
6 Free Alternatives To Quicken And Money

6 Free Alternatives To Quicken And Money

Awhile back we linked to a discussion over at Zen Habits about the best budgeting software/web apps. Lo and behold, there is a follow up post that contains 6 free alternatives to Quicken and Money. And hey, good news! GNU Cash is now available for Windows.

Get A C.L.U.E. Report

Get A C.L.U.E. Report

Whoever thought a car crash could affect your house? Even if you weren’t even involved in the car crash?

Comparing Index ETFs and Mutual Funds

Comparing Index ETFs and Mutual Funds

We understand that investing in index exchange trade funds (ETF) can be a good option for beginning investors, but what if you’re also looking at mutual funds, and you want to compare purchase costs between the two?

Return Of The Nested Comments Script

Return Of The Nested Comments Script

Now, once again, you can see commenter replies nested inside each other, thanks to a phat Greasemonkey script by reader Yogurt Ealr.

What Is "Lemon Law?"

What Is "Lemon Law?"

Did you know that if something you own is defective and you get it repaired three times for the same problem, you may be entitled to a free replacement under “lemon law?”

Is There Life After Debt?

Is There Life After Debt?

Throwing off all the debt shackles remains an illusory proposition for many. But after the initial exhilaration wears off, the financially manumitted can find themselves feeling like they’re standing alone in a trackless prairie, asking themselves, what do I do now?

Retailmenot Coupon Site Redesigned: Prettier, More Useful

Retailmenot Coupon Site Redesigned: Prettier, More Useful

Retailmenot, the online coupon site built by the same fine folks behind BugMeNot, have kicked up their design and usability with a fresh new look.

How To Protect Against Mechanic's Liens

How To Protect Against Mechanic's Liens

Last week we wrote about how if your contractor doesn’t pay his sub-contractors, you can find them coming after the value of your house, a process called a mechanic’s lien.

How To Launch An Executive Email Carpet Bomb

How To Launch An Executive Email Carpet Bomb

Here’s a classic tactic for rattling the corporate monkey tree to make sure your complaint gets shoved under the nose of someone with decision-making powers. Let’s call it the “EECB,” or Executive Email Carpet Bomb…

How To Replace Lost Important Documents

How To Replace Lost Important Documents

Lost an important document? Misplaced your birth certificate, driver’s license, passport, social security card, property deed, title insurance policy, mortgage, car title, marriage license, divorce paper, or diploma?

Confirmation: GrandCentral + TMobile = Cheap Incoming Phone Calls

Confirmation: GrandCentral + TMobile = Cheap Incoming Phone Calls

You can get cheap calls on your T-mobile plan by hooking it up with Grand Central, reader Noah’s T-mobile bill confirms.

Send Us Your Customer Service Calls And We'll Mock Their Flaws

Call centers of the world, we’re gunning for your asses.

Make Your Own Replacement Snow Shovel Blade

Make Your Own Replacement Snow Shovel Blade

“This last winter broken snow shovels starting appearing everywhere. I tried to track down replacement parts, but it turns out that replacement scoops don’t seem to exist. So I set about to make a simple replacement scoop using basic tools and found materials,” writes the author of this Instructable.

Big Box Watch Tracks New Retail Stores On Google Mashup

Big Box Watch Tracks New Retail Stores On Google Mashup

Big Box Watch is a Google Maps mashup showing where new retail stores are being built.

VIDEO: Tie This Easy Knot On Produce Bags For Drawstring Access

You know how it is, picking at knots for minutes, whittling down your fingernails, and then you get frustrated and say forget it, I’m going to eat some cookies from this nice, easy jar.

How To: Build Your Own WiFi Signal Booster

How To: Build Your Own WiFi Signal Booster

Boosting a WiFi signal can be an expensive proposition, requiring the purchase of either a second wireless router, or a wireless signal booster. Unless, of course, you build one yourself. From Instructables:

The parabolic Asian cooking (dumpling) strainer is the perfect candidate for this project. I was able to pick up 20 more access points in the city and connect to a network a few blocks away! This is BY-FAR the most simple of all Wifi extensions!

To build the booster, you need a USB extension cable, any USB WiFi adapter, and a tight-mesh parabolic cooking strainer. To reach WiFi signal heaven, stick the USB WiFi adaptor through the center of the parabolic strainer and connect it to the USB extension cable.

Google Housing Lets You Search Real Estate And Rental Listings

Google Housing Lets You Search Real Estate And Rental Listings

Google now offers housing listings.

How To Get A Raise

5. Get it in writing.