Have you ever experienced competing desires to lounge on a cruise ship but also help others in need? On the off-chance that you have, Carnival wants to present a solution: its new Fathom cruises. [More]

Carnival Introduces Cruises That Include Three-Day Volunteering Opportunity For Passengers

Graduates Get Help Paying Student Loan Debt By Volunteering
Graduates facing thousands of dollars in student loan debt often feel there is no relief in sight. However, a number of organizations and programs are popping up and aiming to take some of the burden in repaying massive student debt loans off young professional’s plates. [More]

Nashville Is Flooded! Here's How You Can Help
The waters of the Cumberland River burst all over Tennessee this Sunday, submerging Nashville and leaving much of the state underwater. At least 29 are dead and thousands have been evacuated. If you want to pitch in, Nashvillist has rustled up a slew of shelters and donation-takers who would be glad to have your aid or volunteer hours. Pitch in! It feels good. [More]

Free Tax Help!
The clock is officially ticking, it’s time to do your taxes. Confused? Need help? You may qualify for some free tax preparation assistance from the IRS. The IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program offer free tax help if you qualify. So, how do you qualify?