holiday shopping

How Long Will You Wait To Do Your Holiday Shopping?

How Long Will You Wait To Do Your Holiday Shopping?

Like it or not, we’re now officially into the Holiday shopping season. While some stores haven’t given into the Christmas Creep instinct to turn their sales floors into mini North Poles, plenty of people are already going to be out looking to check names and items off their gift lists. [More]

Will You Be Spending More Or Less This Holiday

Will You Be Spending More Or Less This Holiday Season?

After Halloween comes and goes on Sunday, Holiday shopping season will be upon us (whether you want it to be or not). So it’s good timing that our analytical siblings at Consumer Reports has released the results of its Holiday shopping survey for 2010. Once again, a large portion of Americans say they intend on spending less this season than they did last year, but that number continues to decrease while the percentage of people increasing their Holiday budgets is on the rise. [More]

If You Want A New HDTV, Wait A Month Or Two

If You Want A New HDTV, Wait A Month Or Two

Analysts say HDTV prices will drop like Blockbuster stock as the holidays approach, thanks to a glut of LCDs flooding the market. [More]

You Must Waste A Shopping Bag At Bath & Body Works, Or Else

You Must Waste A Shopping Bag At Bath & Body Works, Or Else

Some retailers, like CVS, reward their customers for using reusable shopping bags. Others, like Macy’s and Borders, sort of do the opposite. Reader Jennifer says that this happened to her. A local Bath & Body Works store wouldn’t sell her anything if she stubbornly insisted in putting her purchase inside one of the bags she already had. Wait, isn’t she saving the store money by not taking a bag? [More]

Black Friday Sales Figures Almost Didn't Suck

Overall, Black Friday retail sales weren’t too bad, as shoppers sought deals on all sorts of products, focusing on computers (especially netbooks, if Consumerist readers are any indication), flat-panel televisions, and Snuggies. Sales were up slightly over last year nationwide, especially in the western United States, and online sales were up 35% over Black Friday 2008. [More]

Walmart's Black Friday Plan: Cheap TVs, iPod Touch With $50 Gift Card

The morning after Thanksgiving, Walmart will make its customers elbow and curb-stomp one another in order to jostle for Sanyon 720p HDTVs for less than $598, a Magnavox Blu-ray player for $78 and $195 iPod Touch that comes with a $50 iTunes gift card, CNNMoney reports.

Toys R Us Advertises Zhu Zhu Pet Sale, Forgets To Stock Zhu Zhu Pets

Toys R Us Advertises Zhu Zhu Pet Sale, Forgets To Stock Zhu Zhu Pets

Arnold was excited to receive an e-mail from Toys R Us advertising a special early-bird sale of Zhu Zhu Pets. The inexpensive little robot hamsters are in short supply, and the chain promised critters to the first fifty households who showed up at their local store on Sunday morning. Only Arnold reports that not only did his local store never have any of the battery-operated rodents in stock, it wasn’t open at the advertised hour at all.

Game Consoles, Dolls And Wooden Dogs Are The Best Toys Ever

Game Consoles, Dolls And Wooden Dogs Are The Best Toys Ever

Did you play with a Slinky growing up? Well, that makes you a loser, because your toy didn’t make Good Housekeeping‘s Yahoo list of the greatest toys ever made.

For The Best Prices, Buy TVs Online

For The Best Prices, Buy TVs Online

Call it the welcome side of Christmas Creep; manufacturers are discounting LCD and plasma TVs ahead of the traditional year-end holiday sale cluster mess, but you won’t find the best deals in retail stores.