
FBI Warns Video Camera Barbie Could Be Used For Kiddie Porn

FBI Warns Video Camera Barbie Could Be Used For Kiddie Porn

The FBI is downplaying a leaked internal memo that reminded field agents that “Barbie Video Girl”, which has a video camera embedded in her necklace, could be used by pervs to produce child pornography. [More]

Branch Manager Quits Rather Than Trick Bank Customers Into
Signing Up For Overdrafts

Branch Manager Quits Rather Than Trick Bank Customers Into Signing Up For Overdrafts

The bank branch manager who felt uncomfortable that his bank was making him choose between misleading customers into signing up for overdraft protection and keeping his job has decided to quit. [More]

Get Customers To Sign Up For Overdraft Fees Or Get

Get Customers To Sign Up For Overdraft Fees Or Get Fired

One of our readers is a bank teller branch manager and he feels queasy. His bank is making him trick customers into signing back up for overdraft fees, and if he doesn’t, he’ll get fired. [More]

Chase Banker: I Hate That We're Required To Pull People Out Of Line To Offer Upsells

Chase Banker: I Hate That We're Required To Pull People Out Of Line To Offer Upsells

Chase now requires bankers to drag customers waiting for a teller out of line so they can upsell other bank products. One longtime banker wrote in to apologize for the practice, which “blatantly exploits a customer’s trust,” and to encourage customers to call Chase and tell them that they hate it, too. Read the banker’s full heartfelt note, after the jump. [More]

Subway Bastard Makes Sandwiches Bad On Purpose

Subway Bastard Makes Sandwiches Bad On Purpose

There are those who hate their jobs and those who love to hate their jobs. Chris says he is a Subway sandwich maker who falls into the latter category, putting in extra work to make your sandwich suboptimal. He eats your pain with relish. Here’s what he does to your sandwich: [More]

"This Is Not A Test" – Subway Says It Definitely Will Start Tessellating Cheese July 1

Subway has officially confirmed what we reported last week based on leaked internal documents: they’re gonna start tesselating their cheese on all their sandwiches starting July 1st. Hot damn, summer in the city. [More]

Subway To Start Tessellating Cheese July 1?

Subway To Start Tessellating Cheese July 1?

Three years after the protests began, it seems Subway has finally listened to its customers and will start tessellating cheese on its sandwiches, according to what appears to be an internal weekly newsletter. [More]

Harper's Magazine: Insider Reveals How You Get Jacked When Selling Jewelry

Harper's Magazine: Insider Reveals How You Get Jacked When Selling Jewelry

Struggling to make next month’s rent, you might be tempted to dig out some necklaces and rings you don’t wear and try to sell it to your friendly neighborhood jeweler. But you might actually be buying a ticket to a sick magic show. The jeweler performs a blistering series of slight of hand tricks, whipping out calculators, spouting off fees, keeping your eye on the supposedly worthless diamonds under a tenth of a carat while double-deducting for the base metal. By the end, you slink out in a dizzied blur, accepting 1/5th of what the piece is actually worth. In this exclusive excerpt from the latest issue of Harper’s, ex-jeweler Clancy Martin takes you on a journey to the dark underbelly of the jewelry game. [More]

BoA Debt Collector Tells You How Not To Be A Deadbeat

BoA Debt Collector Tells You How Not To Be A Deadbeat

A shadowy figure emerges from even darker shadows to reveal the umber-colored world that is the Bank of America Collection department. It is a place so fell that it cannot be even spoken of directly and is instead referred to as “Customer Assistance.” A cruel joke? Perhaps. “I never expected to be working for such an evil company. but they were the only ones hiring,” says our tipster who has some tough-love advice for all you deadbeats out there so he doesn’t have to call you up and demand your money. Because he will find you, and he will get you. [More]

Laser In On Your "Region President" To Get Verizon Wireless Executive Customer Service

Laser In On Your "Region President" To Get Verizon Wireless Executive Customer Service

A Verizon Wireless insider tells us that the best way to get white glove customer service treatment is to target the president for your Verizon region. Here’s how: [More]

Beat The "Four Square" Dealership Ripoff

Beat The "Four Square" Dealership Ripoff

Former used car salesman Alan Slone grew a little Jimminy Cricket in his ear and decided to spill his guts on a classic dealership technique used to addle your mind and empty your wallet. It’s called “The Four Square” and the object of the game is to make you lose. Here’s how it works, and how to beat it. [More]

Leaks: How Much It Sucks To Be A Comcast Customer Service

Leaks: How Much It Sucks To Be A Comcast Customer Service Rep

Come, come hither. Step into the flesh of a Comcast customer service rep. Doesn’t it feel nice? Yes, yes. This is what it’s like to work for Awesome Cable Inc. Now you know what they go through, and tricks and tactics for dealing with them. Come my pretty, and let the Comcast mole teach you the ways… [More]

Insider's Guide To DIY Comcast Troubleshooting

Insider's Guide To DIY Comcast Troubleshooting

Why waste another sick day waiting for a tech to never show up when you can troubleshoot it yourself? Tossed over the transom by some anonymous insider, here’s a how to on solving many problems with your Comcast internet, TV, or digital voice, like a big boy. [More]

30 Worst NJ Toll Collectors

30 Worst NJ Toll Collectors

Never give a New Jersey toll collector pennies. Never. Ever. Not unless you want to risk them being thrown in your face. That’s the lesson I learned from reading the 30 pages of customer complaints The Smoking Gun gathered by doing a Freedom of Information Act request on the State of New Jersey. And in between the suggestions to stay flashing suggestions, threats of strip search and violence, that state is very altered indeed. [More]

Verizon & Sprint's Sales Tips For Killing iPhone, Circa 2007

Verizon & Sprint's Sales Tips For Killing iPhone, Circa 2007

Let’s step into a time machine and travel through the mists of chronos to an ancient yesteryear. It was a different era, Britney Spears shaved her head, Boris Yeltsin died, and people learned how to print images on toast from the comfort of their own workshops. Oh, and a lil’ thing called an iPhone came out. The year was 2007, and Verizon and Sprint were so scared that they issued these ridiculous sheets to their frontline reps with talking points for discouraging people from buying an iPhone: [More]

Don't Tweet The Identity Of Your Plane's Air Marshal

Don't Tweet The Identity Of Your Plane's Air Marshal

On a flight yesterday, minor celebrity Kim Kardashian figured out that the guy next to her was the air marshal, at which point she excitedly announced it to her followers on Twitter. “Jim the air marshall makes me feel safe!” she tweeted. But it’s okay, she understands how security protocols are supposed to work; after some of her followers complained about what she’d done, she responded, “[I] highly doubt anyone is twittering like me on this flight! shhh.” [More]

Consumerist Videodrome #2: The "New Moon" Felons

Consumerist Videodrome #2: The "New Moon" Felons

Is loving New Moon a crime? It is, if you accidentally tape it during your sister’s surprise birthday party at the movie theater. Plus, how you will end up paying for Hulu after the Comcast/NBC merger, Oscar Meyer shaved meat, subprime loan gangstas, and a pacifier you might choke on. Now that we have a video show, what should my signoff be? Leave your thoughts in the comments. [More]

Sample Phone Scripts Used By Sleazy Subprime Lenders In 2005

Sample Phone Scripts Used By Sleazy Subprime Lenders In 2005

An ex-subprime lender employee of a sent us the scripts they used to cold-call homeowners back in 2005 to get them to ditch their 30-year fixed mortgages for risky sub-prime loans. One of them is called, “Wholesale Gangsta Script,” which I think about says it all right there. [More]