Do you like pancakes? More than likely. Do you like free stuff? Of course you do. [More]

IHOP Sues IHOP Over IHOP Trademark
It’s a battle of biblical proportions as one IHOP — better known as the International House of Pancakes — fights another IHOP — the International House of Prayer — over the use of those four famous letters. [More]

IHOP Wants To Make You Fat With Cheesecake-Stuffed Pancakes
Apparently jealous of the attention KFC was getting with the Double Down, IHOP (or International House of Pancakes if you’re not into the whole brevity thing) has rolled out Pancake Stackers — a five-layer calorie bomb that dares to sandwich cheesecake between two pancakes. [More]

Free IHOP Pancakes Today
Don’t forget, you can grab yourself a free buttermilk shortstack at IHOP today, in celebration of National Pancake Day, the day when we take a moment to remember all the fallen pancakes who gave their lives in defense of our country. [IHOPpancakeday] [More]

Free Pancakes At IHOP Feb 23
You can get free buttermilk shortstack of pancakes at IHOP on Tuesday Feb 23 in celebration of national pancake day. [ihoppancakeday] [More]

IHOP Prefers To Debate Veganism Instead Of Substituting Sausage For Eggs
If you’re a vegetarian and you’d rather have eggs instead of sausage — do not attempt this at IHOP. You will have to debate the manager. [More]

Free Pancakes Today At IHOP
Just a quick reminder that today is National Pancake Day and IHOP is giving away a free short stack from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Yum. [IHOP] (Thanks, Jonathan!)
Get your torches and pitchforks ready, the next meeting of the mob will take place this Tuesday, February 24, from 7am-10pm when IHOP celebrates National Pancake Day with a free pancake giveaway. [IHOP]

Which Restaurants Are Making Your Kids Fat?
Subway’s kids’ meals came out on top. Only a third of its Fresh Fit for Kids meals, which include a mini-sub, juice box, and one of several healthful side items (apple slices, raisins, or yogurt), exceed the 430-calorie threshold. Subway is the only chain that doesn’t offer soft drinks with kids’ meals.
So how do you improve the nutrition of your kid’s meal the next time you eat at a restaurant? A spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association gave the following advice:
“Don’t be too alarmed even when [studies] come out and seem hopeless,” said Dawn Jackson Blatner, an American Dietetic Ass>ociation spokeswoman. “With a few swaps and switches, people really can make healthier choices at these fast-food joints, especially when the decisions are made before going in.

IHOP Serves You Nasty-Tasting Blueberry Pancakes
Reader Loren decided to get her midnight breakfast on with some pancakes at IHOP, but when she got home something tasted a bit off. She looked down and to her disgust, discovered what she thought to be a large area of mold engulfing the blueberries on the pancakes. Her letter and the not-safe-for-breakfast pictures, inside…

IHOP Threatens To Call The Police Because You Refuse To Show ID With Credit Card
I went to IHOP(INTERNATIONAL HOUSE OF PANCAKES) on March 30th with my wife to eat. After our meal I went to the counter to pay and presented my Visa as payment. I was asked for photo ID, and kindly declined. I was then told that they were not going to be able to accept my card without photo ID.

IHOP Agrees That Workers Shouldn't Scrub Ceiling Tiles Directly Over Your Food
We get fewer gross food stories than you might imagine here at Consumerist, and this one made us cringe. Reader Richard saw a maintenance person scrubbing down some ceiling tiles while standing on a food prep counter… that was in use. Yeah. Ew.

National Pancake Day! Free Pancakes Today Only At IHOP
Hey there hungry, broke people: A free short stack of pancakes can be yours today from 7am to 10pm at IHOP.

IHOP To Abandon Trans-Fats By Year End
IHOP has announced that they will be going trans-fat free by the end of the year. The chain said they’ve found a replacement oil that tastes the same as the old heart-killing trans-fat oil.

IHOP Buys Applebee's for $2.2 Billion
The move comes as mid-priced sit-down restaurants are trying to pull themselves out of one of the industry’s worst slumps in several years. A second consecutive summer of high gasoline prices, coupled with declining home values, has eaten into the wallets of the middle-class customers on which Applebee’s built its dining empire.
IHOP is planning on selling all 500 company owned Applebee’s and other real estate in the hopes of cutting costs and to offset some of the debt they had to take on in order to purchase Applebee’s.

Starbucks Soon To Equal Coffee?
Over at Branding Post, we saw this quote about a grim dystopian future in which the word coffee no longer exists: when you pendulously breasted IHOP waitress emerges in a puff of brown cigarette smoke from the kitchens to demand your order, you won’t ask for a cup of coffee. You’ll ask for a Starbucks.

Bite-Size Kvetches & Kudos
We received several complaints and consumer stories in the past few days that, while heartfelt, weren’t epic. Ergo, we put them all together into one package and post them after the jump.