
How To Make Sure Your Next Plastic Surgery Is Safe

How To Make Sure Your Next Plastic Surgery Is Safe

If you’re dumb, you forget that plastic surgery is surgery with an extra word in front of it, a doctor tells CNN in their article on getting nip/tucked safely. As with any surgery, there’s no real way to make it completely safe, but here are five tips from their article that you should follow to improve your odds. In fact, they’re probably good tips for any kind of surgical procedure. [More]

5 Questions To Make A Doc's Head Explode

5 Questions To Make A Doc's Head Explode

Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield has a microsite game called “Resist The System” where if you ask too many questions the health care receptionist’s head explode. [More]

New Study Suggests Drug Ads Ineffective, But Expensive For Consumers

New Study Suggests Drug Ads Ineffective, But Expensive For Consumers

Researchers at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver looked at sales figures and prices for the blood thinner Plavix after direct-to-consumer advertising started in 2001. What they found was that the campaign was largely ineffective at increasing prescribing rates, but that the price of the drug shot up 12% almost immediately to cover the cost of the marketing campaign. [More]

1936 Thanksgiving Camel Ad: Smoke After Each Course!

1936 Thanksgiving Camel Ad: Smoke After Each Course!

This advertisement for Camel cigarettes appeared in the November 23, 1936 edition of LIFE magazine. It earnestly demands that you smoke a Camel after each course of Thanksgiving dinner — “for digestion’s sake.” [More]

You Can Make Your Own Liquid Tamiflu At Home

You Can Make Your Own Liquid Tamiflu At Home

G.’s young son was recently ill with H1N1, but no pharmacy in the city where he lives had liquid Tamiflu in stock. (Even the federal government released its stockpile not long ago.) He writes that nearly every pharmacy he called turned him down. Then he learned that the liquid can be made from Tamiflu capsules by pharmacists, or even by parents at home. Why didn’t the pharmacy staff, or his doctor, tell him this?

BPA Linked To Erectile Dysfunction

BPA Linked To Erectile Dysfunction

Here’s some bad news for people who like functional erections, says that a new study has linked erectile dysfunction to the controversial chemical BPA.

Quickly Find Nearby Flu Shots With Google Maps

Quickly Find Nearby Flu Shots With Google Maps

Want to quickly and easily know where you can get a flu shot nearby?

Walmart Refunds For Dead Frog Found In Salad

Walmart Refunds For Dead Frog Found In Salad

“Oh my God, I see eyes!” screamed Carla Hill after opening a bag of greens from Walmart.

Skinny Toddlers Also Can't Get Insurance?

Skinny Toddlers Also Can't Get Insurance?

We guess we should have seen this one coming. After news broke of the uninsurable fat baby last week, MSNBC found a similar case on the other end of the spectrum. A Colorado family with a 22-pound two-year-old says that United HealthCare told them their daughter Aislin is too small to qualify for insurance under their guidelines.

Tiny Turtles Spread Joy, Salmonella

Tiny Turtles Spread Joy, Salmonella

Turtles remain a popular pet with kids. In 1975 the U.S. banned the sale of ones smaller than 4 inches, but the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) estimates almost 2 million were being kept as pets as of 2006. They’re also responsible for one of the slowest outbreaks of salmonella we’ve seen in recent years.

People Ate More After Calories Got Posted At Fast Food Joints

People Ate More After Calories Got Posted At Fast Food Joints

Calorie posting is supposed to help people make healthier eating choices, but study of fast food joints in poor New York neighborhoods saw customers eating more calories after the calories went up on the sign.

Fat Little Babies Can't Get Insurance?

Fat Little Babies Can't Get Insurance?

Up until yesterday, 4-month-old Alex Lange was considered uninsurable by Rocky Mountain Health Plans because he was above the 95th percentile for height and weight for his age—that gave him a pre-existing condition of obesity, and earned him a stamp of rejection.

Swine Flu Self-Assessment Saves You Worrying

Swine Flu Self-Assessment Saves You Worrying

Do you have H1N1 flu? Probably! Aaaugghh! But before you haul your feverish butt to a clinic or a doctor, consider taking this free online flu self-assessment test from Emory University. It probably could have been combined into a one-page flowchart, but that’s not as much fun as pressing YES/NO buttons.

The Best States For Health Care

The Best States For Health Care

A new report has been published that ranks the quality of health care for all 50 states and the District of Columbia. It’s not looking too swell for people who live in the South.

The 10 Riskiest Foods That Aren't Meat Or Poultry

The 10 Riskiest Foods That Aren't Meat Or Poultry

This list of the 10 riskiest foods might surprise you at first, because there’s no mention of any sort of meat or poultry. But that’s because it’s from the FDA, which doesn’t regulate those two food categories. When it comes to produce, dairy, eggs and seafood, here’s what to watch out for, listed in order from most outbreaks to least.

Would You "Smoke" E-Cigarettes?

Would You "Smoke" E-Cigarettes?

Inside: Poll – Would you “smoke” e-cigarettes?

Find Flu Shot, Cheap Generics With Medtipster

Find Flu Shot, Cheap Generics With Medtipster

Medtipster is a website that locates nearby sources of discount generic versions of prescription drugs, as well as flu and other immunization shots. You enter the drug (or shot) you’re looking for and your zip code and it spits out a list of nearby pharmacies. Currently they don’t list H1N1 vaccination sources, but they say they’re going to add that info as soon as it becomes available.

Doctors Across Tennessee Keep Faxing Patient Records To A Solar Panel Company

Doctors Across Tennessee Keep Faxing Patient Records To A Solar Panel Company

For three years now, reports The Tennessean, the owner of a solar panel company in Indiana says “confidential medical faxes” have been sent to him by doctors throughout Tennessee. His fax number is apparently very similar to the one for the Tennessee Department of Human Services, but although he’s contacted the errant doctors’ offices, as well as reported it to the DHS and to the state’s governor’s office, they keep coming.