This week, we learned about two exciting products from different food outlets. One is being test-marketed, and the other is in grocery and big-box stores across the land. What they have in common is taking a familiar and beloved product and translating it into a different but perfectly logical format. Those products? Girl Scout Thin Mints ice cream bars, and Taco Bell hot sauce tortilla chips. [More]
ice cream sandwiches

Making Foie Gras Illegal Made Californians Slather It On Everything
There are some things that you don’t appreciate until you’re threatened with having them taken away. One of them is foie gras, the controversial goose-liver delicacy that was illegal in California from 2012 until just a few weeks ago. Telling Californians that they couldn’t have it made them defiant, apparently, and defiance leads to foie gras ice cream sandwiches. [More]

The Science Behind Those Never-Melting Ice Cream Sandwiches
If you find the idea of ice cream that doesn’t melt after sitting out for hours in 80-degree heat unsettling, you aren’t alone. And because you can’t believe everything you hear on the news, our knowledge-thirsty compatriots at Consumer Reports decided to test out those never-melting ice cream sandwiches for themselves. [More]

Walmart: Ice Cream Sandwiches That Don’t Melt After 12 Hours Outside Just Have Less Cream
You see an ice cream sandwich and think, “Mmm, ice cream sandwich!” But wait — it’s been sitting out for more than 24 hours… and it’s still recognizable as an ice cream sandwich. Something seems freaky here. [More]

Oh Look, A Countertop Ice Cream Sandwich Machine
Here at Consumerist, we enjoy bringing you the very latest in useless appliances that are glorified toasters or waffle makers. Cupcakes? Pies? Dog treats? Pretzels? Hot dogs? If you’re really into any of these products, you can find a dedicated electric countertop cooker for them. Should you? We don’t know, but now there’s an electric ice cream sandwich maker that you can set on your counter as well. [More]