Target Corporation isn’t the only company losing money by closing its Canadian division. The retailer owes nearly $3.8 million to more than 60 businesses in Minnesota. [More]

Teen Clothing Retailer Deb To Liquidate, Close 295 Stores
The end of 2014 and beginning of 2015 have not been kind to teen-oriented retailers. Back in December, we learned that dELiA*s was bANkruPt and starting to liQuid8 its inventory. This week, Wet Seal announced that it will close two-thirds of its stores. Now another mall staple is putting down the store gate for good: Deb is liquidating and closing all 295 of its stores. [More]

Blockbuster Stores Are Having A Wacky Nationwide Liquidation Sale
If you’ve always dreamed of owning a giant gumball machine, a movie ticket-shaped “OPEN” sign, or hundreds of empty DVD cases, you’re in luck. While it’s sad that Blockbuster Video locations are finally shutting down, this is a boon to anyone who wants to pay strange prices for the equipment to open their own DVD rental store. [More]

Borders Gets No Love From Bidders, Forced To Liquidate
Though Borders had received a tentative “stalking horse” bid earlier this month for around $215 million, that deal has since fallen apart and no one else has stepped up to the bidder’s box. Thus, the company has decided to say “aw, screw this,” and liquidate. [More]

Scenes From A Borders Liquidation Sale
Savvy shoppers know that there aren’t any true deals to be found at the liquidation sales of closing retailers, but most people aren’t savvy shoppers. Employees of doomed Borders stores are sharing their experiences online, and report that their stores are doing record business now that the liquidators have arrived and the garish “store closing” signs are up. Thanks to consumer confusion, business is good at the stores that aren’t closing, either. Who knew bankruptcy was so good for business? [More]

Don't Rush Into Buying Stuff At Liquidation Sales
With the news that the Ultimate Electronics chain is to be liquidated, we were reminded of the Circuit City liquidation and the lessons consumers (hopefully) learned from that debacle. [More]

Time Is Running Out For Chrysler! Bankruptcy "95% Certain"
With a week to go before the deadline runs out on Chrysler’s bailout — it’s looking less and less likely that the automaker will be saved from liquidation.

No Deals: Notorious Cabal To Oversee Ritz Camera Liquidations
Sorry deal hunters, the liquidation sales starting today at over 300 Ritz Camera locations will be managed by the same cabal of corporate scavengers that oversaw Circuit City’s abysmal liquidation sales.

GM To Taxpayers: Bail Us Out Or We'll Liquidate
With two weeks to go before the government deadline to approve GM’s restructuring plan, the AP says that GM’s CEO Rick “The Station” Wagoner told the press that if GM is allowed to go into bankruptcy, it will simply be liquidated.

If We Buy This And Give It Back To You, Will You Read It, Circuit City Execs?
After seeing our photo evidence of the sorry state of the St. Peters, MO, Circuit City yesterday, Eric decided to check out the final days of the Circuit City in Poughkeepsie, NY. He writes, “On one clearance table, among the overpriced cables, I saw this. I’m not sure what this was doing there, but it’s probably something the Circuit City executives should have read a few years ago, huh?” Yes, but it’s never too late! Those executives are going to end up working somewhere after all. By the way, do CC execs get a liquidation discount?

Circuit City Liquidation: If You Buy A Shattered TV, You Are Out Of Luck
WCVB TV in Boston has an interview with two Circuit City liquidation customers who are out $1,100 after they bought a Samsung LCD TV from Circuit City’s liquidation sale — only to find out that it was totally shattered. When they tried to return it — Circuit City’s liquidator told them the merchandise was sold “as is” and cannot be returned for any reason. WCVB TV says there’s a sign in one store telling customers not to open the merchandise, and another that allows customer to check their merchandise only after they’ve paid for it. Is this ethical?

Behold, Another Investigation Concludes That Circuit City's Liquidation Sale Is Awful
Hey, we’re sorry if you’re getting sick of hearing about how Circuit City’s liquidation sale isn’t a good deal, but it’s our duty to inform you that yet another local news investigation has determined that CC’s sales are crappy. In this case, they found every single item they shopped for, from DVDs to big screen TVs, cheaper on-line — and took a look at a laptop that is now being sold at a sale price that is more than before the store was taken over by liquidators. Let’s listen in:

6 Liquidation Sale Tips From A Circuit City Employee
Sam, a reader who says he is a current Circuit City employee, writes in to offer his advice on navigating the liquidation.

A Tsunami Of Evidence The Circuit City's Liquidation Sale Completely Sucks
More and more media outlets are catching on to the fact that Circuit City’s liquidation “deals” aren’t as hot as normal sale prices.
Local media confirms that, for the most part,…

Understanding Circuit City's "End Of Days" Return Policy
Returning something to Circuit City? All sales are final during the liquidation, but if you bought it between January 1st and the 16th, you have a 14-day return window. However, if you bought it before January 1st, the original 30-day policy still applies. Your cashier might not know this, though, and try to deny the return. That’s what happened to Jason today when he tried to return a hard drive.

GRAPH: The Decline And Fall Of Circuit City
Liquidation is a time for reflection, we guess, so we put together a nice little time line of Circuit City’s precipitous decline over the past 2 years. We begin our journey in March of 2007, when Circuit City announced that it was firing everyone who knew what 1080p meant so that they could hire cheaper labor…