Reader Nick doesn’t want you to pay too much for Apple iPod headphones, so he’s asked us to let you know that Best Buy is charging $49.99 for basic white iPod earbuds and they’re only $29.99 at the Apple Store. Let it be known that Best Buy is not the best place to buy accessories.

Costco Sells You A 60GB iPod In A 160GB Box, Apologizes, Gives Refund
This is a copy of a letter that I just sent to Costco, I X’d out the serial numbers
This is a copy of a letter that I just sent to Costco

Steve Jobs Only Wishes He Could Price Like This
Erin writes, “I was searching for an iPod Nano on Google Products and this link came up!” That’s one hell of a markup there, anonymous web store with no branding and an empty “Contact Us” page. Our favorite part: “NOT FOR RESALE”—don’t even think about buying this and marking it up for your own store.

Very Strange Circuit City iPod Touch Bait And Switch
Ian writes:
Last Thursday 2/14, I ordered a 32GB iPod touch from at $474 + tax for a total of about $514. After thinking about it for a bit, I logged back in and canceled the order – just a bit too steep for an iPod, you know? I figured I’d have to wait a while for the price to drop, and left it at that. Well, believe it or not, I received a call at work today from a Circuit City sales rep at corporate telling me he’d offer me the iPod at a discount, so CC could keep my business. I was baffled – nothing like this has ever happened to me before, but the price he gave me $420 + tax… was too good to pass up.

Best Buy Employee Unhappy With The Customer Service At The Apple Store
Here’s a letter that just goes to show that customer service depends on which employee you get. Reader Cody works at Best Buy (in the Apple department, apparently) and his brother is getting the runaround at the Apple store. Is this the ultimate retail showdown?

How About Not Buying An iPod?
Okay, we’ll say it, and understand that we’re writing this post on an old iBook: the iPod line is starting to look tired. Sure, that Touch is elegant in the same way as the iPhone—but its capacity is similar to the Nano, and what if don’t want to carry around a Kubrick-style slab of minimalism? There are now some really nice alternatives out there if you’re willing to walk away from the perks of being a member of the Apple camp.

Target Won't Refund New iPod Box Found Full Of Rocks…Twice
Melanie Ritter thought she was buying a video iPod from Target for her daughter’s birthday, only to open the box and find rocks inside. Imagine how much more disappointed she was the second time this happened.

iPod Lights Your Pants On Fire, Not In A Good Way
“So I look down and I see flames coming up to my chest,” said Danny Williams. His iPod Nano, and subsequently, his pants, were on fire.

iPods + Lightning = Debate
The debate continues about what effect wearing an iPod has when/if you are stuck by lightning. Some say the earbuds conduct the electricity away from the jogger’s head. Other say that it directs it through his head.

Apple May Be Plotting iTunes Movie Rental Service
According to CNNMoney, Apple may be plotting an iTunes movie rental service that would allow iPod users to rent and watch a movie for 30 days without purchasing the entire film. Rumors place the rental fee at about $2.99.

How To Protect Electronics At The Beach
If the elements do manage to breach your defenses, send them on their way with a can of compressed air.

RESOLVED: Geek Squad Fixed My iPod By Sending Me A Broken One
When Charlie’s iPod died, again, she took it to Best Buy, again, as it was under one of those extended warranties they push. What she got back in the mail was an even more messed up iPod. When she took it to the store, they were kinda jerks about it. After her complaint got posted here, Best Buy swooped in.

Slideon: The Mp3/Video Player With Sliding iPod Killer Controls
This audio/video player designed by Consumerist Flickr pool member unleashedlive features a sliding control panel that hides under the playing screen, just like with a slider cellphone. The maker of this 3d rendering says it would use flash memory and be chargeable via the headphone jack.

Geek Squad Fixed My iPod By Sending Me A Broken One
Charlie gave her 4th gen iPod to Geek Squad for warranty repair. They promised her a new iPod in return. Instead, she received an iPod with a sad face screen. When she shook it, its hard drive rattled around. There was a ding in the side. The back of the iPod was buffed shiny, so much so you couldn’t hardly see the iPod logo. When she took it back to the store, she says they were kinda obnoxious to her. The iPod is sent away again, but her hopes are not high.

A Song For You: "We Like Having These Things," by Numbers
Happy Friday, here’s a song we found on the internet that felt very fitting for our readers put in their iPod, “We Like Having These Things,” a jagged post-punk paean to consumerism, by the band Numbers.