You don’t have to go very far to find plenty of videos of iPads being unboxed. But if you want to see an iPad in a boxing match with an Amazon Kindle, there’s only one place to go: the streets of New York, where these two dudes battled it out to entertain the masses waiting outside the Apple Store (and promote electronics recycling business YouRenew). The winner? The guy in the Pink Floyd shirt, who managed to get himself into every shot. [More]

Getting An iPad This Weekend? Tell Us About It
We didn’t pre-order an iPad and we probably won’t be hitting up the Apple store or Best Buy to get one this weekend. But we know at least a few of you will have your hands on an iPad and we want to hear your first impressions. [More]

Hyundai Luxury Car to Use iPad as Manual
In what we can only assume is a bid to make sure you don’t spend too much time thinking about the fact that you just spent between $50,000 to $60,000 on a Hyundai, the new luxury Hyundai Equus will have an iPad as a manual. [More]

Netflix Tells Consumerist Why They Chose iPad For First Mobile App
When we posted earlier today that Netflix had launched an app for the iPad that allowed users to watch streaming video, many readers expressed disappointment that the video delivery company had opted to go with the iPad over all other devices to make its mobile debut. So we spoke with them to find out why. [More]

Netflix Brings Streaming Video To iPad
After speculation in recent days that Netflix would be launching an application that would allow people to watch movies on the new Apple iPad, the video delivery service confirmed the news this morning and the app is now available through the iTunes store. [More]

Budget $1,170 If You'd Like Your iPad To Have Basic Accessories
At $499, the iPad may sound like an almost, maybe, sorta okay deal. But add extra memory, 3G, a few choice accessories like a keyboard ($69), USB power cord ($29) and a case ($39), and you’re up in MacBook territory. Jeff Fox of Consumer Reports tallies up his expenditures and comes up with a way to justify the purchase to his wife: it’s his birthday — almost. [More]

Lawsuit Seeks To Stop Import Of iPads & Other Apple Products
Less than a month after Apple filed a lawsuit against phone maker HTC over allegations of patent infringement related to Apple’s iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad devices, the computer company finds itself the target of a similar lawsuit by a a Taiwanese company that claims Apple is using their touch-screen patents without permission. [More]

Don't Worry About What The iPad Costs, You Can't Afford The Apps
One of the cool things about the iPhone ecosystem is there are nearly 17 quintillion apps available for it, and although many of these are crap, the good ones frequently cost only a dollar or two. Even the premium-priced “productivity” apps–things like note pads and to-do lists–rarely cross the $10 threshhold, which means you can load up your iPhone or Touch with a lot of cool stuff on a modest software budget. But if a leaked video of the iPad app store is accurate, you can expect to pay 200-500% more for simple things like 99-cent games, and PC-level prices for more robust apps, on your fancy new iPad. [More]

Apple Moves Ship Date For Some iPads To April 12
We guess early birds truly do get the worm. Or at least they get to be the first ones to get their hands on their biggie-sized iPod Touches. Apple announced over the weekend that they’ve sold out of their first run of iPads and some folks won’t be getting their pre-ordered tablet thingies until after April 12, a full 9 days after the initial release date. [More]

Could Next Generation Of Kindles Have Color Displays?
Apple’s full-color iPad tablet thingy is set to launch in the coming weeks and it’s predicted that the device will eat away at the huge e-book market share enjoyed by Amazon’s Kindle e-readers. Among the knocks against Kindles by some has been that their E Ink display — while much easier on the eyes than a traditional backlit screen — does not display color images, text or video. But that may change in the next year. [More]

Amazon Releases Kindle For Mac
Until now, if a Mac owner wanted to read a Kindle e-book on his computer, they were out of luck (or used something like Parallels and had the Kindle for PC app running on Windows). But that all ended today, with the release of Kindle for Mac. [More]

Some iPad Accessories Won't Be Available Until Weeks After Ship Date
If you pre-ordered a WiFi iPad and you were hoping to use one of those snazzy keyboard/charger/display stands Apple showed off at the January unveiling, you’re going to have to wait a few extra weeks, as it’s one of a few iPad accessories that won’t be available until after the April 3 ship date for the plus-sized iPod Touches. [More]

iPads With Dead Batteries Will Be Replaced For $99 Fee
Since Apple’s iPad, just like their iPod and iPhone products, doesn’t have a battery that can be replaced — at least without voiding your warranty — the company has said that, if your battery dies, they’ll give you a replacement iPad… for a service fee of $99. [More]

iPad Pre-Orders Now Open
Apple opened the doors on iPad pre-orders as of a few minutes ago. Git ’em while they’re hot! Or not, and wait for the inevitable first-generation bugs to get worked out and feeding frenzy to fade. Should you buy? Which kind do you get? Sister Consumer Reports Electronics Blog has the breakdown. Take our poll as to whether you’re getting with the craze or staying out of the race. [More]

Report: Steve Jobs Says You Won't Be Able To Link Your WiFi iPad To Your iPhone
Anyone who currently owns an iPhone and was hoping they would be able to use it as a mobile web access point for a WiFi iPad got some bad news today, as Apple’s turtleneck-in-charge Steve Jobs has reportedly said this will not happen. [More]

WiFi iPad Pre-Order Starts Next Friday. Can't Touch It Until April 3
For those of you whose iPod Touches just aren’t big enough, Apple has finally announced the pre-order and on-sale dates for one version of its much hyped iPad tablet thingamajig. [More]

What's Next For Apple? This Stuff!
In 2007, Apple introduced the iPhone, and the world exploded. In 2010, just moments after the world had reformed, Apple introduced the iPad, and the world exploded again. What will happen in 2012 and 2014? This chart attempts to explain. [More]

Apple Admits To Having Underage Labor In Factories
Apple has always positioned itself as the computer and electronics brand of the hip and young — and it looks like they extended that ethos to their overseas manufacturing. The iCompany has issued an “oops” on its Web site, admitting that underage workers were employed in three different Apple-affiliated plants last year. [More]