
McDonald’s Customer Gets Wrong Burger Twice, Fires Gun Into Window

McDonald’s Customer Gets Wrong Burger Twice, Fires Gun Into Window

Yes, it can be deeply disappointing when a fast-food joint doesn’t prepare your burger exactly how you ordered it. There are many ways to deal with that situation: ask for a manager, complain to corporate, demand that they re-make your meal immediately…or fire a pistol into the window of the restaurant. You could do that, too. [More]

Which Other Restaurants Have Dough Conditioner Azodicarbonamide On The Menu?

Which Other Restaurants Have Dough Conditioner Azodicarbonamide On The Menu?

Last week Subway announced that it would stop using azodicarbonamide, an ingredient known as a dough conditioner that’s also a chemical found in yoga mats, shoe rubber and other synthetic leather. It’s recognized as a safe ingredient in the U.S., but is banned in Europe and Australia as a food additive. But of course, Subway isn’t the only fast food restaurant to use it. So where else can you find azodicarbonamide? [More]

(Reddit User prometheus2808)

This McDonald’s Hosts Candlelit Valentine’s Dinners, With “Musical Selections By Ron”

If you’re looking for a relatively cheap and brief Valentine’s Day dinner and also happen to live near Southport, NC, then there’s a McDonald’s that is calling your name. [More]


McDonald’s Behind-The-Scenes Video: How Your Chicken McNuggets Are Made

The ghost of pink goop is still haunting McDonald’s. The chain’s Canadian arm is seeking to dispel the idea that a machine pumps out tubes of pink stuff to fill your chicken McNuggets, with a new video showing how the chicken bits are made. So far as we can see, there’s no pink stuff. At least, not on camera. [More]

87,000 People Petition McDonald’s To Put Veggie Burgers On Menu

87,000 People Petition McDonald’s To Put Veggie Burgers On Menu

In spite of the salads on the menu, most fast food eateries cater to omnivores. I remember working with a vegetarian who would (willingly, mind you) go with me and my fellow co-workers to local fast food joints and order cheeseburgers without the meat, content to eat just the bun and cheese slices. Perhaps, all these years later, she’s one of the nearly 90,000 people who have signed a petition asking McDonald’s to put veggie burgers on the menu. [More]


When The “Toy” In A Happy Meal Is Actually Heroin… Well, You See Where This Is Going

It seems it must be somewhat irresistible to use fast food as a fast way to deliver drugs to customers. In yet another tale of heroin at McDonald’s, a worker in Pennsylvania was arrested and accused of selling heroin in Happy Meals. Customers simply had to say, “I’d like to order a toy.” [More]

Just a small sampling of the anti-McDonald's Tweets using the #CheersToSochi hashtag.

McDonald’s Olympics Social Media Campaign Backfires, Transforms Into Pro-LGBT Protest

McDonald’s attempt at using Twitter to promote its role in the upcoming Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, has not gone exactly as the fast food chain planned — that is, unless it planned for the LGBT community to use this campaign as a way to publicly shame the company for its sponsorship of the games. [More]

McDonald’s Admits That Its Menu Is Overcomplicated

McDonald’s Admits That Its Menu Is Overcomplicated

In recent years, McDonald’s has been constantly tinkering with its menu, adding numerous limited time offers [LTOs] like the ill-advised and overly expensive Mighty Wings, and changing its Dollar Menu to the confusingly named “Dollar Menu & More.” In doing so, it’s angered franchisees, and alienated some customers who took their fast food money elsewhere. Yesterday, the company finally admitted that McD’s menu has gotten too McComplicated. [More]

(Danny Ngan)

Bad Consumer Hurls Fry At McDonald’s Cashier, Lacerates Other Customer’s Cornea

Anything can be used as a weapon if deployed in just the right way. That’s what a customer at a McDonald’s in Bordeaux, France learned when she was hit in the eye with a fry while waiting in line at a restaurant. A doctor diagnosed her with a lacerated cornea and told her to take ten days off work. [More]

(McDonald's New Zealand)

Is This The Future Of Fast-Food Packaging Or A Disaster Waiting To Happen?

