. [More]

(333 (only half evil))

McDonald’s Asks Franchisees To Celebrate Christmas By Staying Open On Dec. 25

In an attempt to continue bouncing back from an almost unheard-of dip in sales during October, the folks at McDonald’s have asked franchisees to not close down during the holidays this year. [More]


Mom Not Happy About Finding Nose Ring In Daughter’s McDonald’s Breakfast Burrito

While kids love to get free shiny playthings with their fast food meals, someone else’s nose ring doesn’t usually fall into that category. But that’s exactly what a mom in Georgia says she discovered in her kid’s McDonald’s breakfast burrito. [More]


McDonald’s Tries To Healthy-Up The McMuffin With “Egg White Delight”

Since the dawn of Yuppies, people have been asking for egg-white omelets and other egg-white only options for their breakfasts. It took a while, but McDonald’s is finally dipping its toes into the egg white water with tests of something called the Egg White Delight. [More]

(Alan Rappa)

Is 2013 Going To Be The ‘Year Of The Bun’?

It’s expected that the meat in your sandwiches at fast food and fast-casual restaurants is going to continue getting more expensive in the next year. Which means you’ll either be getting less of it or paying more (possibly both). So what better way to justify the value of that burger than to tart up the bread? [More]

(Morton Fox)

I Swear, Officer: That Fragrant Odor Is McDonald’s Fries & Not The Marijuana

If you’re going to come up with an scapegoat smell to cover your tracks, perhaps choosing the familiar fragrant, salty scent of McDonald’s french fries isn’t the best choice. That odor is basically ingrained in the collective conscious of the country by now, after all. Oh, and cops know what marijuana smells like, so there’s that. [More]


Complaining About McDonald’s Food Is One Thing But Slapping Workers Is Just Rude

A disappointing meal can be quite the infuriating experience, that much is true. However, as good consumers, we must complain with our words and not with slaps. A woman in Pennsylvania allegedly resorted to such uncouth tactics, unfortunately, after her meal from McDonald’s was less than happy. [More]

So many spuds

If You’ve Ever Wanted To See How McDonald’s Makes French Fries, Your Prayers Have Been Answered

The folks at McDonald’s Canada are on a big transparency kick these days. The latest pulling-back-the-curtains video from our fast food neighbors to the north tries to dispel the idea that its french fries are made from processed potato bits. [More]

Ready to McDunk your nuggets?

This Jug Of 20-Year-Old, Michael Jordan-Branded McDonald’s BBQ Sauce Can Be Yours For $9,995

Have a spare $10,000 lying around the house and a hankering for a gallon of very rare fast food barbecue sauce? Then do we have the eBay listing for you. [More]


McDonald’s Ad Guy Explains The McRib’s Holiday Timing: “We Don’t Really Do Polar Bears”

If Santa Claus came down the chimney every night of the year, would he be super special or would he just be that weird old man trying to get free cookies and milk? Exactly. Which is apparently the thinking behind McDonald’s fleeting McRib season. They’ve got nothing else holiday-ish to offer up, so a barbecue pork sandwich beloved by a devoted cadre of followers is the next best thing. [More]


Impersonating A Cop To Score Free McDonald’s Is Frowned Upon By Actual Police

The lengths to which we hear about people going to get free grub at fast food joints sometimes makes us wonder if we’re missing something. It’s understandable to an extent — short on cash, really hungry, etc. — but impersonating a cop just for some french fries? That’s a pretty serious tack to take and one that will likely result in time behind bars. [More]


Study: Burger King Has The Slowest Drive-Thrus, But Does A Really Good Job Of Hiding The Dumpsters

We’ve written any number of stories over the years of fights starting because a customer had to wait too long in a fast-food drive-thru lane. So according the results of a new study, impatient and easy-to-anger consumers might want to take a few deep breaths before picking up some Burger King. [More]


McDonald’s Could Be Angling To Get More Of Your Java Business With Bagged Coffee

Why stop at grabbing a $1 coffee at McDonald’s? If you like the fast food joint’s cup of joe to go, McDonald’s seems to be relying on the idea that you might want to take a bag of the stuff home with you and brew it on your own. The company filed a trademark for its very own brand of ground and whole-bean coffee at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, perhaps in a bid to horn in a bit of Dunkin’ Donuts’ business in the coffee aisle at the grocery store. [More]

(The Consumerist)

McDonald’s Sees It Share Of Fast Food Fury This Week With Stolen Cars & French Fry Rage

Fast food restaurants are often the scene of some decidedly tense scenes, a few which turn into full-blown crimes. To that point, McDonald’s has had a doozy of a week: In one incident, a man upset over onions on his burger goes into rage mode and in another, a suspected car thief swipes a vehicle from Arby’s and swings through the McD’s drive-thru for some snacks on the run. [More]

(Morton Fox)

McDonald’s Calls For Definition Of “Sustainable” Beef

McDonald’s is a massive, global company. As such, it can stand to save piles of cash in the long-run by making some minor changes that cut down on its energy costs. But the largest chunk of McDonald’s CO2 footprint involves a product for which the company claims there are no sustainability standards: the beef in its burgers. [More]

Anus Burgers Run Wild Across America’s Restaurant Signs

Anus Burgers Run Wild Across America’s Restaurant Signs

We got a tip from someone today with a funny pic of a misspelled McDonald’s sign at the University of Missouri campus in Columbia, MO. We thought we’d do a Google search to see if this was old news or not. What we found out was that “Angus” is too ripe a target for word vandals, or even just opportunistic photographers, to pass up.