We received our replacement keyboard for our Dell laptop today.

Burning Macbook Adaptor Porn.
It’s bad enough that the laptop started to burn on Adrian’s bed while he was in it… [More]

Vacation Survival Tips For Your Laptop
How to avoid buying a new $229 hard drive and paying a tech $80/hour to save your data:

IBM Joins the Heat Miser Society for Mobile Computing
Fresh on the heels of the growing ban on battery-powered inflight use of Apple and Dell laptops: Add IBM to the list of spontaneously combustible mobile adding machines.
Laptoppa Non Gratta: Virgin Atlantic Restricts Dell and Apple Notebooks
Virgin Atlantic becomes the latest airline to limit laptop use on board, thanks to the threat of exploding batteries. Qantas and Korean Air already have imposed restrictions.

Plastic Battery Invented!
Engineers at Brown have invented a battery that uses plastic, instead of metal, to conduct electricty. The new device, “marries the power of a capacitor with the storage capacity of a battery.”

6,000 Panasonic Laptops Recalled
Out of concern that the batteries might combust, Panasonic announced a recall of Japanese models of CF-W4G Let’s Note W4 laptop sold between April and May 2005.

Chris M. bought an ASUS laptop for $1,800 bucks. It had a stuck pixel — a garish, polygonal barnacle of LCD green which maddeningly drew his eye. But upon contacting ASUS, he was informed that the subpar screen on his $1,800 investment couldn’t be replaced for free. Why? ASUS doesn’t have that deal with Toshiba, the manufacturer of the screen.

Dell Has Something Important to Tell The Consumerist About Blazing Batteries
Seems our lil ol blog has finally raised the ire of Dell. A day that will go down in history. John Q. Pope, acting as media relator for Dell, wants to correct a post of ours, “Dell Battery Recall May Not End Explosions.”

Even More Flaming Dell Laptops
Hot on the heels of last week’s Dell notebook calling in the firetrucks, a Singapore man tells the Sydney Morning Herald about his self-immolating laptop.

Another Dell Laptop Ablaze!
Incendiary photo evidence of a Dell laptop fire has thrown an extra log on the fire of Dell’s woes.