As of this morning, Oregon became the latest state to allow the legal sale of marijuana for recreational use. But some shoppers in the state will have to go pretty far out of their way to do their pot purchasing. [More]

Coloradoans Will Be Able To Buy Pot Tax-Free For One Day, And One Day Only
Colorado residents might have circled Sept. 16 with a bright green marker on their calendars: that’s the day the state has decided to drop the 10% marijuana tax in order to comply with a tax provision in its constitution. [More]

Why Some Pro-Pot Ohioans Are Against An Initiative To Legalize Marijuana
Although the issue of marijuana legalization can seem straightforward in many ways — either you want medical and recreational to be bought, sold and consumed legally or you don’t — a current initiative in Ohio that would amend the state’s constitution to allow legal pot is meeting resistance from some of the people who are usually in favor of the stuff. [More]

No Buzzkill Here: Legal Marijuana Not Affecting Alcohol Sales (So Far)
As the first states moved toward the legalization of marijuana, some in the booze business were concerned that having easier, legal access to pot would somehow encroach on alcohol sales. But in Colorado, where marijuana has been legal since the beginning of 2014, consumers are not giving up their wine and beer in favor of weed. [More]

Colorado’s Pot Edibles Might Come Stamped With A Red THC Stop Sign
Stop, in the name of not accidentally getting stoned and losing your mind a la Maureen Dowd: In order to keep Colorado residents from mistaking marijuana edibles for non-drug-laced food, the state might slap stickers with red stop signs with the letters THC on them to warn folks before they ingest. The stop signs would also be stamped on the food itself. [More]

Pot-Centric Colorado Credit Union Sues Federal Reserve Bank For Denying Account
The state of Colorado no longer outlaws recreational marijuana use, but the U.S. government still considers it a Schedule I controlled substance, so many businesses making money from the locally legal sale of cannabis are having trouble finding banks to handle their cash. One credit union formed with the goal of providing financial services to those in the marijuana industry received a charter from Colorado, but has filed suit against a regional Federal Reserve bank for blocking its ability to work with other banks. [More]

Colorado TV Station Puts The Kibosh On First Recreational Marijuana Ad Amid Legality Questions
It almost was, until it wasn’t: The first recreational marijuana TV ad ever got pulled from its slotted schedule last night amid legal concerns. The thing is, while marijuana is legal for recreational use in Colorado and some other states, it’s still illegal in the eyes of the federal government, putting it in a gray zone in matters of banking and advertising, among other things. [More]

Lawmakers Introduce Legislation That Would Give Legal Marijuana Businesses Access To Banking Services
One of the biggest challenges facing the new legal marijuana industry comes down to money: now that businesses in certain states have gotten the go ahead to sell weed, many of them are stuck in a tough spot when it comes to actually dealing payments for their products, since the drug is still illegal under federal law. A group of senators is seeking to change that, introducing a bill that would take the heat off legal marijuana operations and give them access to banking services. [More]

Oregonians Can Now Fly With Recreational Marijuana — As Long As They’re Traveling Within The State
The friendly skies over Oregon just got a bit friendlier to residents who don’t want to leave their weed at home: Airport officials at Portland International Airport said travelers can now legally board planes with up to an ounce of marijuana — for in-state flights only, of course. [More]

Recreational Marijuana Becomes Legal Today In Oregon — But Residents Can’t Actually Buy It Yet
Oregonians across the state are grabbing their beloved bongs and reaching for the rolling papers today, as the state’s law allowing recreational marijuana use officially went into effect at midnight. But as with any marijuana law, there are some considerations before residents start lighting up — including the fact that they can’t legally buy recreational pot anywhere just yet. [More]

Delaware Decriminalizes Possession, Private Use Of Small Amounts Of Marijuana
Delaware is joining a slew of other states that are loosening up a bit on the private use of marijuana, with legislators in the Senate giving final approval to a measure that decriminalizes the possession and private use of up to an ounce of the drug. Gov. Jack Markell signed it into law almost immediately. [More]

Colorado Family Rents Car, Finds Pot Left Inside After Driving Cross-Country
Marijuana is legal for recreational use in Colorado now, sure, but that doesn’t mean that it’s legal on the federal level or everywhere else in the country. This caused a dilemma for a family who rented a car in their home state, then drove across the country before they found 1/8 ounce of pot in one of the backseat pockets. [More]

Colorado Supreme Court Rules Workers Can Be Fired For Using Marijuana Off-Duty
Although it’s legal under state law to use marijuana, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled today that employers can fire workers who smoke/ingest/otherwise partake in pot when they’re off the clock. [More]

North Pole Rejects Proposed Ban On Marijuana Sales
Santa Claus already has a jolly reputation and soon more of the North Pole’s citizens may earn a jolly reputation of their own, after the city voted to reject a measure that would’ve put the kibosh on medical marijuana dispensaries. [More]

Oakland Airport Baggage Handlers Accused Of Participating In Marijuana Smuggling Ring
Federal officials say they’ve uncovered an alleged marijuana smuggling ring that involved three baggage handlers working at Oakland International Airport. Because airport workers can go behind the scenes where others can’t, investigators say the baggage handlers used their security badges to access off-limits areas and get pot from one point to another. [More]

Of Course You Can Buy Marijuana-Infused Coffee Pods On The West Coast
Because everyone knows that the best part of waking up is staying in your soft pants all day and eating cereal while watching Warner Herzog documentaries, the chilled out folks on the West Coast are pairing your morning cup of joe with marijuana to start the day. [More]

SideCar Launching Medical Marijuana Delivery Service In San Francisco
Call it whatever you want, but SideCar probably won’t be calling its new medical marijuana delivery service in California the “Uber” of pot delivery. In a bid to compete against its rivals in the ride-sharing business as well as take advantage of state marijuana laws, SideCar is launching its service in San Francisco to bring medicinal weed from dispensaries to patients. [More]

Health Officials Issue Warning Over Uptick In Hospitalizations Linked To Synthetic Marijuana
One of the biggest dangers involved with using so-called designer drugs? One tweak to one chemical and something that’s illegal and potentially unsafe could slip past regulators and into the hands of consumers. Such is the case for a form of synthetic marijuana known as “spice,” that’s been linked to an uptick in illnesses and hospitalizations that has health officials and experts around the country worried. [More]