Those little plastic bags can’t save you now, folks. At least not if you’re going to Russia from the U.S. or flying here from Russia: After warning earlier this week that toothpaste tubes would get an extra long look, the Transportation Security Administration has placed a temporary ban on all liquids, gels and aerosols in carry-on bags on any flights involving Russia. [More]

When Traveling, Beware The Snow Globe Terrorist Menace
Beware the snow globe menace! The TSA has decreed that since they can’t determine how much liquid is in a snow globe, passengers are not allowed to bring them in their carry-on luggage on planes.

TSA To Stop Being So Crazy About Liquids
Soon you might be able to take your shampoo and booze on the plane once again without trouble. The head of the TSA told WSJ’s The Middle Seat Terminal blog, “I think realistically in one year we, the TSA and foreign colleagues, will be a position to relax liquids restrictions…We are within a year of having the ability to differentiate threat liquids through the screening process.” The rule relaxation is thanks to airports deploying new x-ray machines and scanners that should be able to tell the difference between a bottle of water and a bomb. Just don’t expect it to happen any time before 2009.
Don’t bring $3000 worth of wine to Melbourne’s Tullmarine airport packed in your carry-on luggage, because they are hardcore. [ via Fark]

A Big List Of Foods That You Can Bring Through Airport Security
The Transportation Security Administration is very clear on what types of foods you can and can not bring onto an airplane, but most people think that the “liquid” ban extends to cheeseburgers. Not so.
The TSA’s only restrictions are that any food items brought through security must be either be whole, natural foods (like an orange), or be in placed in a container or otherwise wrapped up. All food must be x-rayed.

Aquafina Changes Label, Admits It's Tap Water
Aquafina, PepsiCo’s best-selling bottled water, is changing its label to clarify its true source: city water supplies. The labels have never claimed to be spring water, but the price, packaging, and placement in stores apparently made enough of the world believe it was.

TSA Uploads Video Of "Sippy Cup" Incident On Special "MythBusting" Website
The TSA has uploaded the incident report and surveillance video that they claim shows the “sippy cup terrorist” Mom intentionally dumping her child’s water on the floor of the airport after having claimed “she was an officer and flashed her Secret Service badge and credentials and said that she should be exempt from all this and this was a stupid policy and this whole thing was [redacted].” We’re guessing that last word was bullshit, but like we said, that’s just an educated guess.

SNL: Training The Crack TSA Team In The Fight Against Liquids
A decently humorous (a smile creaked on our craggy face) SNL skit underlining the absurdity of the TSA’s anti-liquid rules.

Greed Floats: Carnival Cruise Line Bans Liquids
“Carnival spokesman Vance Gulliksen said guests had been bringing on too many nonalcoholic beverages. “There had been some abuse of the previous policy which is why the new policy is more restrictive,” he said.”
Other cruise lines don’t seem to have any such policy. You’d think Carnival would be more worried about the drunk people who are always falling off the ships.—MEGHANN MARCO

Charges Dropped in “Liquid Terror” Plane Plot
A Pakistani judge has dropped charges against the main suspect in a purported terror plot to blow up airlines with half a sports drink bottle full of dangerous liquids. This plot is the reason you now have to fly with a ziplock bag full of tiny toiletries, and the reason we have started to pay attention to the quality of hotel soaps. From BBC News: “Anti-terrorism court in Rawalpindi found no evidence that he had been involved in terrorist activities or that he belonged to a terrorist organization. As well as forgery charges, Mr Rauf has also been charged with carrying explosives. But his lawyer says police evidence amounts only to bottles of hydrogen peroxide found in his possession.”

Banning Liquids Increased Lost Suitcase Claims
New government statistics released today show a 25% increase in passengers reporting lost luggage during August.
Delta Dehydrates Babies To Fight Terrorism
And here’s the reason why banning liquids from flights makes people less safe, not more so: an infant from County Monaghan in Ireland dehydrated and almost died after being denied liquids on a Delta flight.

Gel Bras OK’d For Takeoff
Flat chested travelers, rejoice! Gel bras are now allowed on flights! Squish, squish, hooray! Keep those tips up, etc!
HOWTO: Blow Up Airplanes With Liquids
How feasible was it for terrorists to mix together a few common chemicals into a big sky kablooie? People far smarter than us investigate. (Thanks to Caitlin!)

Travelers, Please Leave Your Tits At Home
And traveling just got a hell of a lot drearier: U.S. authorities are advising women not to wear gel bras when traveling, lest they be mistaken for a bosom-emphasizing terrorist.

UK Lightens Security Measures… Still Fears Liquids
Well, at the very least, the UK seems to have come to their senses, ratcheting down their terror level: British travelers can now carry-on one piece of luggage, including laptops and iPods, with the only stipulation that it can’t be a liquid or a case full of dynamite.
Sierra Mist Ad Develops New Meaning Post 8/10
Jonathan Cowperthwait points us to a Sierra Mist commercial set in an airport security line. Our wild guesstimate is that it won’t be seen on TV anymore, strange prescience aside.