health care

ADP: Unemployed Need To Apply For Program In Which They Were Already Enrolled

ADP: Unemployed Need To Apply For Program In Which They Were Already Enrolled

One of the programs of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is COBRA Continuation Coverage Assistance. It helps people who have lost their jobs pay the sometimes hefty premiums for continued health insurance coverage, paying 65% of their premium. The program started in February, and Renee was enrolled right away. This month she was billed for her full premium again with no warning.

Ask The Consumerists: Should Everyone Take Advantage Of $4 Generics?

Ask The Consumerists: Should Everyone Take Advantage Of $4 Generics?

Back in April, reader B. e-mailed the Consumerist tipline about a change to his health insurance plan’s prescription drug schedule. It raised a drug that he’s taken for years, the generic version of Prozac, to a different schedule—more than tripling B.’s co-pay, from $8 to $25.

Pfizer Offers Free Medication To Unemployed Or Uninsured Patients

Pfizer Offers Free Medication To Unemployed Or Uninsured Patients

It’s hard for journalists (and bloggers) to resist a story that they can entitle “Free Viagra,” and pharmaceutical company Pfizer knows it. This recent publicity stunt is still newsworthy even without that headline, because of its purpose, and the problem for drug companies that it illustrates.


(Photo: yinnxp)

Nurse Laid Off In The Middle Of Surgery

Nurse Laid Off In The Middle Of Surgery

When Dean Health System in Madison, Wisconsin announced last week that it “planned to ‘immediately’ lay off 90 employees,” it wasn’t kidding around. One of them was a nurse who was pulled out of surgery to be told the news.

Walgreen Health Clinics Now Free For Unemployed

Walgreen Health Clinics Now Free For Unemployed

Walgreen has announced that if you’re willing to provide proof of unemployment and sign a form that says you lost your health benefits along with your job, you and your uninsured family members can receive free treatment at any of their 300+ in-store health clinics. What’s covered: “respiratory problems, allergies, infections and skin conditions, among other ailments.” What’s not: checkups, vaccinations or other injections, and prescriptions.

Former CSR: Was Following Federal Law To Help Someone The Right Thing To Do?

Former CSR: Was Following Federal Law To Help Someone The Right Thing To Do?

Jason writes in with an ethics question that’s been bothering him for the past seven years: should he have helped a cancer-stricken patient who lost her family in the 9/11 attacks qualify for COBRA coverage? Sure, it sounds like a no-brainer, but it gives us a chance to see the sort of conflicts that gnaw at customer service representatives. Do they follow the rules and keep their jobs, or do the right thing and help the customer? Consider his conundrum, inside…

Refuse Unnecessary Tests

Refuse Unnecessary Tests

Today I went to the doctor. All I wanted was a prescription to continue to go to physical therapy for my pulled groin muscles. The assistant said that the doctor likes to give new patients a full physical, which includes blood tests, EKG, and a chest x-ray. I said I had a physical recently (true) and those tests sounded unnecessary. She seemed disappointed. Unless I have wheezing or chest pains, I don’t see the need for a chest x-ray. See, doctors are like Best Buy. If you go in informed knowing exactly what you need, you’re fine. Otherwise they’re like oh you need Monster Cables and an extended warranty for your heart.

Uninsured Resort To Setting Own Broken Bones

Uninsured Resort To Setting Own Broken Bones

Think you could set your own broken bone? That’s what some of the millions of uninsured people in America end up doing when they need medical care.

What Does The Bailout Mean For You?

What Does The Bailout Mean For You?

So, Congress finally passed the bailout bill. You know about the Treasury’s newfound $700 billion, and you’ve heard about the snipped golden parachutes, but what does the 451-page week-old shotgun savior of a bill actually mean for you?

New Color Coded Hospital Bracelets Save Lives, But Raise Privacy Concerns

New Color Coded Hospital Bracelets Save Lives, But Raise Privacy Concerns

Confusion about what those color coded bracelets mean can cause deadly medical mistakes, but if the bracelets are standardized — is everyone going to know your business?

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's Thoughts On Health Care Reform

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's Thoughts On Health Care Reform

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke shared some thoughts on health care reform from “an economist’s perspective” today. He was short on proposals, but did suggest that we concentrate our attention on improving the cost-effectiveness of our health care system:

Can The US Learn Anything From Health Care In Other Countries?

Can The US Learn Anything From Health Care In Other Countries?

Judging by the fact that 3 of the 16 remaining candidates for “Worst Company in America” are insurance companies, we suspect that some of you are not happy with the state of health care in this country. With that in mind, we thought we’d direct you to an interesting episode of the PBS documentary series Frontline.

University Of California Hospital Publicizes 6,000 Patient Records While Mining For Prospective Donors

University Of California Hospital Publicizes 6,000 Patient Records While Mining For Prospective Donors

The University of California’s non-profit medical center accidentally exposed 6,000 patient records as part of their continuing effort to hunt for prospective donors. The “large and very significant data breach” was caused by UCSF’s data miner, Target America, which received details on almost 40,000 patients.

NJ Gov Interested In Fast Food "Sin Tax"

NJ Gov Interested In Fast Food "Sin Tax"

Not being able to afford to eat at restaurants that don’t have a dollar menu may become a sin in NJ, says the Associated Press. Jon Corzine, the governor of a state in which gambling is legal, is considering a suggestion to levy a “sin tax” on fast food in order to help save NJ’s underfunded hospitals.

UnitedHealth Unapproves Surgery From 2 Years Ago, Wants $7700 Back

UnitedHealth Unapproves Surgery From 2 Years Ago, Wants $7700 Back

United Health Care, not content with merely denying life saving cancer procedures or refusing to pay for basic (covered!) checkups, took things to a new level by retroactively un-approving procedures they paid for in 2005. They sent reader Suzanne a letter and a bill for $7700, claiming the pay-out was an “administrative error”, and she needed to pay up. Check out the details, inside.

Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Approves Cardiac Rehab Stay Fit For A Time Traveler

Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Approves Cardiac Rehab Stay Fit For A Time Traveler

In a letter dated March 27, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield informed Dona that her father was approved to stay in a cardiac rehab center through March 24. Dona’s mother began planning for her husband’s care shortly before his triple-bypass on March 15. Anthem originally approved the off-site rehab, but changed its mind on March 19, the day before Dona’s father was scheduled to be discharged. With the support of his doctors, he filed an emergency appeal so he could move to rehab the next day. The retroactive approval arrived a week later.

Suburban Chicago Hospital Will Close After Being Crushed By Too Many Uninsured Patients

Suburban Chicago Hospital Will Close After Being Crushed By Too Many Uninsured Patients

In a stunning development underscoring the plight of non-profit hospitals struggling with the increase in uninsured patients, the Catholic ownership of St. Francis Hospital & Health Center on Wednesday said it will shutter the hospital because nobody would buy it.