I don’t know what to do with this feeling in the pit of my stomach. Is it disgust? Is it anticipation? Or is it just flat-out wonder that food companies keep coming up with weird flavor combinations to titillate the Internetz and work everyone into a lather? It might be wonder, but in any case, we’re probably going to have to get our hands on some of these golden candy corn Oreos for a Consumerist taste-testing in the near future. [More]

People Are Allegedly Preparing Salmon And Potatoes In The Dishwasher
Real Simple has a list of things you can and cannot put in your dishwasher (Caution: annoying slideshow.) One of the suggestions stood out. Potatoes…? [More]

Memo To U.S. Airways Employees: The Coast Guard Is Part Of The Military
The United States Coast Guard is part of the Department of Homeland Security rather than the Department of Defense. This distinction probably wasn’t what a U.S. Airways employee had in mind when refusing to waive Jennifer’s baggage fees, though. Jennifer was returning to her station from a trip to visit family, but the employee insisted that she had to pay a baggage fee like civilians do, because the Coast Guard isn’t part of the military. A manager agreed, but they were both wrong. Jennifer didn’t need to pay to check her bags, and members of the Coast Guard have served in just about every war in American history. They certainly are part of the military. [More]

Trying To Hide A 43-Inch TV Under Your Skirt Only Works If You Have A Really Ginormous Skirt
Despite the likelihood for ridiculous fashion trends, we’re pretty sure there’s no skirt out there that’s going to completely hide the fact that you’re walking out of a store with a 42-inch TV underneath it, which is what a woman in Norway recently tried to accomplish. “Walked” might be the wrong word — shimmied, slowly shuffled or crept might work better when gripping such a large item without the use of one’s hands. [More]
Progressive Denies Defending Driver Who Killed Policyholder In Crash
UPDATE: The victim’s brother has issued a rebuttal to Progressive’s statement. It has been added to the bottom of the post.
Yesterday, the brother of a woman who died in a car crash made headlines when he wrote that lawyers for his late sister’s insurance company, Progressive, had acted as the defense counsel for the driver accused of causing the accident. At the time, we had asked the insurer to clarify its actual involvement in the case, but it only offered a vague “our hearts go out”-type statement. But now Progressive is flat-out denying it came to the defense of the at-fault driver. [More]

Can Best Buy Be Saved?
Best Buy founder Richard Schulze shook things up the other day when he mentioned that he’d very much like to have his company back and out of the hands of shareholders. Since then, a few details of how Schulze plans to keep the ship afloat have surfaced, but will it be enough to remain competitive or is he just making matters worse for the company? [More]

TSA Flags Man With World’s Largest Penis For Additional Crotch Screening
Jonah Falcon of New York City is an actor and hosts a public-access show about the Yankees, but he isn’t famous for that. He’s famous for a quirk of nature: he has the largest recorded penis in the world. He’s appeared on lots of talk shows and even in a documentary, but evidently his fame hasn’t reached the TSA workers at San Francisco International Airport. There, the large bulge in his pants caught the notice of a guard, who presumed it was some kind of weapon. He was subjected to a (brisk and professional) extra patdown and tested for explosive residue. [More]

Mother & Daughter Accused Of Pretending To Be Soldiers To Woo $1 Million From Online Daters
Online dating is already fraught with enough questions and anxiety over whether or not the person you’re going to meet is as charming or attractive (or has as much hair) as the person you’ve come to know through the Internet. You shouldn’t also have to worry that that soldier stationed in Afghanistan you’ve been flirting with is actually a middle-aged woman in Colorado who just wants to scam you out of your money. [More]

TV Demand Slumps Because We’re All Making Do With What We Already Have
TV in the living room, in the den, in the kitchen, the bathroom (no judgment) and in the family room? You’re not alone — for the first time, LCD TV sales are falling, along with other flat-screen models, partly because we’ve already got all the TVs we need. [More]

How I Took On Johnson & Johnson In Small Claims Court, And Won
Desitin, the diaper rash treatment, is not a nice-smelling substance. Joyce’s husband, Ben, could tell that much before using it to treat the aftereffects of some severe gastrointestinal distress. What he didn’t realize was that the unholy stench could not be defeated. It soaked through his clothing, and when he tried to launder those clothes, the smell didn’t go away: it spread to those other items as well. Annoyed at having to toss $600 worth of clothing, the couple contacted Johnson & Johnson, seeking compensation and encouraging the company to do more to deter people who do not currently wear disposable diapers from using the product. After some letters and an offer of $75 passed in the mail, they went to small claims court. And won. [More]

Bank Of America’s House Winterizing Crew Results In A Missing Muscle Car
All Aaron wants is his 1973 Dodge Challenger back, and all Bank of America wants to do is act like it has no idea whatsoever what happened to his car. Aaron had been storing his pride and joy in his late mother’s garage, when a winterizing crew hired by BofA showed up. The next thing he knew, the garage was padlocked from the outside and his car was gone. [More]

Windows Phone 8 To Turn Brand New Devices Into Obsolete Relics
Smartphones that use the Microsoft’s Windows Phone operating system haven’t exactly made a dent in the market share enjoyed by iPhone and Android devices. And yet, Microsoft has refused to throw in the towel, hoping to entice new users with today’s introduction of Windows Phone 8. Alas, if you’re one of the few people who have been holding on to your Windows Phone for when the new OS came out, you’re out of luck. [More]