Noah decided that it’s time to be all grown up and insure his possessions, and so he called up Allstate to take out a pretty basic renter’s insurance policy. He conferred with the salesman first in order to make sure that his valuable watches would be covered under the policy, and not require an extra rider. Yes, Noah was assured, those watches would be covered. Then his policy showed up in the mail. Guess what it doesn’t cover? [More]
renter’s insurance

Renters With Cool Stuff, You Can't Afford Not To Have Renters Insurance
Kimberly Palmer, author of U.S. News & World Report’s Alpha Consumerist blog, makes a convincing case that renters really should insure their stuff.

Storage Company Disappears With Everything You Own
Kyle wrote in looking for advice after a storage company disappeared with everything they owned: Short story: We had 8160 pounds of personal items in storage with Wright Way Moving & Storage of Kent, Washington (not a self-storage place, a pallet-style warehouse storage place).

Renter's Insurance Probably Won't Cover You From A Bad Subletter
When we wrote about the glories of subletting your apartment while on vacation, we mused that renter’s insurance might cover it if your guest damages or steals stuff. While talking to USAA today about our renter’s insurance policy we asked them about this and they said nope, it doesn’t. You’re still protected from all the normal things, like fire, flood, and falling space probes, but not by the actions of someone you’ve invited into your home. So, we’ll just continue to beware and use our best judgment and not sublet to sketchy people. Other people with lower risk tolerances will disagree, and we’re okay with that.
Even though they’re 50% more likely to be burglarized, only 43% of renters have renter’s insurance, compared to 98% of homeowners with homeowner’s insurance. [NYT]

Get A C.L.U.E. Report
Whoever thought a car crash could affect your house? Even if you weren’t even involved in the car crash?