
iPod Mechanic Emerges From Repairs

iPod Mechanic Emerges From Repairs

In response to our request for a statement on what iPod Mechanic did to rectify its customer service issues, owner Nick Woodhams says:

iPod Mechanic Bristles Over Post

iPod Mechanic Bristles Over Post

Two months after we posted a negative user review, the owner of iPodMechanic.com sent us this note:

iPod in Toilet Leads To Emergency Landing

iPod in Toilet Leads To Emergency Landing

Under new security regulations, even fetid catassers are terrorists.

Don’t Be This Consumer

Instead, he used the oldest black hat consumer trick and bought a new video ipod, put the old ipod in, and returned it.

Reader Explains the Circuit City DMCA Disconnect

Reader Explains the Circuit City DMCA Disconnect

Hey, we’re all for Circuit City flouting the DMCA. It’s a bogus law, as anti-consumer as they come. So we were a bit disappointed when Bill Cimino, director of corporate communications, clarified that the sign wasn’t the opening jab in a legal title fight between Circuit City and the RIAA/MPAA, but was instead a disconnect between the wishes of corporate and that particular Circuit City’s store manager.

UPDATE: Circuit City Flouts The DMCA For A Tenner

UPDATE: Circuit City Flouts The DMCA For A Tenner

Despite the sign we posted on Friday, Circuit City says they are not offering a copyright-breaking DVD to iPod service.

Circuit City Flouts The DMCA For A Tenner

Circuit City Flouts The DMCA For A Tenner

Well, well, well! Look who’s violating the Digital Millennium Copyright Act! For only a couple of fins, Circuit City will take your DVD and an iPod and flagrantly breach copyright at your behest.

Teaser for Zune, Microsoft’s iPod

Via Jkrew. However, there does seem to be an inverse-relationship between the product values and boringness level. Most of the ad is preoccupied with showing us the target audience for the mp3 player. Their target is everyone. Try and figure out the titles on the director’s sheet when they were casting for type. We’ve started a few for you.

A Scam By Any Other Name

A Scam By Any Other Name

The News; Say it With Brio, Say it With Bernake!

The News; Say it With Brio, Say it With Bernake!

• Consumer affairs just got a whole lot sexier! [WP] “Avoiding Customer Service Nightmares”

Best Posts Ever, This Week

Best Posts Ever, This Week

Most popular stories of the week so far, excluding anything that has to do with AOL. We’re gonna play it cool like that, and ignore the top seven results or so.

iPods Killed The Genius Bar

iPods Killed The Genius Bar

One of the blogs I’ve been following recently after my experience at the Apple ‘Genius’ bar with a smug doofus who told me I’d have to return my $2,000 laptop because he couldn’t figure out how to turn a screwdriver counterclockwise is ungenius, the chronicles of an ex-Genius detailing life behind the Bar. I haven’t linked it before now because it’s never really as incriminating as I’d like.

iPod Headbanger Rides the Lightning

iPod Headbanger Rides the Lightning

You’re Fired, Give Us Your iPod

You’re Fired, Give Us Your iPod

The sleek samurai sword of our generation, an instant indicator of class and station, the ultimate indignity is not to be fired but to have to give up your company iPod.

Kill A Man At Ten Paces With An iPod Nano

Kill A Man At Ten Paces With An iPod Nano

While we’re subversively busy this morning giving our TSA lurkers more bullet-points for cool swag they can justify confiscating from us as dangerous weapons (we imagine a common determinant in their thought process is: “Wouldn’t I look just darling in that passenger’s swank rhinestone belt and Gucci stilettos?”) let’s add the iPod Nano to the list!

iPod Factory Admits Breaking Chinese Labor Laws

iPod Factory Admits Breaking Chinese Labor Laws

As you can easily imagine, breaking labor laws in China is a bit hard to do as an employer. However, Foxconn managed to do just that by forcing the workers in the Apple iPod factories to work up to 80 extra hours per month. Under local law, laborers can only be forced to work 36 extra hours.

iPodMechanic.com Takes Broken iPod, Runs

iPodMechanic.com Takes Broken iPod, Runs

With the meaty heel of a palm resounding against the center of your forehead with a leathery slap, this might strike many of you as particularly astounding advice, but we think it needs to be said: please, please do not mail your $400 iPod to some random Internet stranger proclaiming himself to be an iPod Mechanic. Especially if there isn’t even a phone number on the website.

HazMat Protesters Drop Mad Science

Here’s another version of the DRM protest involving hazmat suits and the San Fran Apple store. It’s got less Talking Heads, more people speaking about (or, heads talking…) about why DRM is bad. If you don’t know why it is, watch. If you do and would like to have your beliefs affirmed, watch. If you like sweaty geeks, watch. All we know is DRM prevented us from easily transmogrifying our sister into the next Grandmaster Flash, so now we’re totally mad against it, even more than we were madly before.