Matsushita announced plans to mass-produce a laptop battery that won’t explode.

Powerbook Explodes After Comcast Plugs In Wrong Cable
A Comcast customer’s Powerbook exploded after a Comcast tech plugged coax, connected to her computer through her modem, to an electrical wire.

Dell Laptop Languishes For A Month, Shipped Back Unrepaired
Eric Farraro’s friend’s Dell laptop broke. He sent it in to Dell for repairs. It sat there for weeks without notice of when it would ship back. He tried to contact Dell by phone, email and online chat, only to get told, “You should have more information in 72 hours.”

Finder Of Apple Porn On His Daughter’s Laptop Interviewed
UPDATE: Imran works as a system administrator at Orange, the mobile arm of France Telecom.
Exploding Laptop Caught On Film
They try to test the heat using a remote thermometer (like the one mentioned in today’s Morning Deals) but the temp is so high, the instrument gives an error code. This means the temperature was over 1000 degrees Fahrenheit.
Best of Both Worlds
ZDNet is reporting that MacMall is selling Macbooks that are pre-loaded with both Windows XP and MacOS. You can get your dual boot system in two flavors: Apple’s free BootCamp 1.1 which allows you to boot either operating system, or Nova Development’s Parallels Desktop … which allows you to run both at the same time.
Geek Squad City Unveiled, With Fabio
This is a Multivu PR newsreel about the unveiling of Best Buy’s Geek Squad new central headquarters. Geek Squad City sounds awesome. By all appearances, the video is an upload of the footage supplied to TV news stations that helps them from having to do any reporting of their own.

What Else Could Go Wrong, UPS?
Brad sends in this screenshot of how his package is faring in the hands of UPS.

Cure Random Shutdown Syndome
Apple has released a firmware upgrade that they say is a solutions for Mac users suffering from RSS or “Random Shutdown Syndrome.”

All Laptops Break. Period.
This Consumer Reports chart ranks how quickly different laptops need repair.

Ask The Consumerist: Ebay Laptop, Without The Fraud?
“Whatever IT is, you can get IT on Ebay,” goes the promise. Unfortunately for reader Wil, “it” has meant, “almost being scammed.”

No, Dell Ain’t Charging For Replacement Batteries
Contrary to the vituperations of Lowell G, Dell is not charging people for swapping out their exploding batteries.