A quick glance at the calendar and you will see that day is December 12 — or, if you’re into celebrating numbers and dates it’s 12/12. Krispy Kreme is celebrating this “Day of the Dozens” with free doughnuts, because who doesn’t like free fried dough and sugar? [More]
krispy kreme

Two-Time Krispy Kreme Challenge Winner Can Somehow Run 4 Miles & Eat 12 Doughnuts Without Barfing
While I could maybe probably run four miles and definitely eat a dozen doughnuts, I couldn’t accomplish both in the same day, much less the same hour. That’s why it’s somewhat amazing that a two-time Krispy Kreme Challenge winner has managed to run two miles to Krispy Kreme, stop and eat 12 doughnuts, then run two more miles in only an hour. And without losing the contents of his stomach, to boot. Or not to boot. You get it. [More]

Halloween Eats: Free Bacon At Arby’s, $3 Burritos At Chipotle
While we’re still reeling from the revelation that Arby’s may be shorting customers on their fountain drinks, the fast food chain is doing one thing right this week — offering to give away free bacon to customers on Halloween. [More]

Krispy Kreme Handing Out Free Doughnuts On Halloween To Anyone In A Costume
Want a tasty treat but don’t want to spend any money? Dust off that witch hat/set of cat ears/football jersey/train conductor outfit and head to Krispy Kreme on Halloween for a free doughnut of your choice. You’ve gotta be in costume in the store, and it’s gotta be Oct. 31 only. Though feel free to wear a costume any day of the year that you like. [via Krispy Kreme on Facebook] [More]

Krispy Kreme Makes Homer Simpson Jealous, Delivers Massive Box Of 2,400 Doughnuts
So you picked up a dozen tasty doughnuts for the office this morning; that probably made you feel like a pretty good co-worker, right? Well Krispy Kreme officially put your measly 12 toruses of delicious dough to shame, by delivering a single, gigantic box of 2,400 doughnuts to a public relations firm in the United Kingdom. [More]

Krispy Kreme Announces Special ‘Ghostbusters’ Doughnuts For Movie’s 30th Anniversary
Prepare to feel old: Ghostbusters hit theaters 30 years ago (June 17, 1984 to be specific). Now prepare to feel old and maybe hungry: To celebrate that anniversary, Krispy Kreme has announced it will sell two Ghostbusters-themed doughnuts from Sept. 29 through Oct. 31. [More]

Remember All The Great Donuts That Built This Nation With Free Donuts Today
We know that Friday is usually a time for upbeat thoughts as consumers’ minds turn toward frivolous weekend activities — coating the Slip’N Slide with cherry marmalade, improving your speed-run time on Half Life 2, perfecting your homebrew oxycodone recipe — but today, National Donut Day, we should all remember to pause to remember, and perhaps shed a tear, all those donuts that have perished to get us to this point. And then get free donuts while they last. [More]

One Week Until Free Donuts For All At Krispy Kreme
Did you miss Krispy Kreme’s celebration of heroes where they gave out free dozens of donuts? That’s okay: next week, the chain will offfer free donuts for all. Sorry, you’ll have to bring your own beef patties and cheese if you want to construct a cheeseburger. One free donut per person; participating locations only. [Foodbeast] [More]

Let’s Get Summer Started With Photos Of A Krispy Kreme Triple Cheeseburger
Let’s face facts — If you’re reading Consumerist at all today, it’s probably while sitting bored in a half-empty office wondering why you didn’t just make this a four-day weekend like your co-workers Sue, Linda, Ted, and Steve. We feel for you, honestly. While we can’t do anything to get you out of work any earlier, we can try to summer-up your afternoon with photos of a huge cheeseburger on glazed donut buns. [More]

Krispy Kreme Offering BOGO Deal On Dozen Doughnuts In Honor Of “Hero Day”
As that ancient Babylonian proverb goes that we know so well, “When someone inspires you, give’em doughnuts.” Krispy Kreme must be reading the same ancient tome, as it’s announced that in honor of “Hero Appreciation Day” today, customers who buy a dozen doughnuts will get another dozen free to give to whoever inspires you. And whoever that is better be hungry. [Krispy Kreme] [More]

Doughnut Ice Cream Sundaes Coming To Krispy Kreme This Summer…In Japan
Here in the United States, hot donut shop Krispy Kreme might stick a little bit of coffee in its pastries, but otherwise lets outside companies do strange and wonderful things with its food, like using a doughnut as the base for a Sloppy Joe sandwich. In Japan, the chain puts together its own unreal and slightly nauseating creations. Like the Doughnut Sundae. [More]

Krispy Kreme Puts Coffee Inside Donuts, Glass Bottles
Krispy Kreme wants to caffeinate America. They’re best known for their light, fluffy, sugary donuts, but apparently they serve coffee too. The company has plans to inject that coffee in two new and exciting places: the beverage shelves of selected Walmart stores, and inside the chain’s own donuts. [More]

Krispy Kreme Gives Man Bus Stocked With Donuts So He Wouldn’t Have To Steal A Truck
What’s a guy to do when his dream of stealing a Krispy Kreme truck and driving it around to hand out donuts to kids realizes his plan is full of (donut) holes? For one 42-year-old man recently diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s Disease (ALS), that sweet crime spree came true when Krispy Kreme got involved. Well, without the stealing part. [More]

Ready Or Not, Here Comes The Krispy Kreme Sloppy Joe Sandwich
Every time we think the fast food industry has outdone itself, that it’s introduced the pinnacle of calorie-laden, “Yes, they really did put those things together into one menu item,” we’re wrong. Something else always comes down the line to claim the throne. Introducing the latest usurper: The Krispy Kreme Sloppy Joe. [More]

How To Get Cops’ Attention: Steal A Krispy Kreme Truck Full Of Doughnuts
Stealing? Well, that’s wrong. And your odds of getting cops to chase you increase significantly if you choose to boost a truck full of glorious, glazed doughnutty goodness. A man in Georgia found that out pretty quickly after he allegedly made off with a Krispy Kreme truck that had been stopped at a gas station. And of course, a high-speed police chase ensued. [More]

Man’s Insurance Won’t Pay For Prosthetic Legs, He Turns To Selling Doughnuts To Raise Funds
What do you do if you need new legs and your insurance company won’t cover the cost? One man’s solution to such a quandary has led him to try and raise a whopping $120,000 for prosthetic legs by selling Krispe Kreme doughnuts in front of local stores in his South Carolina neighborhood. That’s a lot of doughnuts. [More]

Free Donuts For Pirates At Krispy Kreme This Wednesday
Do you plunder and pillage? Do you favor parrots, eye patches and fancy hats? If so, then you might be able to score a free donut — or maybe even a free dozen donuts — from Krispy Kreme this Wednesday. [More]

It's National Doughnut Day, So Get Your (Possibly) Free Doughnuts
It’s the first Friday in June, which all good Americans know means it’s National Doughnut Day. So it’s time to score some free grub, though possibly with a catch or two. [More]