
Comcast Tech Fails Installing Cable to Customer’s Heart

Comcast Tech Fails Installing Cable to Customer’s Heart

It’s expected that Comcast cable installs are both late and flawed, but Andrew W’s friend adds a new wrinkle: unwelcome love advances.

We Reprimand a WalMart Manager

We Reprimand a WalMart Manager

Somehow we got on the fast track as the go-to guys for Southern Walmart complaints. The latest comes courtesy of Tiffany-Anne Everett who thinks we somehow have the power to fire a Walmart manager.

Capps Rental Bilks Katrina Relief Volunteer

Capps Rental Bilks Katrina Relief Volunteer

UPDATE: Backyard Burger Wayyyy Too Friendly

UPDATE: Backyard Burger Wayyyy Too Friendly

It’s not just bilious Vincent who can’t stand the grins at Backyard Burger. Jacob writes that the Stepford Wives syndrome seems to be company policy.

Whorehouse Gives Great Customer Service

Sometimes stories of wonderful care for the customer shows up in the oddest places, like a massage parlor on the Lower East Side.

Dasani, The Opposite of Gross

Tom Bartlett quite enjoys writing letters to companies and asking questions of their laminated manual response team. Today, he’s got one from Dasani, Coca-Cola’s bottled water which contains the same water they use for Coke, just before they put in the bubbles.

Complain: Mailing Address for Capital One CEO Richard Fairbank

Complain: Mailing Address for Capital One CEO Richard Fairbank

The thrust of the mounting consumer complaints against Capital One may explain the credit card’s fondness for filling their ads with barbarians.

Shockingly, E-Harmony Found Electronic, Harmonious

Shockingly, E-Harmony Found Electronic, Harmonious

We’ve ragged on E-Harmony, the online dating service accused of having a vaguely creepy religious aura, and several months ago, we were plucking e-Harmony’s harp pretty hard.

Best Buy Repair STILL Melts Meat, Not Hearts

Last month, Nikki wrote in complaining about her refrigerator, and Best Buy’s, failings. After finally getting her frigo fixed, it went out again (we think you have a bum frigo, Nikki) and all her food, especially 4th of July meats, was spoiled. Subsequently, she squeezed the Best Buy and Frigidarie people until ekking out food gift cards as reimbursement, though we’ve seen bloodier stones. Nikki writes:

Reader Flexes Consumer Powers

Reader Flexes Consumer Powers

A loyal Consumerist reader, Chris has developed incredible abilities. Not only can he recognize both good and bad customer service, he can reward and punish it with a powerful consumer weapon: the letter to management.

Dust Bowl Neither Good For American Farmer, Nor Breakfaster

A reader is unhappy with his Nutty Nuggets, a generic cereal brand. Specifically, their limitless desire to turn into fibrous dust. Dave doesn’t doubt their nutrient and mineral content, nor their properties as a “colostomy bag in a bowl.”

Best Buy Repair Melts Meat, Not Hearts

There is some use crying over spilt ice cream, though Best Buy won’t shed too many tears over it. That’s just as well. The resulting mix would leave a bad taste in your mouth, just like their customer service, as Nikki found when trying to get her refrigerator repaired.

To Build a Better Butter

To Build a Better Butter

A smooth and creamy butter-like confection, Thomas Bartlett’s Minor Tweaks consumer letters are a source of reassuring delight, whether spread over a lightly toasted keyboard in the morning, as a dipping dollop during mid-afternoon snack or melted over a bowl of popped corn for a Hellraiser marathon for the whole family.

UPDATE: Oh Bun Pain!

UPDATE: Oh Bun Pain!

Remember that crumbling, soggy, disgusting Au Bon Pain letter we made you eat last month?

UPDATE: Trifecta of Crappy Airplane Stories

UPDATE: Trifecta of Crappy Airplane Stories

After going through a ringer of horror with three different airlines on Friday, Sebastien and his family retreated home to try again the next day. On Saturday, he and his brood were “selectees” earmarked for special detention by TSA at the security checkpoint. Later, he noticed his ticket had “SSSS” printed in the lower right-hand corner. His return ticket, where he had no special inspeciton, had no such S’s.

Consumers Confused, Angry, Relatively Literate

Consumers Confused, Angry, Relatively Literate

We received several complaints today that don’t warrant a full posting on their own. Instead, they find home here, in a little place we like to call “Inchoate Consumer Rage Disproportionate to the Complaint’s Severity.”

Trifecta of Crappy Airplane Stories

Trifecta of Crappy Airplane Stories

It’s the mother lode, one man’s tale of how his and his family’s Memorial Day weekend was ruined, in swift succession, by no less than three airlines.

Thank You For Existing, Plastic Bag

Thank You For Existing, Plastic Bag