
Delta & Northwest CEOs Say All Airlines Should Raise Fees 15-20%

Delta & Northwest CEOs Say All Airlines Should Raise Fees 15-20%

Delta’s CEO, Richard Anderson, told reporters today that all airlines need to raise fees by as much as 20% “just to break even due to the rising price of fuel.” His new bedmate, Northwest CEO Doug Steenland, piped in to say cost-cutting measures “have largely been exhausted”—and by “cost-cutting” we assume he means, “We can’t find anything else to add surcharges to, except maybe the bathroom and the recycled oxygen, and we’re not monsters.”

United Airlines Raises Fuel Surcharges For The Second Time This Week

United Airlines Raises Fuel Surcharges For The Second Time This Week

United Airlines has raised its already not-exactly-insignificant fuel surcharge for the second time this week, says USAToday.

Wrigley's To Introduce New "Slim Pack" Gum Packaging With Two Fewer Sticks, Same Price

Wrigley's To Introduce New "Slim Pack" Gum Packaging With Two Fewer Sticks, Same Price

Sometime soon Wrigley’s will start promoting its new Slim Pack packaging in select markets, and nationwide by 2009. It’s slimmer! It’s easier to carry! And it’s got 15 sticks instead of 17—for the same price! A Wrigley’s vice president told Brandweek that consumers wouldn’t care that they’re getting less product: “To them the value goes up because they’re getting a better tasting product in a better package.” Ha ha consumers sure are stupid, aren’t they, VP of Wrigley’s?


Today United Airlines raised most of its domestic fares by $10 roundtrip. Maybe now their flight attendants can start answering call buttons again. [Reuters]

Stuff From China Could Cost 10% More

Stuff From China Could Cost 10% More

Long the land of low low prices, the prices on consumer goods imported from China could rise by as much as 10 percent this year. What’s changed in China?

Uh Oh, Retail Sales Down, Wholesale Prices Up

Uh Oh, Retail Sales Down, Wholesale Prices Up

The Labor Department reported that wholesale inflation was up 6.3 percent for all of 2007, reflecting a huge increase for the year in various types of energy costs ranging from gasoline to home heating oil.

USPS Ties Stamp Rate Hikes To Inflation

USPS Ties Stamp Rate Hikes To Inflation

The US Postal Service adopted plans to always keep stamp price increases at or below the rate of inflation. The stamp hikes will be annual and capped by the consumer-price index, replacing the old system of periodic and steep increases. The USPS had the right to still do one more hike under the previous rule, but opted to go for the inflation-indexed approach ahead of schedule. Those clever Forever Stamps which were to remain valid forever, will still be forever valid.


Cablevision will raise the cost of its average video package by 4.7% starting in December. It says the cost of its Internet and digital phone services will remain the same through 2008. [Reuters]

Make Sure You Know What You're Doing Before You Invest In Gold

Make Sure You Know What You're Doing Before You Invest In Gold

A lot of financial advisors have suggested investing in gold lately, since the U.S. economy seems headed for the crapper and gold tends to increase in value as the dollar plummets. And a lot of people seem to be following that advice, because gold is up above $750 an ounce now, “its highest level since 1980,” says SmartMoney. But gold investments can change value quickly and can be even more difficult to predict than regular investments, so don’t go all Scrooge McDuck on the gold hoarding.

Toy Prices To Rise 10%

Toy Prices To Rise 10%

Toys will be 10% more expensive next year thanks the toy industry’s latest attempts to protect American children from defective merchandise. Toy makers will use the hike to offset the cost of retaining independent labs to both test for defective and dangerous toys, and provide a measure of PR security.

Consumers could also see higher prices on other Chinese imports such as fish and children’s apparel, but the big price gains in toys could be more jolting.

Don't Buy Forever Stamps As An "Investment"

Don't Buy Forever Stamps As An "Investment"

By law, “Forever Stamps” won’t save you any money if you’re planning on hoarding them for all eternity, says Slate.

The History Of The Price Of Coke

The History Of The Price Of Coke

Coke itself was taxed first as a medicine, then as a soft drink, and survived sugar rationing. All the while, the price stayed at a nickel.

CEO Pay Up 298%, Average Worker's? 4.3% (1995-2005)

CEO Pay Up 298%, Average Worker's? 4.3% (1995-2005)

There’s been a lot of ballyhoo lately about ballooning executive pay, so here’s a look at how CEO incomes rose over the years in relation to Joe Blow’s paycheck.

Ride The Real Estate Rollercoaster!

Thinking of buying a house as an investment? You may want to ride this roller coaster first. No, it’s not a real roller coaster, it’s the graph of US Home prices (adjusted for inflation) mapped out with Roller Coaster Tycoon. It’s oddly fun, with a “cliffhanger” ending. Enjoy!

Cellphone, Telephone, And Cable Costs Versus Inflation '96-'05

Cellphone, Telephone, And Cable Costs Versus Inflation '96-'05

We made a graph comparing the rate of change in price of cable, telephone, and wireless service to inflation rate from 1996-2005.

Starbucks Hikes Caffeine Rates From Tall to Grande

The price of your Juan Valdez-approved stimulant fix is going up October 3, when Starbucks is raising the price of its coffee drinks by five cents across the board, in all its North American stores.

The News; Say it With Brio, Say it With Bernake!

The News; Say it With Brio, Say it With Bernake!

• Consumer affairs just got a whole lot sexier! [WP] “Avoiding Customer Service Nightmares”

The News; Uniquely Toxic and Loving It

The News; Uniquely Toxic and Loving It

• Apparently, Florida is at a bit of a risk for grapefruit bruising. [CT] “State Farm to hike Florida rates 53%”