In the rush of retailers opening their doors for big sales on Thanksgiving Day, the idea of devoted Black Friday shoppers so determined to score deals that they’ll line up hours ahead of time might seem like it’s a thing of the past. Not so, as two friends who have been camped out at their local Best Buy for a week already in order to get the best possible spot in line when the time comes. [More]
in it for the long haul

Do Paying Fast Food Customers Have The Right To Sit In The Restaurant As Long As They Want?
If you were to pose the question in the headline above to a group of mostly elderly, Korean Queens residents who have really taken to their local McDonald’s, the answer would be a resounding “yes!” But ask the staff at that Mickey D’s who are constantly trying to shoo the revolving group of pals out the doors, and well, they’d probably say no. [More]