

Not Making This Up: The chief operating and development officer of Yum brands, which includes Taco Bell, KFC, Long John Silver’s and Pizza Hut, is named Mr. Hearl. Mr. Hearl is retiring and will be replaced by Mr. Eaton. Seriously. [Wall Street Journal]

KFC Launches Program Designed To Make Your Office Smell Like Chicken

KFC Launches Program Designed To Make Your Office Smell Like Chicken

KFC has issued a press release explaining their newest marketing effort: They’re going to make your office smell like chicken.

Reader Says He Found Brains In His KFC

Reader Says He Found Brains In His KFC

UPDATE: This is probably deep-fried small intestine, according to commenters, for some of whom finding this in their KFC is apparently a common occurrence. [More]

FTC To Investigate Deceptive Youth-Oriented Advertising Practices, Like KFC's "21st Century Dinner Bell," Audible Only To Kids

A report damning the coercive and deceptive practices used by food marketers to reach kids has been submitted to the FTC. The Commission plans to investigate how the food industry markets to children and adolescents; information requests, Commission-speak for subpoenas, have been sent to 44 companies that manufacture, market, and distribute foods and beverages.

Chain Eateries Failing To Satisfy

Chain Eateries Failing To Satisfy

According to a recent survey, chain restaurants are failing to satisfy their customers. The survey of over 3,000 people showed across the board performance drops from last year; customer satisfaction for McDonald’s, Taco Bell, and Burger King all fell by more than 5%. KFC fell by 8.5%.

Tan Hill Inn 1, KFC 0: KFC Drops Legal Action Against Tiny British Pub

Tan Hill Inn 1, KFC 0: KFC Drops Legal Action Against Tiny British Pub

Only a few days after confirming that legal action would proceed against the tiny Tan Hiill Inn for the use of the trademarked term “Family Feast” on their once-a-year Christmas menu, KFC has changed its tiny chicken-sized mind.

KFC Claims Trademark Infringement Over Tiny English Pub's "Family Feast"

KFC Claims Trademark Infringement Over Tiny English Pub's "Family Feast"

Do not be so bold as to name a menu item “Family Feast,” even if you sell the item once a year on Christmas and you own a tiny pub on top of a remote mountain in England. What? Didn’t you know that KFC’s trademark applies to people who live on top of mountains and own pubs and have their picture taken with sheep wandering around? Tracy Daly is such a person, and she has received a very serious legal threat from KFC over an item on her menu called, “Family Feast.”

McDonalds Sells More Chicken Than KFC

McDonalds Sells More Chicken Than KFC

Children, children. Can’t we all get along? —MEGHANN MARCO

China Is Full Of Nasty Food Practices, Like Reselling Discarded KFC On The Street

China Is Full Of Nasty Food Practices, Like Reselling Discarded KFC On The Street

In China, they add melamine to the pet food to make it look like it has higher protein, make “soy sauce” from human hair, soak fish in ink to make their color better, and feed eels birth control to make them longer and more slender. They also pick up discarded KFC chicken pieces from the garbage and sell them at street vendor booths, Shanghai Daily reports.

Rat Infested KFC/Taco Bell Closed Forever And Ever

Rat Infested KFC/Taco Bell Closed Forever And Ever

Yum! Brands just issued a press release apologizing once again for that rat infested KFC/Taco Bell in NYC. Further, they confirmed that the rat infested restaurant had served its last customer.

Since the incident, this KFC-Taco Bell restaurant has been closed for business, and it will not reopen.

Done! No more KFC/Taco Bell. It’s gone forever and ever. It’s been abandoned to the rats who claimed it as their own.

New York City Health Department Takes Blame For Rat Fiasco

New York City Health Department Takes Blame For Rat Fiasco

New York City’s Health Department has taken the blame for the KFC/Taco Bell rat infestation that made national news. (If, though some miracle you haven’t seen the footage yet, i.e. you’ve just come out of a coma or recently regained lost eye-sight, do give it a look. It’s worth it.) Anyhow, the inspector who gave a pass to the KFC/Taco Bell has resigned and the Health Department is, like, really sorry and stuff.

NYC Health Commissioner: Rats Are Not A Health Risk

NYC Health Commissioner: Rats Are Not A Health Risk

The city spends $8 million a year on rodent control and has a team of more than 100 inspectors who close about 500 restaurants each year.

Why is Yum! Brands (KFC, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut) Obsessed With Lent?

Why is Yum! Brands (KFC, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut) Obsessed With Lent?

First they wanted the Pope to bless their Lent-themed fish sandwich, now Reader Ashi sends this photo.

Yum! Brands Shuts Down Rat-Infested Franchisee After More Failed Inspections

Yum! Brands Shuts Down Rat-Infested Franchisee After More Failed Inspections

After a day of reinspections yesterday, the company that owns KFC, Taco Bell and Pizza Hut decided to close all its ADF Companies franchises that have not yet been inspected by the Health Department.

Health Inspector That Passed The Rat Infested KFC Suspended

Health Inspector That Passed The Rat Infested KFC Suspended

The health inspector – whose name was not released – was “removed from restaurant inspection duty,” while the city’s health department reviews other inspections the staffer performed since being put on the job in June 2006, officials said.

KFC/Taco Bell Rat Apologist Comments On Vincent Ferrari's Blog

KFC/Taco Bell Rat Apologist Comments On Vincent Ferrari's Blog

KFC/Taco Bell left a note over on Vincent Ferrari’s blog on a post about the profusion of rats at a western Manhattan KFC. We really liked this part (emphasis added):

Rat Infested KFC Passed Health Inspection The Day Before

Rat Infested KFC Passed Health Inspection The Day Before

“It doesn’t look like the inspection that was done Thursday met our standards,” said Geoffrey Cowley, a health department spokesman. “I don’t want to prejudge that. We’re concerned and we’re going to carefully reevaluate that inspection.”

The so-called inspection was performed in response to complaints about rats in the restaurant, and yet the inspector couldn’t find any. How mysterious. —MEGHANN MARCO

KFC Asks The Pope To Bless Lent-Themed Fish "Snacker"

KFC Asks The Pope To Bless Lent-Themed Fish "Snacker"

“The president of KFC himself sent a letter to the Vatican, asking Pope Benedict XVI to bless the company’s new “Fish Snacker Sandwich. As you know a lot of Catholics give up meat on Fridays during lent, the period between Ash Wednesday and Easter, and fish is popular substitute, so the company is trying to capitalize on this by asking for a sort of “Papal Seal of Approval.”