
BlackBerry Suing Makers Of Slip-On iPhone Keyboard Again, Claiming New Version Is Infringement

BlackBerry Suing Makers Of Slip-On iPhone Keyboard Again, Claiming New Version Is Infringement

BlackBerry has a bone to pick with Typo, the makers of a slip-on iPhone keyboard that the mobile phone company already sued once with claims that the case infringes on its patents, and it’s not ready to let that bone go anytime soon. A new lawsuit against Typo is now on the books, this time aimed at the company’s second iteration of slip-on accessories [More]

iPad Mini Screen Protector Conjures Up Tactile Keyboard From Thin Air

iPad Mini Screen Protector Conjures Up Tactile Keyboard From Thin Air

In spite of the near-ubiquity of virtual keyboards on flat smartphone and tablet screens, some people really long for the haptic feedback provided by actual keys. That’s why some companies — like the legally besieged Typo slip-on keyboards — have tried to bring that sensation back to consumers who want it. Now there’s a new iPad screen protector/case that claims to be able to conjure up something keyboard like out of thin air. [More]

(MaskedKoala on imgur)

Capital One Sends Customer A New Orange-Juiceless Keyboard So He Can Pay His Bill

We are living in a digital world, which means many things we used to do offline, like paying bills, are now handled online. But what’s a good customer to do when he can’t pay his credit card bill due to a keyboard infiltrated with orange juice? Speak up — and maybe get a free keyboard out of it. [More]

Clean Your Keyboard Without Ruining It

Many an attempt at cleaning a keyboard has ended up with the device worse for the wear. Over-aggressive attempts at cleaning out lint and debris from underneath keys can render them useless, and introducing inappropriate liquids into the equation can damage the devices. [More]

There's No Caps Lock On Google's New Laptop

There's No Caps Lock On Google's New Laptop

The most revolutionary feature on Google’s new laptop might not be the Chrome OS, free broadband or cloud-based computing, but their decision to leave off the Caps Lock key entirely. How else will everyone on the internet know that I am screaming? [More]

Does Logitech Disable Keyboard Combos To Stifle Gamers?

Does Logitech Disable Keyboard Combos To Stifle Gamers?

Greg bought a Logitech keyboard, hoping to use it on first-person shooters. He discovered that a common shift+W+space bar combination, which apparently is often used by gamers, doesn’t work on its lower-end products. [More]

Apple Repair Center Doesn't Repair Your Laptop, But Does Replace Your Keyboard With German Layout

Apple Repair Center Doesn't Repair Your Laptop, But Does Replace Your Keyboard With German Layout

So when you take your Mac to get repaired and they have to send it to their repair center, politely request that a service technician with the ID 31514 at the “CTS, Apple Authorized Repair Center” in Houston, Texas does not fix your Mac.


Apparently, people are having success washing their old dirty keyboards in the dishwasher, thereby extending their useful life Do not in any way do this and then, when it goes horribly wrong, blame me for telling you about it. Also, not recommended for laptops. [43 folders]