
CDC Will Probably Advise Flu Shots For Everyone This Fall

CDC Will Probably Advise Flu Shots For Everyone This Fall

An advisory panel for the Centers for Disease Control has recommended that everyone get flu vaccinations from now on, not just people in special higher risk groups. According to WebMD, “the CDC almost certainly will make universal flu vaccination official U.S. policy for this fall’s 2010-2011 flu season, as it consistently follows the advice of the panel of outside experts.” [More]

Humana Is Being A Little Dramatic About Alex's Health

Humana Is Being A Little Dramatic About Alex's Health

Alex is 24 years old and was laid off last year. He’s trying to sign up for a high-deductible health insurance plan from Humana One, but they’ve rejected him because he’s got a mess of health issues: “At my last checkup I mentioned occasional knee pain, occasional indigestion, and the fact that I experienced palpitations extremely rarely.” Or as Human describes it, “a medical history of bursitis, tendonitis, osteoarthritis, palpitations and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).” [More]

Caribbean Cruise Ship Turns Into Diarrhea Nightmare Vessel

Caribbean Cruise Ship Turns Into Diarrhea Nightmare Vessel

When gastrointestinal illness hits a cruise ship, there’s nowhere to run or hide, as nearly 450 passengers and crewmembers aboard the Celebrity Cruises ship Mercury have discovered. Celebrity Cruises says they they’re still investigating what caused the outbreak, but the symptoms include “upset stomach, vomiting and diarrhea,” according to their spokeswoman. [More]

When Are You Too Sick To Fly?

When Are You Too Sick To Fly?

Southwest Airlines will let you know if you’re too fat to fly, but what about too sick to fly? Well, it’s your call. As the recent H1N1 epidemic taught us — your sense of altruism better be awesome because you’re probably going to be paying a fee to stay home. [More]

Are Muscle Relaxers The Best Choice For Muscle Pain?

Are Muscle Relaxers The Best Choice For Muscle Pain?

Have you ever used a muscle relaxer to treat muscle pain? In this video from our sister publication, Consumer Reports Health shows how that might not be the best first choice. [More]

New Med Schools Cropping Up To Deal With Impending Elderly Boom

New Med Schools Cropping Up To Deal With Impending Elderly Boom

Note to Baby Boomers: You might dress, look and behave significantly more youthful than your forebears, but you are still getting older. That inexorably means retirement and declining health. Unfortunately, a ton of the doctors currently practicing will be retiring along with you. The solution? More medical schools to churn out more M.D.s. [More]

Whistleblower Nurse Acquitted

Whistleblower Nurse Acquitted

The West Texas nurse who went on trial this past Monday for reporting a doctor to the state board was found not guilty after just an hour of deliberation, reports the New York Times. The jurors who spoke to the Times after the case said it seemed pretty cut and dried to them. Now the nurse’s lawyers are focusing on their civil lawsuit against the county, the sherrif, the county attorney–who is described in the article as the surgeon’s personal attorney as well–and the hospital administrator who fired the nurse for going over his head. Hooray for whistleblowers! [More]

Pathologist: Herbal Remedies Can Be Deadly

Pathologist: Herbal Remedies Can Be Deadly

In a paper published in the Journal of Forensic Sciences, a forensic pathologist warns self-medicators to be careful when they’re taking unregulated herbal remedies. [More]

Mount A Laptop To An Exercise Bike So You Can Sweat While You Work

Mount A Laptop To An Exercise Bike So You Can Sweat While You Work

If you’re stuck to a computer all day and are getting fat because of it, you might consider making yourself a laptop shelf for your exercise bike. Apparently it’s not that difficult. Whether or not it’ll make you lose weight – that remains to be seen. [More]

Who Keeps Pooping In My Bags Of Salad?!

Who Keeps Pooping In My Bags Of Salad?!

In my household, there’s an ongoing argument about whether bagged salad can be eaten straight from the bag, or whether it should be washed first, or why did we buy this bag of salad instead of more beer. When not championing beer, I’ve always come down on the don’t-bother-washing side, but I might finally agree to change my food prep habits after this recent Consumer Reports study that says 39% of bagged salads are contaminated with bacteria. [More]

Mass Homeopathic Overdose Planned For Tomorrow!

Mass Homeopathic Overdose Planned For Tomorrow!

In a little less than 12 hours, over 300 skeptics throughout the U.K. will protest the homeopathic medicine industry there by deliberately overdosing on full bottles of homeopathic pills, which technically don’t contain any molecules of the active ingredient. The group’s goal is to highlight the fact that homeopathic cures are about as scientifically valid as your horoscope. I’m all for stunts, but don’t they know that they’ll likely suffer from the memory of an OD? That’s how this stuff works, you know. [More]

Protect Yourself From Unexpected Fees At Medical Clinics

Protect Yourself From Unexpected Fees At Medical Clinics

An anonymous reader wrote to us to ask what he should do about unexpected bills from a medical clinic. He chose the clinic precisely because he can’t afford hospital bills in the hundreds of dollars, and was led to believe that there’d be no out-of-pocket cost. It turns out there was. [More]

Wash Your New Clothes In Case Someone Wore Them And Returned Them

Wash Your New Clothes In Case Someone Wore Them And Returned Them

Okay, honestly this sort of stuff doesn’t really bother me, but if you’re a neat freak or just enjoy making gross-out faces when it comes to biology, remember to always wash your new clothes before you wear them. Good Morning America tested some new blouses, pants, a jacket, and underwear to see what sort of grime they could find. Here’s a tease about the results: the term “vaginal organisms” is mentioned at one point. [More]

Your Medical Records: Ask For Them!

Your Medical Records: Ask For Them!

Hospitals can be slow to respond for health records, writes CNN, which can cause serious problems if you’re moving a patient from one facility to another. Here are steps from that article on how to make sure you get your data as quickly as possible. [More]

Want A Cheap Way To Stay Fit? Buy A Pedometer

Want A Cheap Way To Stay Fit? Buy A Pedometer

The Los Angeles Times says that people tend to get weirdly fixated on pedometers when they have them, and will try harder to hit their daily activity goals. A San Diego State University professor tells the paper, “We don’t know why exactly, but keeping a number, a prompt, in our consciousness on a regular basis is important, and that’s why pedometers are superior to other methods. It’s on you all the time.” [More]

Study Shows High Fructose Corn Syrup May Cause Obesity, Diabetes, Heart Disease

Study Shows High Fructose Corn Syrup May Cause Obesity, Diabetes, Heart Disease

A University of California study on human subjects seems to indicate what food activists have long believed: high fructose corn syrup has special qualities which cause humans to pork up like animals in a feed lot. Oh, and it also may help cause life-threatening chronic diseases. The study was small, but frightening. [More]

NYC Anti-Soda Commercial Shows Man Drinking Tall Glass Of Fat

NYC Anti-Soda Commercial Shows Man Drinking Tall Glass Of Fat

No. You do not want to watch this video. Just promise the New York City Department of Health people that you won’t drink sugary soda so much. Then we’ll all be healthier, happier people, and nobody has to watch this video. (Video is embedded below.) [More]

Should Rob Complain About His Bad Kroger Pharmacy Experience?

Should Rob Complain About His Bad Kroger Pharmacy Experience?

Rob’s local Kroger pharmacy screwed up the prescription on his kid’s TamiFlu. Rob caught the error before any harm was done, and he’s not the confrontational type. In fact, he’s wondering whether he should just drop the whole matter. Here’s your chance to convince him otherwise. [More]