Some jobs require more than just a uniform; they require specific clothing that must be taken on and off at the place of work. But that doesn’t mean that the employee gets paid for the time slipping in and out of these necessary duds. And that’s why a pair of nurses in Colorado have filed a class action lawsuit. [More]

California Is A Hotbed Of Rogue Nurses
Where can nurses go after they’ve been sanctioned elsewhere for misconduct? To California, it seems. The state’s Board of Registered Nursing launched a review, spurred on by a Los Angeles Times/Pro-Publica investigation last year, and discovered 3,500 nurses who have licenses in California even though they’ve lost their licenses in other states; 1,700 of these nurses currently have active licenses. In more than half of all cases, the sanctions were for serious violations such as “sexual abuse, neglect, rampant drug use and criminality.” [More]

Whistleblower Nurse Acquitted
The West Texas nurse who went on trial this past Monday for reporting a doctor to the state board was found not guilty after just an hour of deliberation, reports the New York Times. The jurors who spoke to the Times after the case said it seemed pretty cut and dried to them. Now the nurse’s lawyers are focusing on their civil lawsuit against the county, the sherrif, the county attorney–who is described in the article as the surgeon’s personal attorney as well–and the hospital administrator who fired the nurse for going over his head. Hooray for whistleblowers! [More]

Whistleblower Nurse On Trial For Reporting Doctor To State Board
Update: After four days, the nurse was acquitted. [More]

Nurse Laid Off In The Middle Of Surgery
When Dean Health System in Madison, Wisconsin announced last week that it “planned to ‘immediately’ lay off 90 employees,” it wasn’t kidding around. One of them was a nurse who was pulled out of surgery to be told the news.