Jason ordered a new dryer from Best Buy, and his experience was so frustrating that he actually threatened to buy from Sears instead. How bad does a shopping experience have to be to drive a man to such madness? [More]
I’ve seen better buys actually

Check The Specs Yourself Before Ordering Electronics
Corey found a great deal on a Dell laptop at Best Buy. He was under the impression that the computer included a Blu-Ray optical drive, since Best Buy’s “specifications” page listed the drive as included on the computer. Twice. So did the product overview page. But after bonding with the computer for a few hours, Corey learned that the computer was Blu-Rayless. [More]

Best Buy Receipt Checker: 'I Do What I Do For Your Own Good'
An anonymous reader who says he works part-time for Best Buy as a “loss prevention” guy whose job it is to check your receipt as you exit the store writes in to defend his practice. He says doing his job right is not only best for him and the company, but for you, the consumer. [More]

Best Buy To Shut Down Nearly Half Its Geek Squad Service Centers
Best Buy is reportedly snipping the white ties of hundreds of agents, shutting down seven of its 16 Geek Squad service centers. [More]

Best Buy Stuck Me With $63 Worth Of Subscriptions I Didn't Want (Updated)
Paul checked his email to find Best Buy had thanked him for two purchases he didn’t realize he’d made — subscriptions to Kaspersky antivirus and Geek Squad’s “Ask an Agent” service. [More]

Best Buy Virtually Cuts Up My Credit Card, Won't Let Me Pay By Other Means
Allison’s experience of having her credit card purchase denied by Best Buy online may not be as embarrassing as a head-shaking waiter returning your card after a meal, but it’s every bit as frustrating. Best Buy sent her an email informing her that her credit card wouldn’t go through, but every time she calls to rectify the situation, she’s gets lost in voice mail hell. [More]

Best Buy Finally Settles Suit Over Deceptive In-Store Kiosks
It’s been almost four years since Consumerist first brought you the story of Best Buy’s in-store kiosks that sometimes displayed completely different information than the company’s actual internet site. And after a long and drawn-out battle with the attorney general of Connecticut, a settlement has finally been reached. [More]

Best Buy Charges $7 More In Store Than Online For Blu-ray (Updated)
UPDATE: Reader Brian points out Best Buy’s online price was cheaper than the advertised in-store deal, and Matthew must have mixed the two up. The original post follows. [More]

Best Buy Bungles Sale, Denies Me Refund
Ian tried to take advantage of a sweet laptop and printer pre-Black Friday sale at Best Buy’s website, but couldn’t check out with the advertised price. A customer service rep suggested Ian pay the higher price for the items, then apply for a refund for the difference later. The plan didn’t work out so well. [More]

How To Let Best Buy Know How You Feel About Its Receipt Checking Policy
Waiting until you’re leaving the store with a purchase to defy Best Buy’s receipt-checking policy makes for entertaining stories, but a more effective long-term solution is to go to the source and let your voice be heard. [More]

Cop Threatens To Arrest Guy For Refusing To Show Receipt At Best Buy
Mark used a gift card to buy a couple DVDs at a Florida Best Buy, then walked out the door without showing his receipt to the employee at the door. For this “crime,” a sheriff’s deputy stopped Mark and threatened to arrest him if he didn’t go back and let an employee check his receipt. [More]

Best Buy Sells Overpriced HDMI Cable For More Than Many TVs
We’ve seen many an overpriced HDMI cable in our time, especially in places such as Best Buy, so it takes a lot to make us do a double take. Never to be underestimated, Best Buy has come through with a (crack) smoking deal on a cable that costs more than many of the retailer’s Black Friday TV deals. [More]

Best Buy's Ordering And Inventory Systems Still Defy Common Sense
Dorian had a really great online shopping deal: $50 worth of reward points if he spent $100 or more at BestBuy.com. Amazing! He writes that he placed an order, but his mistake was requesting in-store pickup. His local Best Buy store couldn’t get him the items through in-store pickup: even when he physically went to the shelf and found the items he had ordered. It just doesn’t work that way. [More]

Sorry, Best Buy Store Changed Their Minds, No Kinect For You At Midnight
Mike pre-ordered the Kinect, a new sensor thingy for the Xbox, from his local Best Buy. He expected the store to be open at midnight so he could be united with his new toy just after the official release. The store web site said that they’d be open at midnight, so why should he expect anything different? [More]

Best Buy Sells Something On Craigslist
Reader Coco spotted a Craigslist ad that seems to have been made by a Best Buy employee desperate to get rid of an open-box item that’s stuck on its shelves. [More]

Best Buy Online Messes Up My Order Again And Again
John thought he’d take Best Buy up on a 36-month, no interest plan when he bought some appliances, but says the online ordering system repeatedly bungled his order. [More]

Best Buy: 'Sorry, We Sold You A Laptop, Not An Operating System'
Sharon’s husband had Best Buy repair a laptop, and when he got it back the Windows 7 operating system was missing. They complained to Best Buy, which refused to reinstall the system, saying it had held up its end of the bargain because it had originally sold them a laptop, not Windows 7. [More]

Best Buy Closes Early, Denies Me My Video Game At Midnight Opening
Question_Sleep lived up to his name by heading out to Best Buy for the midnight release of Fallout: New Vegas early Tuesday morning. Assured by the accompanying screenshot that the nearest location would stay open until 1 a.m., he made the 25-minute drive, only to discover the store had closed up early and sent him home. [More]