If you’re worried that online shopping is killing off real-life commerce, don’t fret just yet. A popular online jewelry seller, BaubleBar, is bringing its brand to Roosevelt Field Mall on Long Island. Yes, they’re moving from online to real life, opening a physical store where loyal customers and new ones can touch and try on their jewelry before buying. [More]
long island

Police Seek Man Caught On Security Camera Stealing Security Camera
Here’s the thing with surveillance cameras: the video that they capture usually goes somewhere. Somewhere else. We don’t know whether the men who were caught on camera removing the very camera that caught them thought that they were destroying the evidence by stealing the cameras, but removing a camera does provide a nice, up-close view of the person removing it. [More]

Town Might Change Fines To Reflect Typo On Dog Poo Signs
A typographical error might have unfortunate real-world consequences for the dog-walkers of North Hempstead, Long Island, NY. The town posted signs warning that people who don’t pick up their dogs’ leavings are subject to a $250 fine. The problem is that the real fine is $25. Sure, they could change the signs, but it might be easier to just change the real fine to match what the signs say instead. [More]

Verizon: Rally All You Want, We’re Not Bringing FiOS To Your Town
Don’t be fooled by Verizon’s commercials for FiOS (and not just because they’re full of misleading charts). If they haven’t already started building out the network in your immediate area, the odds of you ever getting service are slim to none. Just ask the residents of one Long Island town who hoped that a public rally could convince Big V to bring even a hint of broadband competition to their burg. [More]

Attention Parents: The LEGO Store Is Not A Day Care Center
LEGO stores are fun and amazing places for children, collectors, and for human beings in general. However, there is one thing they are not: a child care service where parents can ditch their kids while they shop. A mother from Long Island learned this earlier this week after she was arrested when she returned to the store to pick up her 7-year-old son. [More]

Man Steals Bucket Truck, Takes Out Trees And Power Lines
Sure, stealing a bucket truck sounds like a practical escape plan, but it’s all fun and games until you realize that you don’t know how to control the boom and take out trees, utility poles, and traffic signals. Thousands of people in Long Island are still without power after one such rampage. [More]

Family Says Woman Died Because Male Planet Fitness Employee Was Afraid To Enter Ladies Room
While gym employees are expected to observe the rules prohibiting males from entering the ladies room (and vice versa), we doubt too many people would have a huge problem with a male staffer entering that females-only area when a gym member has collapsed in one of the stalls and may need medical attention. [More]

Long Island Power Authority Sends Estimated Bills To Customers Who Went Weeks Without Electricity
Following Hurricane Sandy’s stroll through the area, many people on New York’s Long Island were left without electricity for weeks. But that didn’t stop the Long Island Power Authority from generating estimated bills for an entire month’s worth of power usage. [More]

Residents Of NY Town Face $1,000 Fines If They Fail To Mow Lawns
Most suburban neighborhoods have at least a handful of residents who just can’t be bothered to roll out the lawnmower and opt for the “natural” look on their yards. The problem has gotten worse in some areas hit hard by foreclosures. Now one town on New York’s Long Island has decided that folks who can’t maintain their lawns are deserving of thousands of dollars in fines. [More]

83-Year-Old Customer + Apple Store Door = Broken Nose + $1 Million Lawsuit
Of all the complaints we received from readers who nominated Apple for Worst Company In America, we’re pretty sure that none mentioned the apparent dangers of glass doors at its retail outlets. But one elderly NYC woman says she not only broke her nose when she walked into these perilous panes, she thinks her pain is worth a seven-figure settlement. [More]

Target Fires Employee Who Attempted To Unionize NY Store
Earlier this summer, employees at a Target store in the Long Island community of Valley Stream voted against forming a union, but the fallout from the push to unionize still lingers, as the employee behind the movement has recently been let go from her job at the store. [More]

Fake Solider Busted Trying To Get First-Class Upgrade
A man was arrested and charged with second-degree impersonation after he pretended to be a soldier in an effort to get bumped up to first-class on his American Airlines flight. The man wore camo fatigues, a military-style buzz cut, and fake dog tags, but was caught, after landing and having enjoyed his first-class ride, when he couldn’t answer basic questions about his service. [More]

Family Wakes Up To Cell Tower In Front Yard
A family in Long Island says workers have been putting up a giant pole, pictured at left, in their yard the whole week. Workers told them it was an extra light that the town was putting in. But when it was done, it wasn’t a light. It was a cellphone tower put up by “NextG Networks,” and local officials are calling it “construction by ambush.” [More]

Starbucks Kicks Customers Out Into New York's Crazy Storm?
Talk about pouring a bitter cup. The Post reports that eight customers inside a Long Island Starbucks were unceremoniously kicked out at the peak of yesterday’s lethal storm. [More]

Town Catches Pool Permit Dodgers With Google Earth
New technology often has unintended consequences. In the case of Google Earth, a popular program that combines various satellite and aerial images to create a navigable 3D globe, it’s being used by one town to catch unpermitted pool owners. [More]

Got $1.15 Million? 'Amityville Horror' House Is Up For Sale
The AP is reporting that the house made famous by the 1979 film “The Amityville Horror” is up for sale. It’s a 5 bedroom Dutch colonial built in 1927, according to the listing. It’s 3600 square feet, with 3.5 baths and a detached two car garage. The boat house is especially nice, in our opinion. [More]

Energy Co Fills House With Oil, Endangering Family
A Long Island family was nearly incapacitated after a local energy company mistakenly delivered oil into a disconnected pipe on the front of their house, dumping nearly 50 gallons of heating oil into their basement. [More]

Settlement In Shopper Stampede Case; Wal-Mart Avoids Criminal Charges
Wal-Mart will not face criminal charges in the death of temporary holiday worker Jdimytai Damour at its Valley Stream, NY store. Damour was posted at the front of the store when the out-of-control early morning crowd broke the door down, and he was trampled to death.