Is a $50 discount on a new LG phone enough to offset having to look at ads everytime the device locks? That’s the question some Amazon customer are debating, as the company is offering to knock $50 off LG smartphones that show ads on the phone’s lock screen. [More]

Don’t Want Your TV To Report Back Everything You Watch? Here’s How To Turn That Off
Vizio got busted early this week for spying on users and sharing their data without permission. But the key there is the “without permission” part, because pretty much all smart TVs are collecting and sharing some kind of data on you. And so many consumers are now asking: Can I make them stop? [More]

Nexus 5X Owners Say Device Boot-Looping Kills Phones; Getting Runaround From LG
Even in an age where you’re expected to regularly shell out hundreds of dollars on a new smartphone, you expect each new pricey device to last at least a year before becoming worthless. Yet, some owners of relatively new Nexus 5X phones tell Consumerist that their smartphones have unexpectedly been rendered useless. Making matters worse, the manufacturer is allegedly giving them the runaround, leaving them without a phone for months. [More]

Ransomware Spreading Onto Smart TVs, Is A Pain To Fix
Streaming TV has been a boon for consumers. Programming is everywhere, right at our fingertips, as soon as we get our screens online. But that connectivity comes with a big risk: wherever there’s an internet connection, there’s a possibility for bad guys to show up. And now they are showing up in the real world, holding TV sets hostage with ransomware and demanding cash to let you access your own stuff. [More]

Amazon’s Alexa Integrated Into LG Refrigerator & Creepy, Blinking “Hub Robot”
Amazon doesn’t really want to sell you Echo connected home speakers. It wants to you to use the Echo to buy stuff from Amazon. So it makes sense that the company’s virtual voice-activated assistant Alexa is continuing to branch out into other manufacturer’s products that can then be used to purchase items from Amazon. [More]

LG Unveils Super-Thin “Wallpaper” TV
People have been mounting TVs on the wall for nearly two decades, but LG has thrown down the gauntlet to the competition with a super-thin flexible panel TV that the company says sits nearly flush with the wall. [More]

The Bankruptcy Of A Company You’ve Probably Never Heard Of Could Make Christmas More Expensive
Unless you’re a stevedore or are involved in logistics, you’re probably not terribly familiar with Hanjin Shipping out of South Korea. So news of the company’s bankruptcy filing on Wednesday may have been slightly off your radar. But when one of the world’s largest shipping companies goes belly-up, it can have ripple effects that may mess with your holiday. [More]

Government Asks Wireless Manufacturers & Carriers About Device Security Updates
At the same time as their counterparts at the Justice Department are trying to circumvent smartphone security, the folks at the FCC and the Federal Trade Commission are talking to manufacturers about how to make these devices more secure. [More]

LG Refrigerator Has Door That Becomes Transparent When You Knock On It
Most of LG’s Tuesday morning was given over to ooh-and-ah displays of its big, beautiful, super-thin (as skinny as 2.5mm), Ultra-HD OLED TVs, but we’ve all seen really large, expensive TV sets displaying vibrant images. The company’s more novel innovations were shown off during the tail-end of the event, when LG showed off its new line of premium appliances. [More]

LG Stops Selling New Smartwatch After Six Days Because Of Hardware Issue
If you were planning to run out and buy LG’s new smartwatch, it’s time to come up with a contingency plan: the company has canceled sales of the Watch Urbane 2nd Edition LTE just six days after it hit the market. [More]

Sorry, An Insect Flying Into Your TV Is An Act Of God
When a few pixels go out on your 65″ TV that’s still under warranty, the warranty should cover that, right? That was the dispute between Currys, a UK electronics store sort of like Best Buy, their customer, and an alleged insect, now deceased and stuck in the TV’s screen somehow. [More]

Google, Samsung, And LG To Start Pushing Monthly Security Patches That You Still Won’t Get
There have been a number of very high-profile security flaws in Android phones this summer. The good news is, the makers of the hardware and software are now pledging to roll out updates to everyone more often. The bad news? “Everyone” doesn’t actually mean “everyone.” [More]

Netflix Announces First Slate Of “Recommended” TVs
At International CES in January, Netflix revealed that it was going to begin evaluating web-connected TV sets to determine which ones were the best for accessing Netflix’s videos. Today, the company unveiled its first slate TVs that will carry its “Recommended” badge of distinction. [More]

Who’s Making The Money When Your Smart TV Watches You Back?
We’ve heard plenty of times in the past few years that if you have a smart TV — one that’s internet-enabled, for all that app goodness — that it might be watching you just as much as you watch it. Samsung in particular generates a lot of questions about how secure your data is with your TV, as do LG and Vizio. But there’s a missing piece to the equation. If your TV is watching you, why? Who stands to gain (in the sense of cold hard cash) from your data? [More]

LG Executives Indicted For Vandalizing Samsung Washers In Germany
Last year, Samsung accused employees of competing conglomerate LG of vandalizing some of its high-end laundry machines at a trade show in Berlin. Vandalizing? Yes, the group is accused of pushing down on the door of a front-loading machine to sabotage it. [More]

Separating Gimmicks From Good Ideas In New Household Appliances
International CES often serves as a showcase for companies to unveil their latest hi-tech consumer appliances. That was certainly the case for LG and Samsung, which both exhibited a number of products — including mini washers that replace your pedestal, washers with built-in sinks, door-in-door fridges, stoves with lights that mimic gas flames, and robot vacuums. But with all of these connected, cutting-edge advancements, we’d be remiss not to ask, are these appliances really going to benefit the everyday consumer or are they just another gimmick to increase sales? [More]

Are Any Of The New 4K TVs Worth Blowing Your Paycheck On?
Make no bones about it — 4K TVs are going to become the standard for new televisions very quickly. But is there enough content to justify making the leap now? [More]

Is LG’s Music Flow The Sonos-Killer It Could Be?
Over the past few years, Sonos has come to dominate the business of wireless, web-connected speakers, but the devices come at a pretty steep price with the least expensive Sonos retailing for $199, and the cheapest available full surround sound option running around $1800. But here at International CES, LG is showing off what it believes is a comparable set of speakers that the company claims will cost “significantly less.” [More]