If you’ve ever clicked on what looks like an interesting video promising “17 Ways You’re Eating Cheese Wrong,” only to find yourself on a spammy website that has nothing to do with cheese, you know how frustrating such clickbait can be. Facebook is now introducing new updates aimed at keeping those deceptive posts out of your news feed. [More]
what you see is not what you get

Disappointing Milky Way Brownie Is Latest Entrant In Packaging Vs. Reality Hall Of Sadness
Here at Consumerist, we’re used to that moment when expectations come crashing into conflict with reality, that sigh of disappointment over a product that’s failed to live up to its packaging or marketing photos. It’s not that it’s all that surprising, it’s just that it makes us sad. [More]

Apple Promises To Fix Bug Causing Misleading Battery Meter On iPhone 6S, 6S Plus
If you’ve been confused by the battery meter on your iPhone 6S or 6S Plus that shows you having plenty of power, only to shut down while still showing a full charge, you’re not alone: Apple says a bug with the phones is showing some users a higher charge than the phone actually has. [More]

Wish-Bone Recalling Some Bottles Of Ranch Dressing Because They’re Full Of Blue Cheese
One of the worst tricks you could pull on a ranch dressing devotee? Filling a bottle labeled as such with blue cheese instead. It could also be quite the problem for anyone allergic to eggs, as that known allergen isn’t declared on bottles of Wish-Bone Ranch Dressing, some of which were accidentally filled with blue cheese dressing instead. Pinnacle Foods has issued a voluntary recall of the mixed up bottles, after a consumer noticed the mistake. Yet another reminder why it’s good to speak up. [via FDA.gov] [More]