In 2013, a young New Jersey girl’s leg became trapped in a Macy’s escalator while on a shopping trip with her family. Nearly three years later, the family, the retailer, and the company tasked with maintaining the escalator are ready to put the ordeal behind them, agreeing to a $15 million settlement. [More]

Are These The Final, Doomed Days Of The American Mall?
Once upon a time, not terribly long ago, enclosed shopping malls were mammoth physical manifestations of the great American retail experience — just about everything you could want to buy all in the same sprawling building, anchored at various points by those glorious national department store chains. Then came the dramatic shift to big box stores, offering everything from TVs to hardware to clothing to groceries from one store, followed by the advent of online shopping, where all this shopping can be done in your undies and everything will be delivered to your door. One retail analyst says that recent underwhelming sales figures from Macy’s and other mall mainstays could indicate that many of these relics of the not so distant past are doomed. [More]

Report: Sears Would Need To Close Nearly Half Its Stores To Succeed
While last week’s announced closings of 78 Sears Holdings stores made headlines, the company has been quietly culling retail locations for years. But a new analysis of the department store sector concludes that Sears and other mall mainstays are far from finished with eliminating stores. [More]

Man Who Resurrected Hydrox Can Now Bring Jordan Marsh, Bullock’s, May Company Brands Back To Life
Two years ago we profiled Ellia Kassoff, the mad genius who seems intent on bringing back every brand that you ever said “remember when…” about. He has already resurrected Hydrox, the original sandwich cookie, but he’s also been battling Macy’s for several years over a slew of trademarks for stores Macy’s acquired and shut down. Today, Kassoff says he’s reached a deal with the department store giant that will allow him to try to breathe new life into several long-dead retail brands. [More]

Macy’s Will Have Fewer Promotions With Coupons, Lower Clearance Prices
There’s a subset of department store customers who love playing coupon games, clipping bonus coupons from flyers and newspapers to get an extra percentage off items that are already on sale. Macy’s, long a great place to shop if you love to stack coupons on top of clearance sales, will stop that practice in favor of simply marking their clearance items down more in the first place. [More]

Police: Would-Be Macy’s Thief Pepper Sprayed, Bit Worker So Accomplice Could Get Away
Sure, Consumerist has covered many a story of a thief who tries to get away from store employees by biting into arms and occasionally chomping off the odd finger. We’ve also heard several tales of would-be thieves and bad customers using pepper spray to get their way. But an alleged shoplifting duo recently combined the two tactics while attempting to steal from a Pennsylvania Macy’s. [More]

Retailers Could Open More Restaurants Inside Stores To Drive Business
If you pay a visit to Macy’s flagship store in New York, you’ll find more than just clothing, accessories, and home goods. The store, overlooking Herald Square, is also home to the company’s only restaurant — at least for now. [More]

Judge: Macy’s Still Has A “Protected Interest” In Trademarks Of Retired Stores Like Marshall Field’s
Macy’s doesn’t necessarily want to sell anyone T-shirts bearing the names of department stores it’s bought up over the years, including Marshall Fields’, Lazarus, and six others, but according to a judge’s recent ruling, no one else can legally peddle clothing with those retired brands on them, either. [More]

Would-Be Macy’s Burglar Pulls Ploy From ‘Home Alone 2’ Handbook
The things that work in the movies, don’t always – or almost never – result in the same outcome in real life. Just ask a would-be thief in Oregon who tried to pull a Home Alone 2 ploy to rob a local department store. [More]

Etsy Will Open A Real-Life Store In Macy’s Youngster-Focused Bargainless Basement
In the basement of their flagship store in Manhattan’s Herald Square, Macy’s is running an experiment. One Below is a store focused on shoppers in their teens and twenties that the department store is using as a laboratory to figure out what the kids today like, and they plan to use what they learn there in their other stores across the country. Now they’re adding something new: a real-life Etsy store. [More]

Macy’s Will Close 40 Stores This Spring: Here’s The List
Three months after Macy’s said it would likely shutter dozens of stores in the first months of 2016, the retailer has solidified its plan. [More]

Macy’s, Bloomingdale’s Accused Of Inflating “Original” Prices To Make Discounts More Attractive
Over the past several months, consumers have sued a number of retailers accusing them of advertising “false” original prices on discounted or outlet merchandise. Joining a list that includes Kohl’s and Kate Spade are Macy’s and Bloomingdale’s. [More]

Letter To Macy’s CEO Gets Changing Tables Installed In Men’s Restrooms
Sometimes taking your concerns with a company to the top level really does get the job done. Case in point: a Maryland man shared his disappointment that a local Macy’s didn’t equip the men’s bathroom with changing tables to the retailer’s CEO. One week later, the store’s bathrooms were renovated.

Macy’s Recalls 121,000 Martha Stewart-Brand Frying Pans For Shooting Metal Discs At Cooks
When cooking a meal on the stove, there’s always the possibility that a little bit of grease or oil will splatter on you. Something you probably aren’t prepared for, though, is the chance that a piece of the pan will shoot off, burning your arm, face, or other body part. [More]

Macy’s Makes It Difficult For Me To Give Them Money Because My Last Name Is Slutsky
Meet Leonard Slutsky. He’s a Consumerist reader who had one desire: to give Macy’s money. But Macy’s wouldn’t accept his online order, simply because his last name is Slutsky. [More]

Lawsuit Claims Macy’s Detains Minorities In Shoplifting Cells, Makes Them Pay Bogus Fines
More than a year after Macy’s agreed to pay $650K to settle allegations of racial profiling in its stores and promised it would incorporate more staff training to combat such behavior, a woman has filed a class-action lawsuit against the department store, claiming it unfairly detains minority shoppers and puts them in holding cells, whether they’ve done anything wrong or not. On top of that, the complaint claims, Macy’s then extorts those people for bogus fines. [More]