Nearly five years ago, KFC tried to rejuvenate interest in its menu by going the extreme-food route with the Double Down, a bacon and cheese sandwich with two pieces of fried chicken for the bun. Now the fast foodery is trying to push a hot dog version of the Double Down on its customers in the Philippines, and the results leave a lot to be desired. [More]
kfc double down

Stories You Might Have Missed Because You Were Too Busy Being Awesome
We post a lot of stories during the week, and we know that most of you have jobs, families, lives, hobbies, nagging itches and other more important things to do than read every single thing we write. So for those who might be playing catch-up on the weekend, here are some of the things you might have missed… [More]

It’s Baaaaaaack: KFC Is Resurrecting The Double Down
It’s been a long four years since we first met the KFC Double Down. And while many fast food frankensandwiches have since sought to bottle that starshine and bring it to their own offerings, nothing we’ve seen since has captured the country’s interest quite like that bacon and cheese sandwich with fried chicken “buns.” And now it’s reportedly coming back to delight/disgust the nation yet again. [More]

Meet The KFC Double Down Krispy Kreme Cheerwine Doughnut Sandwich
Consumerist commenter tgrwillki has created an unholy gastronomical monstrosity, a KFC Double Down sandwiched between two Krispy Kreme Cheerwine Doughnuts. It’s like a delicious meme sandwich in my mouth! Because it is one. [More]

Hide The Children: The KFC Double Down Is Here To Stay
This Sunday, May 23, was to have been the final day for grease and salt lovers everywhere to get their hands on the KFC Double Down, which for the two of you just waking from comas is a bacon and cheese sandwich that uses fried chicken as the bread. But before you go and unclog your arteries, KFC has just announced that the Double Down ain’t going anywhere anytime soon. [More]

Healthifying KFC's Double Down
Have you heard of this KFC Double Down situation? You know, the fried chicken, bacon, cheese and special sauce sandwich? Sound familiar at all? Well, in case you didn’t know, it’s fast food, and if you’re into that whole healthy eating thing, it might not be for you. Good thing has gone ahead and put together a couple options that are less likely to clog those arteries. [More]

Krispy Kreme + KFC Double Down = You Don't Wanna Know
Have you ever wondered what would happen if you were to take a KFC Double Down — the bacon sandwich that uses two pieces of fried chicken as the “bread” — and you were to sandwich it in between two halves of a Krispy Kreme donut? Of course you haven’t. Luckily, someone has. [More]

Is The Vegan Double Down Worse For You Than The Real Thing?
A few weeks back, before KFC had even unleashed their bacon, fried chicken and salt concoction known as the Double Down, vegan website Vegansaurus had already come up with their own animal-friendly version. But while it might not harm any of your furry, feathered, scaly or insecty friends, the vegan Double Down certainly isn’t a diet item. [More]

Science: Is The KFC Double Down The Worstest Food Ever?
Speaking of the health value of KFC Double Downs (KDD), some smart fellow has created two charts which compare the nutritional content of the KDD to roughly two dozen other fast food items. Assigning the KFC Original Recipe Double Down (KODD) a base score of “1.0,” the charts show how many KODDs are contained within other sandwiches as a portion of the USDA daily allowance, based on how much fat, sodium, and cholesterol are inside them. The chart may not sway your opinion of the zesty saltlick “sandwich” that is taking America by storm, but its colors may remind you of fries, pickles, and ketchup. Mmmmm, is it second lunch time yet? [More]

10 Fast Food Items Worse For You Than The KFC Double Down
KFC’s Double Down — the bacon sandwich where two pieces of fried chicken replace the bread — has been catching a lot of flack lately; much of it deserved. But a quick comparison of the nutritional (for want of a better word) info between the Double Down and some items on the menus at other fast food joints shows that the “warped creation of a syphilitic brain” might not be as bad for you as a salad at Wendy’s. [More]