
Apple Does Not Respond to “Mass’ah”
Now playing on an iPod near you, the sweet sounds of The Sweatshop Boys…

iPod Cities: Massive Chinese iPod Sweatshops
This morning we’re going to be doing some hating on Apple. Might as well just warn you now. So if you’re one of those smug idiot Apple zealots who were the main reason why I put off buying a Mac for as long as I did, you might want to avert your eyes. Because Steve Jobs isn’t God, iTunes DRM sucks and, oh yeah: iPods are made in Chinese sweatshops.

Sweaty Anti-iTunes Hazmat Geek Speaks!
e nerds who stormed the nation’s Apple Stores last Friday, wrote us in response to our recent post, calling our attention to a write-up he did of Defective Design’s protest at Boston’s Cambridge Side Galleria. The fuzz seemed pretty cool with the whole thing:
Anti-iTunes DRM Demonstration Brings Out The Haz Mat Nerds
We somehow missed news of this, but there was a nationwide protest at various Apple Stores on Friday, trying to educate people about the dangers of DRM. The primary danger being, of course, the fact that it’s bad for consumers because it locks you in to a single competitor… if you put your head in the microwave and then decide to switch from an iPod to a Creative Zen, you need to repurchase all your iTunes songs. Ironically enough, this protest was held the same day I decided to give my aged mother my old Dell DJ and invest in an iPod myself. Unfortunately, I went to Best Buy, so I didn’t run into any of the guys at the Boston Apple store; otherwise, we might have had some of that first-hand content Ben’s always telling me I should be trying to find.

The News: Arrogant, Unethical, and Fabulous Edition
• Nah nah nah, kids are circumventing anti-Myspace filters by setting up their own proxy servers from home and accessing them at school.

Hillary Clinton, Music Pirate
The world reacted to the news that George Bush was a no-good music pirate with an apathetic yawn; more interesting, perhaps, was the opalescent baby skull iPod Apple had custom designed him for his birthday. But would you be surprised if Hilary Clinton — that saintly paragon of virtues and family values who personally tops my surprisingly short list of people I’d love to slap — was also a music pirate?

How Many Tales of iPod Can We Tell? Best Buy Adds One More…
Gothamgal purchased an iPod from Best Buy, along with the product replacement plan. Times passes, product needs replacing. Best Buy says, “no problem, bring it on down.”

Creative Sues Apple, Claims They Created MP3 Menus
Could patent law be any more absurd? Perhaps we’re on the wrong end of it, but it seems that the only tangible result of modern patent law is a string of nuisance lawsuits in which one company attempts to rob consumers of a product they enjoy by suing a company that has made an ostensibly similar competing device. Re: Blackberry. But now, Creative vs. Apple.

Trapped Miners Remain Sane By Listening To iPods
Claustrophobically interred miles deep within the chthonic bowels of the earth? Surrounded by nothing but the palpable darkness, the corpse of a buddy and an omnivorous silence threatening to swallow you forever that is only held at bay by the sound of your own hysterical breathing? Well, you may have been unlucky enough to be caught in a mine cave-in, and the rescuers may very well be powerless to reach you in time. But at least they’ve sent some iPods down the shaft so you can while away your last few hours listening to the Cardigans.
UPDATE: Soho Store Long Known A Scam
Thanks to Reader Sten S. for pointing out that we’re not the first guys to notice that the Soho Store is a total scam. Apparently, the Soho bilkers have been common knowledge to the hipster elite on the official Apple forums for sometime. Verdict as of two months ago? Same as it is today. Total scam.
The Sexy iPod Vending Machine In Action
Alright, we were skeptical of the iPod vending machine. But we take it all back — this has to be the coolest vending machine we’ve ever seen.
The $60,000 iPod Tekserve Ad
Normally, unless we were feeling really lazy, we wouldn’t post two ads right after one another but we just got this hot ad sent to us and we wanted to scoop it to you quick-styles.

Apple’s Customer Service Needs Shining
Dan got a worm when he tried to fix an online transaction with Apple.
Bush’s iPod Houses “Illegal” Songs
The RIAA and the DRM Nazis could have a new target besides small families, single mothers and MIT students. How about the President of the United States? From BoingBoing:

iPod Vending Machine Spotted in Atlanta
The iPod vending machine invasion has already begun. Constantine von Hoffman writes us: