If you don’t want Apple collecting data on you and using it to target you with ads starting July 1st, you can opt out from “any device running iOS 4,” says AppleInsider. The opt-out is automatic when you hit up http://oo.apple.com from an iOS 4 device, and as far as I can tell you can’t undo it, so don’t click the link unless you really want to opt out. Also, it’s not working at the moment. [More]

ABC Doubling The Commercials On iPad App, Online Streams
If you watch ABC’s shows online or with an iPad, your limited commercial interruptions are about to get a little less limited. So far, most of ABC’s streaming shows contain 5 to 6 ads of 30 seconds each, but mocoNews says one of ABC’s executives just confirmed that the network is going to double that ad load, perhaps leading the way for other networks to do the same. [More]

Security Experts Claim iPad Vulnerable To New Attacks
Goatse Security, thewhite-hat hackers that exposed the iPad’s problems keeping email addresses under wraps, is back with a warning about additional risks to owners of the tablet. And they’re also more than a little peeved that AT&T called them “malicious” in yesterday’s apology to customers. “When we disclosed this, we did it as a service to our nation. We love America and the idea of the Russians or Chinese being able to subvert American infrastructure is a nightmare,” Goatse’s Escher Auernheimer said.

The New York Times Doesn't Want You Accessing Its RSS Feed Via An RSS Feed Reader
Update: Apple apparently realized that losing 30% of revenue on sales of the Pulse News Reader wasn’t worth playing along with the Times’ weirdness, and put the app back up for sale before the end of the day–with the newspaper’s feed still included as a default. [More]

Idealistic Apple Developed iAds To Keep Apps Affordable
Why did Apple come up with iAds, the company’s new platform for mobile advertising? It had nothing to do with the $60 million Apple has already taken in from companies like Nissan, GE and Best Buy. And it apparently didn’t have anything to do with Apple’s plans to control nearly half of the market for mobile ads. No, the real reason is simple. As CEO Steve Jobs explained it today, Apple created iAds “for one simple reason: to help our developers earn money so they can continue to create free and low-cost apps for users.” [More]

Netflix Is Indeed Coming To iPhone Says Steve Jobs
Back in April, Apple and Netflix ticked off a vocal handful of iPhone owners by deciding to launch the first mobile version of the video service’s streaming videos on the then-untested iPad. But at today’s much ballyhooed new iPhone announcement, Apple’s Chief Executive Guru Steve Jobs was happy to let everyone know that Netflix is coming to the iPhone. [More]

Shopping For An iPad? Bring Some Rubber Gloves
Even though I’m not quite sure why someone would want to spend so much money on one, it is a fact that millions of people want to get their hands on an iPad, if only just to test it out. And that appears to be the problem, with a new NY Daily News investigation turning up some icky results from swab tests on the handheld devices. [More]

AT&T Capping Data On New iPhone, iPad Plans
AT&T has officially delivered on the threats made by its consumer business director Ralph de la Vega last December: it’s switching to usage-based pricing on data plans for smartphones and the iPad. Starting Monday, all new AT&T customers who buy an iPad, iPhone, Blackberry or other smartphone and purchase the necessary data plan will have two options: $25 for 2 gigabytes, or $15 for 200 megabytes. [More]

Apple Claims 2 Million iPads Sold; Asus Unveils Plans For "Eee Pad"
The same weekend that eager European, Aussie and Canadian customers were finally able to get their hands on Apple’s iPad tablet thingy, the company announced that it had sold 2 million of the portable devices since its launch in early April. [More]

No Color Kindles In Near Future, Says Amazon
Even though the company that manufactures the Kindle e-reader for Amazon has already developed color screens that still utilize the Kindle’s E Ink technology, the e-tailer’s CEO says a full-color Kindle isn’t on the immediate horizon. [More]

Don't Bring Firearms, Knives or iPads To Yankee Stadium
When the Yankees lost two out of three games to the Mets last week at New York’s Citi Field, iPad owners could have tweeted about it, watched replay videos or switched to another game (an option many Yankee fans would have liked) using the device’s big, bright screen. When the two teams have their rematch next month at Yankee Stadium, iPadders will have to settle for an iPhone or other small-screen device; iPads are welcome at Citi Field, but have been declared off-limits at the House That George Built. [More]

Apple Store Now Willing To Accept Hard Currency
A day after refusing to take cash from a customer who wanted to purchase an iPad, Apple has reversed course and is now willing to accept Federal Reserve Notes backed by the U.S. government. “We want to make sure it’s as fair as possible for people to get iPads,” said Apple Sr. Vice President Ron Johnson. [More]

Your Cash Is No Good At The Apple Store
If you’re saving up to buy an iPad, don’t do it by sticking your spare cash into an envelope. (Or a sock, for that matter.) As a woman in Palo Alto, Calif. learned, the same “credit or debit cards only” policy that Apple put in place to prevent rampant reselling of iPhones exists for iPads, and no stack of bills can be exchanged for the shiny gadget. [More]

Solid Gold Diamond-Encrusted iPad Sells For $190,000
The one thing the recession has taught me is that if you’ve got money, might as well burn it! And what better way to treat yourself to a little bit of luxury than with a $190,000 solid gold, diamond encrusted iPad? [More]

iPad Data Plan May Really Be Unlimited
When AT&T and Apple announced an optional “unlimited” iPad 3G data plan for $29.99 a month, skeptics assumed that it would come with all sorts of fine print and caveats designed to introduce some limits and block “data hogs” from eating up all of AT&T’s bandwidth. However, as one “torture test” confirms, the plan really does appear to be unlimited, which should be great news for early adopters who plan to use their iPads for Netflix or other streaming video services. [More]

Google To Join The E-Book Fray With New Store
Because there apparently aren’t enough gunslingers at the e-book OK Corral, Google announced today that they plan on joining the battle royale when they open their online e-book store sometime this summer. [More]

ABC Issues Fix For App, Lets iPad 3G Owners Watch On The Go
Early adopters of the iPad 3G were miffed that they couldn’t stream ABC shows over the network for which they’re shelling out a monthly fee. ABC informed iPadders they could only use a Wi-Fi connection to catch up on Lost. Engadget reports that ABC has issued a fix for its ABC Player app, and now all is well in the land of iPadia. [More]

Apple's 3G iPad Debuts, World Keeps Turning
Is it just us, or did Friday’s debut of the pricier, newer version of Apple’s iPad with 3G kinda just… happen? The Steve Jobs-drive juggernaut rolled out the high-speed wireless model of their tablet with seemingly less ado than they did with the first iteration which drove tech lovers to foam at the mouth in April. [More]