Okay, so it’s not exactly the shame-it-was-a-hoax hands-free Whopper holder, but we are intrigued by the potential (and the potential for disaster) of these prototype fast food containers that stack your entire meal into one calorific Voltron. [More]

NYC Officials Broker A Peace Between McDonald’s And Loitering Seniors

NYC Officials Broker A Peace Between McDonald’s And Loitering Seniors

Lest you were expecting a full scale West Side Story-esque rumble between the group of elderly senior citizens and the workers at the Queens McDonald’s where they love to congregate, rest easy. Peace has been achieved between the two groups, and all it took to reach this McResolution was the intervention of some local elected officials. [More]

McDonald’s Employee Arrested Because Heroin Is Not On The Dollar Menu & More

McDonald’s Employee Arrested Because Heroin Is Not On The Dollar Menu & More

When you work somewhere that has a window through which to deliver items, it probably gets tempting to start serving up whatever you want in exchange for money. There are already transactions going on here there and everywhere at a McDonald’s, so allegedly one worker thought he’d sneak in a few others, handing out heroin instead of hamburgers. [More]

From McDonald's Happy Meals toys website.

Happy Meal Toys Aren’t So Happy For Any Fans Of Adventure Time’s Female Characters

MCDonald’s recently unveiled their new lineup of Happy Meal toys, slated to start appearing at a drive-through near you on Friday. Fans of Cartoon Network’s series Adventure Time are thrilled to find their favorite animated characters available for purchase along with their burgers and fries. Except something seems to be missing. [More]

Do Paying Fast Food Customers Have The Right To Sit In The Restaurant As Long As They Want?

Do Paying Fast Food Customers Have The Right To Sit In The Restaurant As Long As They Want?

If you were to pose the question in the headline above to a group of mostly elderly, Korean Queens residents who have really taken to their local McDonald’s, the answer would be a resounding “yes!” But ask the staff at that Mickey D’s who are constantly trying to shoo the revolving group of pals out the doors, and well, they’d probably say no. [More]

McDonald’s And Ferrero Offer Fancy McCafe Drinks And Cakes In Hong Kong

McDonald’s And Ferrero Offer Fancy McCafe Drinks And Cakes In Hong Kong

While we Americans are here drinking our McCafé caramel mochas and blueberry pomegranate smoothies like a bunch of suckers, over in Hong Kong, McDonald’s customers get to experience a magical pairing of two of my favorite food groups: caffeine and candy. And cake. There is also cake. [More]


McDonald’s Sued Over Hot Coffee. Yes, Again

Times used to be, someone would bring up a lawsuit over hot McDonald’s coffee and we’d all sagely nod our heads and intone, “Ah yes, That One Famous Case 20 Years Ago.” But lately it seems what old is new again, as another Mickey D’s customer is suing the chain saying she was burned by hot coffee at an L.A. location. [More]

McDonald’s Will Start Using Sustainable Beef… Eventually

McDonald’s Will Start Using Sustainable Beef… Eventually

If you’ve been jonesing for a McDonald’s burger made from sustainable beef, we’ve got some good news and some bad news. First, the good news is that I finally finished my crossword puzzle. Oh and also that Mickey D’s is telling customers it will, in fact, serve sustainable beef. But the sort of bad news if you want that meat right now is that the Golden Arches won’t have that until 2016. [More]

(KCCI News)

Science Teacher Loses 37 Pounds After Eating Only McDonald’s Food For 90 Days

Remember that documentary Super Size Me? You likely do — the one where filmmaker Morgan Spurlock ate only McDonald’s for a month, gained a bunch of weight and basically felt like crap? A science teacher in Iowa decided to basically redo that experiment, but this time he balanced out his only Mickey D’s diet very carefully and ended up losing 37 pounds in 90 days. And of course, he made a documentary about it as well. [More]