Looks like AT&T is rescinding the 1000 free rollover minute offer for some of the people people who tried to jump on it. [More]

Verizon Looking To Introduce Tiered iPhone Pricing Plans In Mid-Summer
When Verizon released its version of the iPhone last month, it said the unlimited data plan required to use the phone would eventually give way to tiered pricing though the company refused to put a timeline on it. Now, Verizon is being slightly more specific about its plans. [More]

Who Sucks The Most, AT&T Or Verizon? Vote With Your Gum
Instead of spitting their gum on the sidewalk like usual, people are using it to vote whether AT&T or Verizon sucks more. “Gum Election” is a project where people download a free poster off this site, post it out on the street, and people stick their gum on the entity that “sucks the most.” Early results based off a poster hung up on Lafayette Street in New York favor AT&T. [More]

Consumer Reports Can't Recommend Verizon iPhone
Our cousins-in-arms at Consumer Reports have finished their tests on the Verizon iPhone and found that, just like the AT&T version of the iPhone 4, it offers great multimedia functionality, a sharp screen and one heck of an MP3 player. Unfortunately, when used without a case, it also shares its predecessor’s problem of dropping calls and weak signals. [More]

Apple Store Employee: Stop Asking Me About The Next iPhone
Over at Popular Mechanics, they spoke to an anonymous Apple Store employee to get the inside scoop on what it’s like working at the iPhone emporium. And the main thing he seems to want people to know is that he knows absolutely nothing about what the company is doing next. [More]

Anti-Report Report: Apple Is Working On A Cheaper iPhone, Not A Smaller One
Apple’s gang of anonymous sources are telling the New York Times and Bloomberg different stories about the company’s plans for a budget iPhone. [More]

AT&T Bribes Users With 1000 Free Rollover Minutes
The latest salvo in the AT&T and Verizon Cola Wars was for Big Blue to bribe all its users into staying with a surprise gift of 1000 bonus rollover minutes. Some users thought the text message announcing the free minutes was some kind of spam or scam – and who could blame them? – but it was definitely sent out by AT&T, as confirmed to Consumerist by AT&T PR. They said, “It’s real – we’ve done this before…it’s a way of thanking our customers.” If you didn’t get the text, some users, even those who weren’t targeted by the initial blast, have reported the free minutes showing up on their account after texting “yes” to 11113020. [More]

Looking For Free Condoms? There's An App For That
Nothing says “Happy Valentine’s Day” like free condoms. That must be why the New York City Health Department picked today to unveil its new condom-locator app for iPhones and Android devices. [More]

Verizon Sends Your iPhone And Your Calls To New Jersey, Shrugs
Matt’s parents are loyal, longtime Verizon Wireless customers, and they wanted iPhones. Really, really wanted iPhones, to the point that they got up at 3:30 AM on February 3rd to place their orders at the special Verizon-subscriber time. But their iPhones never showed. Thanks to a shipping error, their phones–and their phone calls–ended up shipped to someone else, with both receipts in the box. Verizon’s response: they told them to order the phones again on February 10, with the general public. The frustration! [More]

Report: Apple At Work On Smaller, Cheaper iPhones
Apple is said to be applying its shrink ray to the iPhone, working on a scaled-down, budget version of its ubiquitous electronic leash. [More]

Only 8 People Waited In Line For The Verizon iPhone At Apple's Flagship NYC Store
CNN Money reports that a paltry eight people were lined up before doors opened at Apple’s big glass cube in New York City this morning to get their mittened hands on the new Verizon iPhone 4. Those numbers are a stark contrast to the thousands who showed up in June when the AT&T iPhone 4 went on sale. That it was about 11 degrees with the wind chill probably had something to do with the sparse turnout. [More]

AT&T Launches Unlimited Calling to Any Mobile
AT&T will let you make unlimited calls to any mobile phone on any network for free, as long as you are already have unlimited messaging ($20 for individuals, $30 for FamilyTalk plans) and are in a qualifying voice plan. After enrolling in Mobile to Any Mobile Calling, dialing another cellphone won’t use up your minutes. Coming on the same day that the Verizon iPhone goes on sale, it looks like AT&T is making a play to try to keep budget-conscious customers from exiting. More info at att.com/anymobile. [More]

iPhone App Lets Catholics Practice Confessing On The Go
A $2 iPhone app walks users through a simulation of the Catholic sacrament of confession, offering sinners the opportunity to admit their misdeeds via their phones. [More]

No One Knows Where My Verizon iPhone Could Possibly Be
Where is Sandy’s Verizon iPhone? It was supposed to be on her doorstep yesterday, but…it’s not. The box that it was supposed to be in contains only iPhone accessories. Verizon must conduct a three-day investigation into whether they shipped her an iPhone or not, leaving her without the precious phone that she pre-ordered after ten years with Verizon. [More]

Google Shopper App Recognizes Products By Their Cover
Google has jumped into the shopping app fray with “Google Shopper,” which stands out from the crowd by being able to id products by their cover art. The feature works on book, CD, DVD, and video game covers. You can also search by voice, along with the usual barcode scanning, local pricematching and the ability to save items. If you’re a RedLaser fan, this could be a serious contender to replace it on your home screen. The app is free and available on both Android and iOS. [More]

Verizon Drops Snark Bomb On AT&T In New iPhone Ad
Verizon gets all catty against AT&T in this new ad. First it shows the iPhone spinning and light passing over it while a a dramatic orchestra pumps and a throaty announcer intones, “It’s beautiful. It’s intelligent. It’s genius. But does your network, work?” Then the phone rings. It’s Verizon guy! He says, “Yes, I can hear you now,” and wiggles his eyebrows. Oh snap! Let the coke wars begin! In other news, the “can you hear me now” guy is has put on a few pounds. In other other news, Verizon has declared they’re all sold out of iPhone 4 pre-orders. [More]

Ahead Of iPhone, Verizon Says It May Start Throttling Top 5% Of Data Users
The same day Verizon Wireless started taking pre-orders for iPhone, they posted a new notice on their site saying they reserve the right to throttle the top 5% of data users, WSJ reports. Here’s what it said: [More]

Verizon Unveils Pricing Plans For iPhone
As Verizon prepares to start taking iPhone pre-orders from existing customers, the company has finally unveiled its full slate of pricing plans for the coveted smartphone. [More]