If you don’t want to find out what happens in the upcoming episode of Game of Thrones before Sunday, you better watch where you step on the internet: Yet another unreleased installment of the HBO show has leaked online. [More]

Unreleased ‘Game Of Thrones’ Episode Reportedly Leaked Online
It’s not Sunday night yet, but fans of HBO’s Game of Thrones may have already seen the show’s upcoming episode floating around online: A new report says the fourth episode of the season was leaked just days after hackers claimed they’d stolen 1.5 terabytes of data from the network. [More]

Sewage Leak Splashes Hundreds Of Checked Bags At Nashville Airport
Yesterday morning, water from a restroom directly above the baggage handling area at Nashville’s airport leaked through the floor and onto hundreds of bags below. While the water came from a plugged toilet, officials treated it as sewage, and removed 380 bags from Southwest flights that were on the carousel to check for, um, dampness. [More]

Apple, Samsung Say They’ve Already Fixed Issues Revealed In WikiLeaks Documents
The recent WikiLeaks data dump of alleged “Vault 7” CIA documents put some people on edge. Did, as WikiLeaks contends, the government already have tools to remotely bypass encryption on iPhones or turn your Samsung TV into a listening device? For their part, Apple and Samsung say they have already fixed — or are working to fix — the vulnerabilities referenced in the leaked docs. [More]

Woman Who Received $16K Water And Power Bill Insists There’s No Leak
It’s pretty much impossible for one person and one dog to rack up a water and power bill of $16,988.62, but that’s what the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power says one condo owner has done. While she received a shutoff warning, employees didn’t actually believe her when she called to complain about the bill she received. The DWP blames a leak on her property that may or may not actually exist. [More]

Early Posting Leaks Pictures, Specs Of New Google Pixel Phone
Home isn’t the only new product Google will be launching this week. Joining it is the new, long-awaited Pixel phone. Except thanks to an “oops” on one retailer’s site, the wait for news ended a bit early. [More]

Dunkin’ Donuts Manager Drops Tray Of Donuts On Floor, Puts Them Out For Sale Anyway
Eating any food not grown in your own garden and cooked yourself means putting a certain amount of trust in the people who prepare and handle your food. A former Dunkin’ Donuts employee leaked a video this week that shows another employee dropping a tray of donuts on the floor, then calmly putting them back on the tray and putting the tray out for sale. [More]

“Batman v Superman” Trailer Leaks Online
While the trailer for next year’s superhero showdown Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is supposed to be kept under wraps in the U.S. until after its IMAX premiere on Monday, a handheld video of the trailer has already made its way online. [More]

Netflix Accidentally Leaks ‘House Of Cards’ Season 3 Early, Then Pulls It
Francis Underwood, the main character in Netflix’s original series “House of Cards,” knows the power of leaking information to the right outlet at the right time. Unfortunately, the real-life boss of Underwood’s universe isn’t as skilled: the streaming video service accidentally made the show’s entire third season available to everyone for a brief period today. [More]

Water Floods Plane Cabin After The Australia-Bound Airbus A380 Springs A Leak
I once learned from Eliza Doolittle that the rain in Spain stays mostly on the plain, but she didn’t say a darn thing about the rain on a plane heading for Australia. She’d probably be as surprised as the passengers on a recent Qantas flight when the double-decker Airbus A380 sprung a leak, sending water coursing through the cabin. [More]

How Booze Keeps Getting Served In Sippy Cups To Kids At Restaurants
We’ve had a few stories about toddlers accidentally getting served alcohol inside sippy cups by the waiters at big-name chain restaurants and wondered, how in the heck did that happen? According to what some restaurant insiders say, there’s a very simple and sad explanation. [More]

Insider Debunks The 9 Extended Warranty Sales Pitches
Here are 9 of the most common lines salespeople try to feed you in order to get you to buy an extended warranty, debunked by an insider. His job is training and development in this 3rd-party service plan industry, a job he’s leaving soon because he’s sick of the “half-truths and deceptions” it foists on consumers… which he will now reveal to you. [More]

Updated: Buy Gas From Shell Last Weekend? Check Your Card For Double Billing
If you filled up with gas from Shell on Saturday, January 29 2011, (update: readers report double-billing throughout the whole weekend and Shell says they’re looking to expand the affected time period) and paid with plastic, you should check your card statement to see if you got double-billed. StorefrontBacktalk got hold of a confidential memo which said that a telco outage resulted in 401,120 double-billed transactions having to be reversed for a total of $12,135,608.19 in refunds. While the reversals should be automatic, some people with low balances did get charged overdraft and other fees because of the mistake, fees they should not have to pay [More]

AT&T To Change Text Message Packages And Chuck Some Upgrade Discounts
Is it cellphone plan adverse tweak season? Now AT&T is changing up its text message plans and doubling the per message rate for going over them, and getting rid of some upgrade discounts, reports Engadget, going off a leaked internal document. [More]

Verizon Confirms "New Every Two" Is Ending
Verizon has confirmed the information in the leaked slide we reported on two weeks ago. They’re ending their “New Every Two” policy. New customers after Jan 16 won’t get the credit, and current customers won’t get the credit after their next contract renewal. [More]

Verizon Switching "New Every Two" Plan To 20 Months?
Verizon Wireless could be changing it’s “new every two” upgrade policy, making customers wait until their contract is almost up before they upgrade phones, according to what appears to be a leaked internal slide posted at Android Central. [More]

Sanitation Whistleblowers Say Department Intentionally Delayed NYC Snow Removal
Was the slow snow removal in New York City the result of a planned Sanitation Department protest to make the Mayor pay for reducing their staff? That’s what several whistleblowers are reportedly saying, according to the New York Post. [More]

How Does The Gawker Privacy Leak Concern Consumerist Users?
If you’ve got an account on Gawker.com or any of its sister sites (Kotaku, Gizmodo, Deadspin and Jezebel among others), you’ll probably want to change your passwords because anonymous hackers have swiped usernames, email addresses and passwords and made them available via a torrent file. And by change your password, we potentially mean all of them. Now. [More]