While the federal government banned phthalates — industrial chemicals used in anything from vinyl flooring to perfume — from baby products like teething rings and toys almost 10 years ago, a new study says these potentially harmful toxins could be showing up elsewhere in your kid’s life: Macaroni and cheese. [More]
macaroni and cheese

Macaroni And Cheese Cups Sold At Walmart, Aldi, Rite Aid Recalled For Possible Salmonella Contamination
Remember those pancake and waffle mixes recalled for possible Salmonella contamination? They were just the first items in a wave of recalls related to the shutdown of a production facility in Virginia. The most prominent so far has been the recall of macaroni and cheese packages sold under the store brand names of Walmart, Aldi, and Rite Aid. [More]

Police: Man Pitched A Condiment-Throwing Fit Over Rest Stop’s Lack Of Macaroni & Cheese, Potatoes
We all get cranky when we’ve got a craving for a certain food and it’s nowhere to be found, but it’s important in those frustrating moments to keep a cool head. Unlike one man who allegedly was so enraged that a rest stop didn’t have any macaroni and cheese — and to add insult to injury, had run out of potatoes. [More]

Glorious Restaurant Serves Only Macaroni And Cheese
I once thought that I was alone in my dream of a restaurant that served nothing but grilled cheese sandwiches, but I was wrong. The Melt opened in 2011 and continues to thrive and expand. Surely, though, there aren’t enough cheese-obsessed Americans to also support a restaurant specializing in macaroni and cheese, right? I’m probably alone in that dream. [More]

You Only Have 4 Days Left To Eat This Burger With Its Deep-Fried Mac & Cheese Bun
There’s nothing like putting [sandwich protein] between two slices of [something delicious/fried that is definitely not a traditional bread bun] to get the Internet worked up and drooling in envy. Joining the ranks of viral food creations is this burger with deep-fried macaroni and cheese as buns from a Chicago eatery. [More]

Actual Appearance Of Domino's Pasta Bread Bowl Melts Expectations
Oh, it’s easy to make fun of the bread bowl pasta that Domino’s introduced a few months ago. And we certainly did. But no matter how much you like carbs, this product’s gap between advertised image and actual appearance is a little….melted.

Share the gift of orange pasta! For every click on their “Share A Little Comfort” site, Kraft will donate ten boxes of Macaroni and Cheese to Feeding America (previously known as Second Harvest.) One click per person per day up to 1 million boxes, etc. There are also coupons on the site. [Kraft]