The High Definite spotted these signs in Baltimore. Since the device in question, the iPod Touch, costs $200 on the low end, there’s plenty of room for higher bidding. [More]

What's Next For Apple? This Stuff!
In 2007, Apple introduced the iPhone, and the world exploded. In 2010, just moments after the world had reformed, Apple introduced the iPad, and the world exploded again. What will happen in 2012 and 2014? This chart attempts to explain. [More]

Apple Admits To Having Underage Labor In Factories
Apple has always positioned itself as the computer and electronics brand of the hip and young — and it looks like they extended that ethos to their overseas manufacturing. The iCompany has issued an “oops” on its Web site, admitting that underage workers were employed in three different Apple-affiliated plants last year. [More]

AT&T Offers Me $.08 Service Credit For My iPhone Downtime
Consumerist reader Aaron wrote in to share his experience of attempting to get a service credit from AT&T Wireless after experience a data outage on his iPhone. On one hand, he was successful in getting some money back. On the other hand, he probably spent more money getting the credit than he received. [More]

Magical USAA Check-Depositing Smartphone App Now Available For Android
Do you envy iPhone users’ ability to deposit checks in their USAA accounts by snapping a picture and using a fancy secure app? Now, check-zapping abilities have been granted to phones using Google’s Android mobile operating system. [More]

Save Money With These 4 iPhone Apps
Want to update your Facebook status? There’s an app for that. Looking to placate your baby with a dancing Teddy bear? There’s an app for that too. And believe it or not, there are some iPhone apps that will actually help you save a few bucks. [More]

Apple Angles To Make Its Apps Less Sexy
Apple is bent on preventing its App Store from becoming a cesspool of pornography, according to a TechCrunch post, which says Apple’s rules are a bit constrictive, banning tight clothing and bathing suits as well as nudity. [More]

After 8 iPhones And 14 SIM Cards, AT&T Still Won't Waive ETF
AT&T seems determined to fix Mike’s problem. Only they can’t, apparently, because in the past 9 months he’s gone through 8 iPhones and 14 different SIM cards, and still can’t get a phone that does everything it’s supposed to do. (Like ring when someone calls.) Normally an 8-smartphone customer might sound like someone who’s being too hard to please, and maybe that’s Mike, but let’s face it: this is AT&T and it’s the iPhone, so most of the issues he lists below sounds completely plausible. [More]

iPhone Users Sucking Up 5 Times As Much Data As Blackberry Users
Just in case you didn’t already know this from all the times you’ve seen someone bust out their iPhone just to pull up or Wikipedia to settle a bar bet, a new study published by our hot cousins at Consumer Reports shows that users of Apple’s super phone are using up to five times more data each month than Blackberry owners and nearly double that of other smart phones. [More]

Man Uses Technological Detective Work To Recover Stolen iPhone
A blogger had his iPhone swiped on a flight but managed to track it down in a saga worthy of a TV movie of the week, if those still existed. He’s not the first guy to do this, but the story is inspiring every time. [More]

You Can Now Make VOIP Calls On Your iPhone Using 3G
I’ll keep this short because it’s Apple-related and we all need a break from that company: Apple has removed its ban on using your iPhone’s 3G “connection” to place VOIP calls, so now you can use an app like Fring to place overseas calls even when you’re not around a Wi-Fi hotspot. Call quality in those moments will naturally depend on AT&T’s ability to provide a good 3G connection, so keep your expectations low, but still it’s good news for any iPhone/AT&T customers looking to save money on calls. [More]

Google Voice Does End Run Around Apple, Launches New Web App
Apple made it clear last year that Google Voice is not welcome on the App Store or your iPhone. “Fine,” said Google. “We’ll go through the browser!” Today the search engine revealed a new mobile web interface that uses some fancy HTML5 magic to provide voicemail, calling, and text message functionality. If you don’t already know, you can turn any page in Mobile Safari into an App icon on your home screen (click the “+” icon in Safari), meaning now you can have a legitimate Google Voice “app.” Below is a video tour. Update: There’s a down side to this: Cy writes in to let us know that this fancy new version actually breaks functionality for iPod Touch owners–the old web-based version let Touch owners make calls, but this one doesn’t. [More]

Verizon iPhone Coming In Two Days … Two Months … Two Years
Is wishful thinking driving dozens of telecom pundits to conclude that Apple will announce that the iPhone is coming to carriers other than AT&T this Wednesday? Or are they just tired of reporting the same tired iTablet rumors?
Regardless, the internets are in a frenzy about the potential for a non-AT&T version of the iPhone, after a reporter for BusinessWeek ran a quote about the possibility from Tim Horan, a telecommunications analyst at Oppenheimer & Co

Botched Parental Controls Let Kids Check Out iPorn
The software that controls Apple’s iPhone and iPod touch includes parental controls that are meant to block kids from buying porn apps. And it works. Sort of. While kids whose parents use the software to protect their iPods can’t purchase any of the App Store’s billions of “babe” apps (App Store porn is largely of the soft-core, pin-up variety), they can still browse it, checking out the app descriptions, reviews and, of course, screen shots. Oops. [More]

Analyst Predicts Verizon Will Break AT&T's iPhone Monopoly In June
Canaccord Adams analyst Peter Misek roused the hopes of Verizonites everywhere by predicting Apple will sic its upcoming iPhone 4G on the cell phone company’s customers come June, Tech Trader Daily reports. [More]

AT&T Debuts New Unlimited Plans In Attempt To Irritate Verizon
AT&T just put out a press release announcing new unlimited plans for all of their customers, even the ones with, gasp, iPhones. [More]

Why Aren't Cellphones Under Warranty For The Duration Of Your Contract?
Adam got a bad iPhone that stopped providing some key functions–he can’t make calls on it, for example–18 months into ownership. He didn’t buy Applecare when he purchased it, which would have covered him during the second year of his contract. But that shouldn’t matter, he argues: “[Why isn’t it] incumbent upon a device maker to guarantee a product’s proper function for–at the very least–the length of the contract required at purchase?” [More]

Device That Turns iPhone Into Universal Remote Coming Next Month
If you’ve got an iPhone, a $50 eraser-sized dongle that snaps on to the bottom of your device could relegate that desk drawer full of remotes to the garbage bin. [More]