Streaming TV has been a boon for consumers. Programming is everywhere, right at our fingertips, as soon as we get our screens online. But that connectivity comes with a big risk: wherever there’s an internet connection, there’s a possibility for bad guys to show up. And now they are showing up in the real world, holding TV sets hostage with ransomware and demanding cash to let you access your own stuff. [More]
not so smart tvs

Samsung Advertises High-Definition 3D For TV That Lacks It, Hopes No One Notices
Emil has had a Samsung 3D TV for a few years, but didn’t try out the 3D functionality until recently. When he did, he learned that the set didn’t have the full, glorious, 1080-pixel 3D experience that Samsung had advertised when he bought it. He’s not the only one who has noticed this problem: lots of other TV fans have. So has the German legal system. [More]