Vizio got busted early this week for spying on users and sharing their data without permission. But the key there is the “without permission” part, because pretty much all smart TVs are collecting and sharing some kind of data on you. And so many consumers are now asking: Can I make them stop? [More]
no thank you

3 Reasons We Don’t Fully Embrace New Things Right Away
At opposite ends of the shopping spectrum, you have the early adopters who rush to embrace the newest and shiniest products the moment they hit the market, and then you have those who choose to clutch on to the familiar, refusing to change until they have no choice. Even those of us in the middle have likely found ourselves hesitating at some point, reluctant to try something new. Is there some innate distrust in most humans that makes it difficult to fully embrace the latest innovations?

Couple Watches As Four-Foot Snake Appears In Their Kitchen, Swallows An Egg Whole
Uninvited dinner guests can be quite inconvenient, especially when they slither in on their own and insist on devouring whole eggs without even a hello. A North Carolina couple had to gently convince their unexpected guest to leave after a snake made itself at home in their kitchen and tucked in to a basket of eggs. [More]

For Some Reason The Idea Of Cat Tongue Candy Is Less Than Appetizing
How about biting into a nice chocolatey piece of candy resembling a rough cat tongue suitable for licking up hair and dirt from a furry pelt? Yum? We’re always amazed at what companies come up with that somehow made it first into the “Yes!” bin of ideas and then end up on store shelves. Cat Tongue candy, you might be the weirdest thing yet. [More]

Consumer Reports: Sorry, Toyota, You Can't Borrow Our Test Track
Consumer Reports, which is published by Consumers Union just like good old Consumerist, has declined to allow Toyota to borrow its test track to replicate the findings that led the organization to issue a “Don’t Buy” rating on a Lexus SUV. [More]