Did you play with a Slinky growing up? Well, that makes you a loser, because your toy didn’t make Good Housekeeping‘s Yahoo list of the greatest toys ever made.

The Best States For Health Care
A new report has been published that ranks the quality of health care for all 50 states and the District of Columbia. It’s not looking too swell for people who live in the South.

The 10 Riskiest Foods That Aren't Meat Or Poultry
This list of the 10 riskiest foods might surprise you at first, because there’s no mention of any sort of meat or poultry. But that’s because it’s from the FDA, which doesn’t regulate those two food categories. When it comes to produce, dairy, eggs and seafood, here’s what to watch out for, listed in order from most outbreaks to least.

50 Cool Billboards
Most billboards are either ugly jumbles of giant text, or unfortunately memorable things like this. Here’s a list of 50 mostly cool ones (we think the Texas one is ‘shopped, and the anti-American one can suck it). Hey, if you’re gonna advertise on a billboard, you may as well make it entertaining.

Direct Marketing Association's Opt Out Website Is A Joke
Jonathan wanted to opt out everyone in his family from direct marketing campaigns, something the DMA promises is possible via their website. Surprise! It turns out the DMA doesn’t really care so much about whether or not you want to be taken off any mailing lists, and they have a rotten website and poor security protocols to prove it.

Top Ten Consumer Complaints To State AG's In 2008
The National Association of Attorneys General has polled state attorneys general, who are typically responsible for enforcing consumer protection laws in their states, and announced the top ten consumer complaints for 2008. It’s an interesting list.

Don't Bother Visiting These Tourist Attractions
Andrew Harper at Yahoo!’s travel site has published a list of U.S. tourist destinations that aren’t worth the time it would take to tromple* through them on your way to the gift shop. We’re disappointed he left Seattle’s Pike Place off the list, but the rest are pretty spot on.

Behold, The 10 Most Pet-Friendly Cities
Rent.com — which fans of the Broadway musical will be devastated to learn is devoted to home-finding and not the play — has named the 10 most pet-friendly cities in a press release.

Find Out What You Can Expect Before You Call Customer Service
The website Customer Service Scorecard ranks the CSR experience for all sorts of companies, from hotels to appliances to telecoms. They’ve rated 128 so far, and here’s their top five. Do you agree?

See The US Postal Service's List Of Proposed Closings
Is your post office on the list of locations (PDF) the USPS is considering closing to save money? We checked and our last one in Brooklyn isn’t, which proves that they didn’t base the list on degree or intensity of suck, or it would have been closed, burned down, and the earth salted.

Grocery Shopping Tips From The 1950s
Society may have come a long way since the 50s, but the grocery shopping tips remain the same. Inside, the wisdom that helped a generation of college-aged mothers conquer the scary supermarket.

Here are 10 kids’ food items that are not very healthy, including Goldfish Crackers, Fruit By The Foot, and Sunny Delight. [Time]

Buying A 2010 Chevy Camaro? Take This 68-Point Checklist With You
Some Camaro fans at Camaro5 have put together a list of owner-submitted things to watch out for with the new Camaro. Although they point out that not every other Camaro that rolls off the line is a bucket of fail—this isn’t the Xbox 360, after all—there do seem to be enough first year production issues that you should inspect the vehicle very carefully before leaving the dealership.

25 Towns Where Homes Are Affordable
CNNMoney has a list of 25 towns where the price of a house isn’t much more than the median family income. Guess where they all are?

Which Airlines Are The Most Pet Friendly?
Petfinder.com compared airlines to see which ones are the best choices if you’re traveling with pets. You may remember our post a while back on Pet Airways, about which Petfinder says, “While Pet Airways didn’t make the rankings because they haven’t ‘hit the air’ yet, [we are] excited to see the promising airline take off.”

Former Employee Says AmazonFail Caused By The French (Well, By One Of Them At Least)
Mike Daisey, the monologist and former employee at Amazon.com, told the Seattle PI that the weekend’s gay and feminist book fiasco was actually caused by an employee at Amazon.fr who confused the term “adult”—which refers to porn stuff in Amazon’s system—with “erotic” and “sexuality.” That sharp-toothed troll who claimed all the credit is going to be pretty miffed to find out about this.

Seven Things That Aren't Worth Your Money
Want an extra $1,000? The Wall Street Journal has a list of seven things that you can easily stop buying without making drastic changes to your lifestyle.

8 Pieces Of Junk Fitness Equipment
The world of late night TV (and now prime time too) has never had a shortage of stupid exercise machines guaranteed to make you look like a dehydrated, sauced-up infomercial model. ObsessionFitness has put together a quick list of 8 of the worst offenders, including our favorite, the hula-inducing Hawaii Chair.