
We Interview Cingular About Cancelling Over Text Message Plans

We Interview Cingular About Cancelling Over Text Message Plans

JackLeaker: yes, I’m sure they are…

What Cingular Tells Customers Canceling Over Text Message Rates

What Cingular Tells Customers Canceling Over Text Message Rates

This is what Cingular will probably tell you if you call up trying to get out of your cellphone contract and service without paying an early termination fee based on their recent text message rate raise.

Perfume Pushers Mimic Barneys Employees, Actually Work For The Manufacturer

Perfume Pushers Mimic Barneys Employees, Actually Work For The Manufacturer

Have you ever walked through a department store and been assaulted by fragrance pushers, poofing their scents into your face and asking you to try their fine line of products? It may surprise you to learn that not all of the perfume poofers work for the store, some actually work directly for the manufacturer. Their job is to appear to be be a normal store employee, while steering you towards the scents sold by their real employer.

EXCLUSIVE: CHASE Screws Struggling Card Members Harder

Chase yesterday decided to put the screws harder to its most struggling credit card customers, an insider tells us.

The Internal Video Sprint Doesn’t Want You To See

UPDATE: A digg commenter claiming he used to work for Sprint says this is from a training video teaching employees how to behave.

Ex-HP CSR Says Broke 3000 Series Printers Are Hopeless

Ex-HP CSR Says Broke 3000 Series Printers Are Hopeless

Fresh from his non-disclosure agreement expiring, an anonymous tipster writes in some dirt about 3000 series HP printers.

Calculate Your AOL Retention Bonus!

Calculate Your AOL Retention Bonus!

An exciting add-on for the World of AOL Retention game, The Bonus Calculator!

EXCLUSIVE: Every Phone Number For TWC Level 3 Tech Support

EXCLUSIVE: Every Phone Number For TWC Level 3 Tech Support

Your Time Warner Cable is messing up. It can’t be fixed by merely turning the modem on and off. You’ve called technical support but they’re useless. You need Level 3 Tech support. That’s the tier at which they can actually help you with the more difficult technical problems.

The Hatchet Man of AOL Retention

The Hatchet Man of AOL Retention

Here’s a little ditty about an AOL hatchet man who took a perverse pleasure in firing retention consultants.

Exclusive: Time Warner Dissolves Houston Division of Texas-Kansas City Cable Partners

We just got sent this internal announcement announcing Houston’s Cable Partners annihilation.

Cingular Wants To Yank Docs From Consumerist

Cingular Wants To Yank Docs From Consumerist

Here is the note Cingular’s legal counsel sent us to take down documents we posted. The items have info about how Cingular determines a customer’s “long term value” or “LTV.” This LTV is used to determine how many discounts they will give you to prevent you from cancelling your account.

Cingular Wants Us To Take Their Documents Down

Cingular Wants Us To Take Their Documents Down

We just received a note from Cingular’s legal department.

Former Elite AOL Retainer Interviewed

Former Elite AOL Retainer Interviewed

Tricks an AOL retainer used to keep people from cancelling:

AOL Don’t Wanna Talk Bout No Manual

AOL Don’t Wanna Talk Bout No Manual

CNet got AOL on the horn to talk about the AOL retention manual we uploaded, but the big triangle didn’t have much to say, except for:

How Cingular Avoids Giving Discounts to Worthless Customers

How Cingular Avoids Giving Discounts to Worthless Customers

A snip from a recent memo that teaches Cingular retention specialists how to avoid giving discounts to customers they deem unprofitable.

Cingular Distills Customer Value Into Thermometer Form

Cingular Distills Customer Value Into Thermometer Form

A customer service source inside Cingular sends us some interesting internal documents and says the cellphone company has a new policy that’s got the headset set in a bind. He reports that Cingular will, “no longer discount equipment for customers that are not profitable for us, no mater where they stand contractually. I have received several calls from customers attempting to upgrade, only to have to inform them that although yes, they are out of contract, we will not offer them discounted equipment. “

AOL Retention Manual Uploaded in Full

AOL Retention Manual Uploaded in Full

And finally, here is the full AOL retention manual, along with flowchart. Right click