
Comparing the Lunchables

Comparing the Lunchables

Hardee’s Unfazed By Water Cut-Off

Bunnyspatial wrote to us about a local Hardee’s that was conducting business with its water turned off, and the fascinating implications that raises:

Special K Diet Is Bullshit

Special K Diet Is Bullshit

Now All Spinach Has E. Coli!

Now All Spinach Has E. Coli!

UPDATE: Popeye Gets E. Coli

UPDATE: Popeye Gets E. Coli

No one knows how a good portion of the nation’s spinach farms became a verdant, leafy forest for the bowel-liquefying E. Coli virus. But the good news is that one of the suppliers of bad spinach has been identified.

Merck’s Vioxx Replacement Still A Heart Risk

Merck’s getting in on the arthritis market again with a new drug, called Arcoxia. You might remember their previous offering, Vioxx, which was discontinued two years ago after octogenarians countrywide lifted their contorted, claw-like hands to a withered chest and let out a rattling gasp under the influence of a massive, Vioxx-induced heart attack. Lawsuits abounded.

Popeye Gets E. Coli

Popeye Gets E. Coli

And millions of small children all across America suddenly break out into one collective peal of delight: a massive outbreak of E. coli in bagged spinach has federal health officials warning consumers not to eat the foul-tasting weed.

CDC: MoistureLoc, Yep, It Had Fungus

CDC: MoistureLoc, Yep, It Had Fungus

An official report concluded Renu MositureLoc was the only eye care solution contributing to outbreaks of Fusarium infection earlier this year. They still had no clue why, though.

Let’s Hear Some Juicy HMO and Insurance Stories

Let’s Hear Some Juicy HMO and Insurance Stories

And that’s about all we have to say. This post could end right here. But we want to expand our editorial horizons and that means whipping you into giving up the ghost we parasitically digest and regurgitate in the form of helpful and entertaining information.

Everyone’s Already Eating A Fourthmeal!

Under fire from their bizarre ‘Fourth Meal’ campaign, Taco Bell has taken an odd defensive tact. Instead of claiming that they invented the fourth meal (a midnight burrito gorge fest, scheduled between dinner and breakfast to help you get through that calorically taxing ‘sleepytime’ period of the day), Taco Bell explains…

Soylent Soy

Soylent Soy

Soy sauce. The 1800 year old condiment of kings! Splashed on Chinese noodles, garnished on hamburgers, drizzled across salad, there’s scarcely anything short of ice cream or a lover’s belly soy sauce doesn’t taste great on.

Chicago Alderman Regally Summons Fast Food CEOs to Explain Trans Fat

Chicago Alderman Regally Summons Fast Food CEOs to Explain Trans Fat

In a city seething with corrupt officials, rife with crime and poverty, what’s public enemy number one to the city alderman? Why, the gelatinous blob of trans fat stalking through the city streets, engorging itself upon hapless citizens.



• When your MacBook is cooking, Apple prefers you sizzle blind. [Tuaw] “MacBook Pro heat problem heats up”

McDonald’s Christens Playgrounds as Gyms

McDonald’s Christens Playgrounds as Gyms

Just stop trying, McDonald’s. Go back to selling unhealthy cheese burgers, dripping with fat; tall gelatinous shakes, so cold and sweet they give brain freeze along with diabetes to all who taste them. That’s what you did best. You never should have caved to the vegetarians, the health-conscious, the Spurlock Collective: just told them to eat somewhere else.

Welcome To CarcinogenAir, Please Don’t Not Smoke While On Board

Welcome To CarcinogenAir, Please Don’t Not Smoke While On Board

Finally! A flying cure house in which chain smoking travelers can turn themselves into strips of walking, talking, coughing jerky.

Now On Sale: European Hymen Restoration for Muslim Brides

Now On Sale: European Hymen Restoration for Muslim Brides

At what price chastity? Unable to use the traditional ‘A spring came loose in my bicycle seat’ excuse to explain away a broken hymen, an industry of plastic surgeons specializing in virginity restoration is growing in Europe, pandering largely to Muslim women about to get married.

In Which My Mother Consumes Five Gallons of Marshmallow Fluff

Summary: Massachusetts Senator Jarrett Barrios introduced anti-Marshmallow Fluff Legislation. It was widely ridiculed, then opposed by a measure to make the Fluffernutter the official State Sandwich. The proposed legislation has been withdrawn; Boston’s children again are safe to engorge themselves on the sticky, diabetes-inducing paste. Malden’s pornographers are similarly relieved. All is well with the world.

Piedmont Hospital Sucks

Piedmont Hospital Sucks

Jennifer writes in how a pain in her eye turned into a real pain in the ass.