
(Great Beyond)

Illinois Sues Company For Breaking Into Homes To Evict Homeowners Facing Foreclosure

When a mortgage servicer forecloses on a home, it becomes responsible for the maintenance of the property (though banks don’t always live up to that obligation), and will often hire an outside firm to determine if a property is vacant and to handle the upkeep until the building is sold. However, a lawsuit filed by the Illinois Attorney General accuses the nation’s largest foreclosed-property maintenance company of illegally evicting homeowners and tenants in that state by, among other things, breaking in and changing the locks so that the residents can’t get back in. [More]


Gospel Singer Suing McDonald’s Because Broken Glass Isn’t Easy On The Throat

If it’s not the hot coffee lawsuit of a lifetime, it’s still a major claim that McDonald’s mucked up pretty fierce: A gospel singer living in Brooklyn alleges in a new lawsuit that McDonald’s is responsible for ruining her voice, after she claims she bit into a piece of glass while eating a chicken sandwich. [More]


Former Spirit Airlines Mechanic: I Was Fired After Complaining To FAA About Service Issues

A New Jersey man who had worked at Spirit Airlines for more than a decade claims he was fired last year after he and a group of his fellow aircraft mechanics filed a complaint with the Federal Aviation Administration about allegedly sketchy service practices at the carrier. [More]

(vxla jojoling)

Starbucks Spilled Tea Lawsuit Dismissed

Starbucks proved victorious in the courtroom yesterday. The coffee colossus convinced an appeals court to uphold a lower court’s decision to dismiss a lawsuit alleging the company was liable for burns suffered from a cup of spilled tea. [More]

Verizon Sued By Wisconsin AG For Billing Non-Verizon Customers

Verizon Sued By Wisconsin AG For Billing Non-Verizon Customers

The Attorney General of Wisconsin has had it up to here (I’m holding my hand somewhere slightly over my head) with Verizon and has filed a lawsuit against the telecom giant alleging that Verizon was not only sending bills to people who didn’t order Verizon services, but then sent some customers to collection agencies after they refused to pay. [More]

Towing Co. Loses Half Its Accounts After Suing Over Facebook Page

Towing Co. Loses Half Its Accounts After Suing Over Facebook Page

Surely some of you remember the item we posted last month about a towing company in Michigan that had filed a $750,000 slander and libel lawsuit against a college student because he’d created a Facebook page for people to voice their complaints about the company. Well, that move appears to have backfired for the towing company, which has since lost a good chunk of business. [More]

Oregon Woman Sues McDonalds Over Too-Hot Coffee

Oregon Woman Sues McDonalds Over Too-Hot Coffee

A woman in Oregon has sued her local McDonald’s franchisee after spilling hot coffee from the drive-thru window on herself. She claims that the coffee was too hot and the lid too loose, and seeks $7,500 in damages. [More]

Get Your Piece Of The Dell Fraud Settlement

Get Your Piece Of The Dell Fraud Settlement

Inside: Video – Cuomo and plaintiff Cary Lou Canfield lay down the law at Consumers Union earlier this week, and more info on getting some bucks from Dell.

Update: Cash4Gold Defendant Liberis Files To Vacate Default

Update: Cash4Gold Defendant Liberis Files To Vacate Default

Michele Liberis, the former Cash4Gold employee being sued by that company based on her “10 Confessions” posting, today filed a “Motion to Vacate and Set Aside” the default that Cash4Gold was granted against her earlier this year. In her motion, Liberis states that the default “was improper and should be deemed void,” given that it was based on a claim that she hadn’t responded to Cash4Gold’s initial suit against her. Liberis had, in fact, replied to the company’s written questions, setting forth her “unequivocal and explicit denials” of Cash4Gold’s allegations against her.

New York AG Says Creditors Used Fraud To Collect Debt, Must Return Money

New York AG Says Creditors Used Fraud To Collect Debt, Must Return Money

New York attorney general Andrew M. Cuomo is going after debt collectors and lawyers that seized cash from customers with more than 100,000 improperly filed court orders.

Game Publisher Square Enix Slapped With Class Action Suit For False Advertising, 'Product Enrichment'

Game Publisher Square Enix Slapped With Class Action Suit For False Advertising, 'Product Enrichment'

One day, gamers will get together to sue Square Enix for always lying to them about how infinitely sequelized “Final” Fantasy games are never really final. But until then we’ll just have to sit back and see how this false advertising federal class action lawsuit against the game publisher plays out.

Lawsuit Calls Infamous KFC Chicken Giveaway A "Bait And Switch"

Lawsuit Calls Infamous KFC Chicken Giveaway A "Bait And Switch" is reporting that chicken lovers have become disillusioned with KFC and are suing over the Oprah-endorsed Kentucky Grilled Chicken giveaway that went so horribly wrong last month.

HealthSouth Paid For Someone's Fake Boobs

HealthSouth Paid For Someone's Fake Boobs

Most medical company execs get dinged for being too stingy with their company’s funds. But it’s quite the opposite for former HealthSouth bossman Richard Scrushy, who was quite the giver.

80-Year-Old Woman Files Lawsuit Over $6 Sears Datebook

80-Year-Old Woman Files Lawsuit Over $6 Sears Datebook

Margaret Vail (pictured left), an 80-year-old woman from Mansfield, OH., is fed up with Sears and the numerous collection agencies that claim she ordered a $6 datebook back in 2003. According to the Mansfield News Journal, Margaret never ordered the datebook, yet Sears sent her one anyway and put it on her Sears charge card. Her local store won’t accept returns on mail-order merchandise and she refuses to pay shipping to return it. Over the years, the balance has ballooned to $130 which doesn’t faze Margaret who is spending over $200 in fees to file her lawsuit. Details, inside…

Judge Orders Wal-Mart To Pay $6.5 Million For Violating Labor Laws

Judge Orders Wal-Mart To Pay $6.5 Million For Violating Labor Laws

The AP reports that in a class-action lawsuit, a Minnesota judge ordered that Wal-Mart pay $6.5 million in compensatory damages for violating state labor laws 2-million times. Violations were incurred when the company reduced break time for employees and “willfully” allowed them to work off the clock. Other infractions include the failure to keep time records and denying employees time for meal breaks. Details, inside…

False Advertising Class Action Lawsuit: How To Get Your Airborne Refund

False Advertising Class Action Lawsuit: How To Get Your Airborne Refund

Yesterday we mentioned that the makers of Airborne had reached a tentative settlement over claims that it falsely represented its product as a “miracle cold buster,” by citing a study done by a research firm that ABCNews describes as “a two-man operation started up just to do the Airborne study. There was no clinic, no scientists and no doctors.”

Sears Settles "Stove Tipping" Class Action Lawsuit

Sears Settles "Stove Tipping" Class Action Lawsuit

Consumer groups, which were not involved in the lawsuit, say more than 100 people have been killed or injured from scalding and burns caused by hot foods and liquids spilling from the stove top, or from being crushed by the weight of a stove that has tipped over.

No Yogurt In Pinkberry "Frozen Yogurt"

No Yogurt In Pinkberry "Frozen Yogurt"

A story that sounds more like an LSAT question than a consumer issue arrived in our inbox today: