A few weeks ago, Apple admitted that some iPhone 6S batteries were not working properly, causing the phones to shut down suddenly during otherwise normal use, and launched a repair program for affected consumers. But Apple hadn’t said why the batteries weren’t working properly… until this week, when it blamed the problem on air. Yes, literally air. [More]
iphone 6s

Apple Admits Some iPhone 6S Batteries Are Busted, Will Fix For Free
The entire purpose of a smartphone is to be able to go online, message, or call anyone from just about anywhere, so if the battery ceases working you’ve got little more than an expensive fashion accessory. That’s why Apple has agreed to repair some iPhone 6S devices that have a bad habit of suddenly turning themselves off. [More]

Apple Promises To Fix Bug Causing Misleading Battery Meter On iPhone 6S, 6S Plus
If you’ve been confused by the battery meter on your iPhone 6S or 6S Plus that shows you having plenty of power, only to shut down while still showing a full charge, you’re not alone: Apple says a bug with the phones is showing some users a higher charge than the phone actually has. [More]

Samsung Galaxy S7 Will Reportedly Charge Faster, Have Pressure-Sensitive Screen
Back in September, Apple unveiled its more responsive “3D Touch” display for the iPhone 6S, so it should come as little surprise that Samsung may have something similar in its back pocket for the upcoming launch of its flagship Galaxy phone. [More]

T-Mobile Offering 128GB iPhone 6S For Price Of 16GB Model To AT&T Customers Who Jump Ship
T-Mobile continues to pick on the company it once planned to spend eternity with, once again launching a promotion intended to lure AT&T customers away to the pugnacious little wireless provider. [More]

We Live In A World Where There’s An iPad Waiting In Line To Buy An iPhone 6S
What with the inevitable, eventual artificial intelligence revolution always hangin on the horizon, we’re actually sort of surprised that this is the first we’ve heard of a robot holding a spot in line to buy a new iPhone. A woman in Australia sent her mechanical representative to wait for the release of the iPhone 6 at the Apple Store in Sydney, because it’s much better than camping out for hours or even days. And robots don’t even have to leave for bathroom breaks. [More]

Sprint Leasing iPhone 6S For $1/Month With iPhone 6 Trade-In
The day after T-Mobile tried to undercut all the competition by touting a $5/month lease for the iPhone 6S, Sprint is cutting even further, offering the new Apple phone for only a buck a month. [More]

Fake Apple Stores Have Returned To China, Try To Quench Thirst For iPhone 6S
Like humans worldwide, people in China love iPhones and have an irrational need to own the newest model on the day that it’s released to the public. One unique thing that has popped up in China, though, is fake Apple Store that sell real Apple products. They proliferated four years ago, and are back, significantly outnumbering stores run by Apple. [More]

T-Mobile Enters iPhone Rental Wars With Bottom Price Of $5 Per Month
If you’re the kind of person who upgrades their phone every year, T-Mobile has a tempting deal on the iPhone 6S, as long as you join their Jump On Demand program. If you thought that their $20 per month offer on the device was tempting, last night CEO John Legere announced on Twitter that people who turn in their decrepit old iPhone 6 will get their new phone for $5 per month. [More]

Weigh Your Insurance Options Carefully Before Choosing Where To Buy The New iPhone
Back at the beginning, there used to be that there was only one way to get an iPhone: give AT&T at least $200 and sign a two-year contract. Now that the device is available from all major U.S. carriers and even some minor ones, and for sale worldwide, that gives consumers more options. More options means more possible confusion, though, especially with different ways to buy and insure the same product. [More]

T-Mobile Slashes iPhone 6S Price To $20/Month; Offers Lifetime Coverage Guarantee
At yesterday’s big reveal of the new — ooh, ahh — iPhone 6S, Apple estimated that the standard 24-month installment plan for one of these new phones would run around $27/month. Apple itself is launching a new offering at $32/month with the ability to upgrade every year. This morning, T-Mobile raised the big “give us a try” flag by saying it will sell the iPhone 6S for only $20/month. [More]