
The Super Special Verizon Store

The Super Special Verizon Store

Half a dozen big-screen TVs show high-definition movies. A row of laptops display video games for customers to play. Specialists at the Guru Zone help people customize their purchases and set up e-mail accounts. And there are cellphones, too.

Ooh, how fancy, but “Guru Zone”? Could that be any more late ’90s? How about Xtreme Guru Zone? Oh well, as long as a little competition from Verizon lowers everyone’s cable bill, we’re happy.—MEGHANN MARCO

It’s Hard To Stop The Catalogs

Deb gets a lot of a catalogs. Sometimes two of the same, as she and her husband have two different last names.

We Reupload Fake Sony PSP Blog

We Reupload Fake Sony PSP Blog

We reuploaded the fake Sony PSP blog for your reference purpose pleasure. The new address is

Sony PSP Flog Removed

Sony PSP Flog Removed

Sony stripped the PSP flog from the internet this afternoon.

PSP Flog Not Greg Meyerkord’s Fault

PSP Flog Not Greg Meyerkord’s Fault

Greg Meyerkord, the man whose name appears on the PSP flog domain registration, has put up a website to debunk all the haters.

Greg Meyerkord Interviewed-ish

Greg Meyerkord Interviewed-ish

Reader Nolen decided to harass/contact Greg Meyerkord , the guy whose name appears on the PSP flog domain registration….

We Reupload Heinous PSP Flog Videos Sony Removed

UPDATE: The 807 comments that were on the Dancing Petey video, after the jump.

Meet The Douchebags Behind The Sony PSP Flog

Meet The Douchebags Behind The Sony PSP Flog

We found the Myspace profiles for most of the the marketing douchebags who appear on the PSP flog, pretending that they are kids who want their parents to buy them a PSP for Christmas.

Sony’s PSP Blog Flog Revealed

We’re a day late and a dollar short to this story, but the forces of the internet outed a marketing company working for Sony for creating fake PSP blog.

AMEX’s MyWishlist: Everything You Need To Know

Once again, the American Express website offers cardmembers a chance to participate in the “My Wishlist” promotion, but what’s it all about?

Enroll In The Viral Video Learning Center

“I’ve got my finger on the pulse of all the coolest internet trends. Even my kids are jealous of all the hits my video is getting.”

Special K:  No Miracle

Special K: No Miracle

Jared over at The Lose Weight Diet is with us on the inherent bullshittiness (yes, we invented that word) of “The Special K Challenge,” from his post:

Cingular To Hold “Texting Bees” For Parents

From The New York Times: “The company, the largest cellphone carrier in the United States, will hold a series of interactive “texting bees” around the country early next year to teach parents how to send text messages to their children. The promotion is a way to increase sales, of course. But the company contends that its campaign will help parents get to know their sons and daughters by teaching them teenage slang and the advantages of texting over making phone calls, sending e-mail or simply having a conversation.

McDonald’s Says Flogs Were Not Completely Fake

McDonald’s Says Flogs Were Not Completely Fake

In late October, we exposed two McDonald’s flogs promoting their Monopoly game. One was supposedly written by “Stanley Smith” and followed his quest to collect all four railroads. The other was ostensibly written by 2004 million-dollar winner Marcia Schroeder.

Oh, OJ.

Oh, OJ.

Judging by the 967 articles on Google News today about OJ’s planned FOX tv special and book, titled If I Did it, someone is excited. His publisher calls the book, “his confession.” Whatever.

Study Shows Slight Preference For Lowe’s Over Home Depot

Reuters tells that a “June poll of 1,000 U.S. homeowners by marketing firm Consumer Specialists found that 51 percent of respondents preferred to shop at Lowe’s, compared with 49 percent for industry leader Home Depot.

Apple Fires Smug Fanboy

Apple Fires Smug Fanboy

You knew it was coming. Apple has said goodbye to Justin Long A.K.A. “Mac”, whom Seth Stevenson of Slate called:

Domino’s “Brooklyn Style” Pizza vs. The New York Times

Domino’s “Brooklyn Style” Pizza vs. The New York Times

The New York Times has a left-wing anti-Domino’s Pizza analysis up today. Far be it from the Consumerist to tell you what sort of pizza to eat, we have to admit the Domino’s “Brooklyn-style” pizza fills us with ire. And we don’t even really give a shit about Brooklyn pizza.