Even though summer is winding down, temperatures can still be pretty hot, and it’s especially dangerous to leave children or pets behind in your car. That’s why it was fortunate that one shopper at an Ontario, CA, Target store happened to notice a small child in the backseat of a locked car in the store’s parking lot. [More]
Hot Cars

Panera Workers Break Into Car To Rescue Two Dogs Inside
It might seem like a quick trip to you, but even if you don’t think you’ll be gone very long it’s always important to remember: Do not leave any living thing in a car with the windows up and no air conditioning on a hot day. If you do, you may find a few broken windows when you return, like the dog owner who left his two pooches in a hot car. [More]

Colorado Makes It Legal To Break Into A Hot Car To Save Kids, Pets
When there’s a living being stuck inside a hot car on a sweltering day, sometimes desperate measures are necessary — helpful bystanders may have to break into that vehicle to save a child left behind, or even a pet. One state has now made these kinds of rescue efforts legal. [More]

Woman Arrested Waiting In Walmart Checkout After Police Pull Baby From Locked Hot Car
A Ohio woman was arrested while waiting in the checkout line at a local Walmart after police say they rescued her five-month-old from her vehicle in the parking lot. [More]

Police Rescue Puppy Locked In Hot Car Outside Walmart
No matter how many times you hear of children and pets having to be rescued from locked, hot cars, some people still think it’s not an absolutely horrible idea to leave their little ones trapped inside sealed-up vehicles in sizzling hot parking lots. [More]

Walmart Employees Break Car Windows, Save Infant Left In Hot Vehicle
When employees of a Walmart in South Carolina learned that there was a baby in a hot car in the store’s parking lot, they took action, breaking the closed windows and rescuing the shaking, sweating 6-month-old inside. Local police are now investigating the situation. [More]

800 Kids Have Died In Hot Cars: Why Aren’t Alert Systems Standard?
Since 1990, more than 800 children have died from heatstroke in hot cars, including nine children so far just this year. But despite the severity of this problem, technology that’s already available that can remind parents when their child is still in the back seat is not yet standard for all cars. Lawmakers, safety advocates, and parents who have experienced tragic losses want this to change. [More]

Shoppers Use Sledgehammer To Rescue Infant From Hot Car In Parking Lot
When there’s a baby locked in a hot car, there’s only one option: get that kid out of there, no matter what it takes. In the case of a four-month-old who had been left in a hot vehicle in a shopping center parking lot, that meant two passers-by using a sledgehammer to break the car’s windows. [More]

Police Officer Smashes Window Of Hot Car And Realizes He’s Just Rescued A Lifelike Doll
Acts of heroism can never be undone, but sometimes those being rescued don’t exactly need the help. For example, the very lifelike, yet very not alive, doll that police saved from a hot car in New Hampshire recently. [More]

GM Debuts New “Rear Seat Reminder” Feature In Battle Against Hot Car Deaths
Every summer we find ourselves hearing about children who have died after being left behind in hot cars, and it’s no different this year: 12 kids have died from heatstroke in cars, safety advocates say. In an effort to prevent those deaths, GM has unveiled a new feature that will let drivers know when someone has been left behind in the car. [More]

Evenflo Car Seat That Reminds Driver Child Is In Car Is Promising, Not Perfect Yet
Technology can’t solve all of our problems, but maybe there’s a technological solution that can help with a tragedy that has affected parents of all walks of life: leaving small children in hot cars to overheat and die. The happens to an average of 38 kids every year, and car seat maker Evenflo responded to safety advocates by making a seat and harness that integrates with your car’s electronics. [More]

Emergency Responders Smash Car’s Window After Report Of Baby Locked Inside, End Up Rescuing Lifelike Doll
If you’re in the habit of leaving eerily lifelike baby dolls strapped into a car seat while you’re out and about, you might want to reconsider, unless, of course, you like having your car’s windows smashed open: police in Oakland, Calif. say emergency responders busted the window of a vehicle after passersby reported a baby locked inside, only to find it was a very human looking doll that’d been placed in a rear-facing car seat, just like a living child would be. [More]

N.J. Police Officer Smashes Window To Save Child Trapped Inside Hot Minivan
If we’re going to hear stories of children being left in hot cars, we’re at least glad to report on those that end well. That includes the report of a New Jersey sheriff’s officer who bashed open a minivan window to free a child who was locked inside it as it sat parked at a Costco supermarket. [More]

Walmart Selling Car Seat That Alerts Parents When A Child Is Left Behind
Every summer, we can’t help but wonder why there aren’t more product solutions to the disturbing, but all too familiar, incidents involving children left behind in hot cars, often resulting in death. There’s at least one new product on the market this season that uses technology to alert parents before they accidentally leave their child in the vehicle, a car seat that’s now being sold online by Walmart. [More]

Woman Breaks Window To Free Toddler Locked In Hot Car
Whenever the temperature rises, we unfortunately hear stories of children who are left behind in hot cars, whether intentionally or sometimes accidentally, when adults forget they’re there. One passerby wasn’t about to let a toddler stay locked inside a hot car in Kansas, however, grabbing whatever she could find to bust the window open and free the child. [More]

Woman Breaks Car Windshield With A Tire Iron To Rescue Child Left Inside
While reports of concerned strangers breaking into hot cars to rescue children trapped inside aren’t always what they seem, that didn’t stop one woman from breaking a car’s windshield with a tire iron to save a one-year-old child who’d reportedly been left in there for 40 minutes. [More]

Authorities Bust Tiny Dog Out Of Hot Van At Costco, 98-Year-Old Mom Out Of Hot Car At Casino
Shopping at Costco is pretty great, but that doesn’t mean you should bring your dog along on your shopping trip, then leave it in your vehicle with the temperature outside in the 90s. The same goes for your very young and very old loved ones. Come to think of it, just don’t lock anyone in the car. An elderly woman and a dog are both still alive because authorities intervened and got them both out. [More]

Even 3-Year-Olds Know No One Should Be Stuck In A Hot Car
It’s discouraging to know that there are plenty of people out there who still think it’s perfectly fine to leave a child or an animal inside a closed car on a hot day. But then again, it’s refreshing when even three-year-olds understand it’s an emergency when someone’s stuck in a vehicle, like one very sharp Tennessee toddler. [More]