RedOryx and her sister both ordered shiny new iPods directly from Apple, and they made an annoying discovery: you can have pretty much anything engraved on the back of your iPod…as long as it doesn’t include any swear words. [More]

See Your iPhone In 3D Thanks To Snap-On Binoculars
For those who find 3D glasses too liberating and are interested in making their portable devices less portable, Hasbro is making a viewfinder that lets you see your iPhone or iPod screen graphics in 3D. [More]

Apple Debuts Overhauled Line Of iPods
As many predicted, Apple used its much-anticipated press event today to show off the latest development in their iPod devices. And though some had hoped Big Chief Fanboy Steve Jobs would be unveiling a new version of the iPod, it was really just updates — ranging from the blah to the significant — to the existing line. [More]

Best Buy Drowned 3 Of My iPods, Offers $25 In Consolation
Do you enjoy having a functioning iPod Touch? Then don’t let Best Buy get their clumsy mitts on it and hire them to apply the tricky, delicate Zagg Invisible Shield. Reader Span_Wolf writes that he thought that he had a run of terrible luck with buying defective iPods, but eventually figured out the real cause of his troubles: he thinks, and Apple agrees, that Best Buy staff’s misapplication of the fancy plastic cover damaged the devices. [More]

Smaller iPad Coming Next Year?
If the 9-inch iPad is an enormous iPod touch, what does that make the rumored 7-inch version? An iPad mini? The iPad Portable? Or maybe just the product Apple should have made in the first place, since it will come at a lower price point and won’t require a special jacket just to carry it. [More]

iPhone 4.0 Software: Multitasking, Billions Of Ads, No Porn Store
Apple honcho Steve Jobs today unveiled the latest version of the company’s iPhone operating system software, which adds long-awaited multitasking functions, so that you can finally listen to Pandora and check email at the same time. The new OS will also include the iPad’s iBooks app and an email app that will let you manage multiple accounts from a single inbox. What’s missing? Java and Flash are still no-shows. And don’t expect a porn store anytime soon. “There’s a porn store for Android,” Jobs said in response to a question about opening the App Store to unsanctioned products.”You can download it, your kids can download it. That’s a place we don’t want to go, so we’re not going to.” [More]

Budget $1,170 If You'd Like Your iPad To Have Basic Accessories
At $499, the iPad may sound like an almost, maybe, sorta okay deal. But add extra memory, 3G, a few choice accessories like a keyboard ($69), USB power cord ($29) and a case ($39), and you’re up in MacBook territory. Jeff Fox of Consumer Reports tallies up his expenditures and comes up with a way to justify the purchase to his wife: it’s his birthday — almost. [More]

Thief Gets Everything He Needs To Rob Walmart… At Walmart
It’s true — You can get everything you need at Walmart, including everything you need to steal thousands of dollars of Walmart merchandise. [More]

Apple Admits To Having Underage Labor In Factories
Apple has always positioned itself as the computer and electronics brand of the hip and young — and it looks like they extended that ethos to their overseas manufacturing. The iCompany has issued an “oops” on its Web site, admitting that underage workers were employed in three different Apple-affiliated plants last year. [More]

iPod Explodes In Class, Killing Nobody
An iPod erupted on a high school science room desk in Pentucket Regional High School in, MA yesterday. Supposedly… [More]

Revolutionary New Apple Service Bills Your AMEX Card For Nearly $50,000 In Music
I think we can all agree that Jobs and his crew at Apple are a bunch of visionaries when it comes to gadgets, online stores, and now getting really, really screwed by an iTunes purchase. Joel writes, “I just got a call from American Express stating that my recent purchase for iTunes plus for my entire library (cost $146) has been charged to my account over 300 times and is currently still being charged. I have called Apple to have them stop charging me and they told me the only thing I can do is cancel my card. There is no number for iTunes and I have sent multiple messages to them without response via email.” [More]

Microsoft Investigating Why Songs Are Disappearing From Zune Pass
If record labels decided to pull some of their songs from the Zune Pass service in the past couple of weeks, they did a poor job telling Microsoft about it. The company seems to be as in the dark as Zune Pass subscribers about why songs, albums, or entire discographies have gone missing. Ars technica reports that a Microsoft employee wrote on a Zune forum, “We are investigating your reported missing albums indicated in this post—and will come back to you as soon as we understand why they’re missing.” [More]

Apple Buys Lala
Lala, the music streaming/backup service that’s also a reasonably priced mp3 store, has been purchased by Apple. Does this mean Apple may introduce some sort of streaming service in the future? On Lala, you can pay 10 cents per song to stream it as much as you want, or $.99-1.29 to own it outright. At any rate, if you buy from Lala now, you’re buying from Apple. [More]

Man Loses All His iTunes, But Apple Gives Them Back
When Nathan switched computers he lost all the music he bought off iTunes, but he got it back by e-mailing Apple’s iTunes support at

iPod Survives Nine-Storey Plunge Into G20 Riots
While leaning out her dorm window to watch some riots — hell, what else is there to do in Pittsburgh? — Bob’s daughter’s iPod decided it’d had enough of this world and took a swan dive into oblivion.

Microsoft Seeks Arrogant Would-Be Hipsters To Staff New Stores
When Apple needs to come up with a hot new product, it turns to CEO Steve Jobs, who is said to micromanage everything from the color of the product’s box to how overpriced it should be. And, when Microsoft needs to go after the next big thing, the company turns to … Steve Jobs. At least that seems to be the idea behind Microsoft’s latest plan, which involves poaching managers from Apple’s retail stores.

Apple Store Is Efficient And User-Friendly For Thieves
I’ve always found Apple Stores to be open and inviting. A team of thieves in New Jersey evidently agree with me. They smashed the front window of the Promenade at Sagemore store in Marlton, N.J. and cleaned out the display models. How long did it take them to steal 23 Macbook Pros, 14 iPhones, and 9 iPod Touches? Thirty-one seconds. Yes, there’s surveillance video.